
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Vile Mouth

"Death worm formation! We prepared for an outcome like this so every steady yourselves."

"Yes Sir."

The demon beast almost took the upper hand and some of the group of twelve almost died. The tail made of fire was not for decoration as the demon beast was producing scorching waves of heat from the fire that the tail shot out. The struggle was intense but after a few moments, they were in control of the flow of the battle again. They wore the demon beast down until it couldn't move well again.

The individuals from the Almer household were now on their toes, ready for action. If they were really going to do as Gabe suggested, it was clear that now would be the best time.

"I almost feel sorry for them, stealing their kill," Willow said.

"I thought you would be like, no, we can't do this, it's wrong, they have worked hard and it isn't right to take what deserves to be theirs, that sought of stuff," Cole said.