
Chapter 24: Stealing the blood bags

George's words gave the others a new idea.

  "Let's find out hydrochloric acid first, then I'll take the hydrochloric acid, sneak into the freezer room and destroy the concrete inside. I need you guys to help me attract the attention of the guards. Otherwise they'll easily hear what's going on inside." Jason said.

  "We do not have a lot of time , so let's move quickly and look for hydrochloric acid. This is a hospital, it should not be hard to find the medical hydrochloric acid, we'll be back in half an hour." Luca said.

  Five people looked hydrochloric acid in different places and finally Jason found it at the nurses' station. He took it and met up with the others in Luck's room.

  "I found the hydrochloric acid, you guys create some noise attract the guards' attention, I'll take the opportunity to get into the freezer room, let's hurry."

  The five went to the corner near the freezer room and observed the situation outside.

  "What do we do, there are 10 guards in total, and John is also there?" Rachel asked Jason.

  "There's no way to think about. Just go!" Luca said, then pushing Rachel out of the corner. Rachel exposed her to the guards.

  "Who? Why are you here?" The guards looked at Rachel warily.

  "I." Rachel didn't come up with a reason yet, but just smiled.

  "It's Rachel! Why are you here? What's happened?" John asked.

  "I, I came to report to you that Luca, Luca, he suddenly went crazy and turned into a werewolf. He started attacking other people. Ling is not here, no one can stop him." Rachel said it loudly so that Luca, who was hiding in the corner, could hear.

  "Hmm? You just said Luka is crazy?" John looked at Rachel skeptically.

  "Yes! You go check it out."

  Luca heard Rachel's words, but he didn't expect Rachel to make up this reason. There was no time to hesitate. He pushed Kaya out of the corner and then gave Jason a sign, asked Jason to get ready.

  John and the others saw Kaya's sudden appearance. The asked Kaya about Luca. Kaya said to them

  "Run, the werewolf is going to come." Before she finished her words,

  Luca transformed into a werewolf and attacked towards the guards.

  "He's really crazy, run!" One of the guards shouted.

  "Come back, don't run, we can't let him destroy the blood bags. We have tens of people here, do not need to afraid of him." John tried to stop the guards from escaping.

  Jason took this opportunity to sneak into the freezing room. The freezer room was filled with blood bags. Jason hurriedly found a position to dig the floor. However, he did not expect that there was a insulating layer above the concrete.

  At this point, people were fighting outside. Rachel, John and other guards, began to use their skills to attack Luca.

  Luca dodged their attacks and tried to not hurt them.

  They fought for a while, then John suddenly felt that something was wrong. Luca seemed not crazy, he was rational, not hurting anyone. Rachel's vines also avoided hurting Luca. Rachel had several times to roped Luca, but she did not do that.

  "You guys hold on, I'll go check the freezer room," John said to the others.

  Hearing that John was going to the freezer room, George ran out of the corner and attacked John.

   John shouted

  "George, are you crazy? I'm John."

  George did not answer John, but continued to attack him. John used his skill "Primary Battle Call" to shake George to the side.

  The insulating layer has been destroyed by Jason, and he poured the hydrochloric acid on the concrete. He was just about to dig a hole in the concrete, but he heard Rachel shouting

  "Somebody help me, we can't hold on any longer! John, help me!"

  Jason immediately understood what Rachel meant. He knew that John begun to suspect them. At this time John just opened the door of the freezer room, Jason lied on the ground, blocking the destroyed floor.

  John walked into the freezer room, he did not find anything different than before. While he just wanted to double check, suddenly there was a vine wrapped around John's waist from outside, pulling John out of the freezer room.

  John was furious.

  "What are you doing, Rachel!"

  Then Luca, the werewolf, pounced directly on the place where John stood before. John then realized that it was Rachel who saved him.

  The time of the Invisible Hat was soon to end, and it was too late for Jason to dig a hole in the ground. He has no choice but retreat from the freezer room.

