
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

We Have To Survive

Abel, who was the most cool-headed among them, was now charging forward like a rabid dog. From the quick analyses Gabe had made, he guessed that everyone Gordon was with currently, were all in the mortal realm. With a proper plan of attack, he was sure that he and the others would be able to get out of their current situation alive, not just alive, but also with an overwhelming victory under their belt, but Abel was just forging on like a mad man, leaving Gabe wondering what was currently running through Abel's head. His actions were completely unexpected.

The men Gordon had brought with him were six in number, and fully armed, not to stress on the point that they were in the late stages of the mortal realm. One of the men was even a half step into the demigod realm. Also, Gordon coming out with six men did not mean they were only six, as they might have been more in the airship.