  Luca's transformation time also ended. He and George were caught by John and other guards.

  Jason ran out from the corner, saw George and Luca were caught, and quickly asked

  "John, what's wrong with them? Why did you catch them? What happened?"

  "They went crazy and attacked all of us." Rachel answered.

John still felt that something was wrong.

Kaya said

  "Let's lock both of them in that basement room so they can't use their skills. Just in case, they go crazy again!"

  "But the Magic Circle in the basement is no longer working. I accidentally modified some of symbols when I was learning. It will no longer stop the people from using their skills." Rachel said to Kaya.

  "How did you guys go crazy suddenly, what happened?" John asked the two.

  Luca got even more angry and he asked John

  "You ask me? I want to ask you, is there something added in the cigarettes you gave me, why I lost me consciousness after I smoked your cigarettes?"

  George also said

  "Yeah, I also smelled a smoke and then I lost consciousness. When I came to my senses, I found that I was caught by you guys."

  "Impossible, the others also smoked the cigarettes, and none of them went crazy."

  "I don't know, it was because I smoked the cigarettes you gave me, so that I went crazy!" Luca insisted.

  John obviously did not believe the two and asked Luca to take out his cigarettes. But Luka said that the cigarette had fallen on the ground during the battle. He could not find them.

  "John, what should we do. It's going to be morning soon and the Bloodaxe will come." One of the guards asked John.

  "John, you are in charge of protecting the blood bags, you can't leave here. How about you let Rachel and me watch them? We'll lock them in my room." Jason suggested.

  John did not trust Jason either, he looked at the time and said to the other guards

"I will watch them by myself. In less than two hours, the Bloodaxe will come. Remember, without my permission, no one is allowed to go inside!" John said,then he tied Luca and George with ropes.

  "You three can go back to rest. They are enough for guarding." John talked to Jason, Kaya and Rachel

John left with George and Luca.

George suddenly knocked Jason to the ground.

  "What are you doing? " John yelled at George.

  "Sorry, sorry, I spent too much energy on fighting, just cannot keep stable." George said and winked at Jason.

  John took them to the Charlie's room and asked Charlie to watch them. Seeing his father bring the two men to his room, Charlie asked

  "Why did you rope them, what's happened, Daddy?"

  John told Charlie briefly about what had just happened. Charlie wanted to untie the rope for them, but John refused.

  On the other hand, Jason, Rachel and Kaya went to the tunnel again.

  "What should we do now? George and Luca are captured by John. Without George, rats won't help us, and we do not have much time, either." Kaya asked.

  Jason took out the Half Rat King Wand and handed it to Rachel

  "George gave me his wand. We can't give up, even if we only have a little time."

  They have the Half Rat King Wand, but the concrete was still hard. They tried many ways, could not break the concrete.

  "Sorry, I didn't think there was insulating layer down there, and the invisible time was almost end. I did not have enough time to dig a hole." Jason said. Three of them sat quietly in the tunnel, not knowing what to do next.

  Time passed by, seeing that it was about to dawn. The Bloodaxe would come. Jason stood up and desperately poked the concrete with his long sword

  "Damn! If I have more time, if Ling was still there."

  Suddenly, the concrete cracked. The three saw there is a crack in the concrete, they dug the concrete immediately.

  "Come on, Jason, come on, the concrete is cracking, we may have a chance." Rachel urged to.

   After the insulating layer was destroyed, the low temperature caused the concrete was no longer strong, plus the effect of the hydrochloric acid, three people finally dug a hole that can let rats through.

  The people outside the freezer room also heard the sound inside. One guard asked the other

  "Did you hear that? There seems to be a noise inside, should we go and have a look?"

  "John said no one is allowed to go inside without his orders. Let's just wait outside, the Bloodaxe will be here in a few minutes." The other guards replied.

  The guards did not enter the freezer room, Rachel used the Half Rat King Wand to control a group of rats, entered the freezer room and stole the blood bags.