
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Very Rough

About fifteen minutes later (calculating the time they used to get in plus the time they had spent in the casino), the group was almost at Cole's location. They were already deep underground and were stealthily taking out the guards at each turn.

When they had first entered, it occurred to Gabe that he had glossed over one major detail, and that was the fact that there could be cameras even in the dark places of the casino. When Gabe brought the matter up, all of them were mad at him and when they got to the underground hallways of the casino, they saw that there were truly cameras there also. In Gabe's defense, he told them that they all knew that this was the first time he planned or partook in anything like this. At that point, a little detail was added to the plan. One of them would have to move quickly through the walls, along the wires of the cameras up to wherever the control room was, and take care of business there. Compared to this, the plan of walking out the front looked like a bed of soft feathers to Abel.

In the end, Abel was the one who volunteered to tackle this undertaking. He was ready to push himself to the limits. All of them had looked at the blueprints of the Green Casino and every inch of it was in their minds. Abel's enhanced brain worked overtime to join the blueprints with the current environment he was seeing and created a 3D view of what the whole Green Casino might look like inside and out, and projected it in his mind. All the others would be able to pull this off but not as efficiently as Abel as his own forte was anything construction and civil engineering.

Gabe, Rose, and Jack, still in their transformed states were able to almost reach the place underneath the casino where Cole was been held captive. After they reached their time limit and transformed back they had to stay hidden for a while at a corner. Later, the red lights on the cameras' lenses were turned off, signifying that Abel was successful. This was how the fifteen minutes went.

After Abel finished he decided to live.

'If they are done with the mission, I might miss them if I decide to go back and meet up with them,' Abel thought.

He then wore the uniform of one of the guards he had knocked out, wore the guard's hat, and moved out of the control room. He headed straight to the toilet. He thought of staying there till the time window for their exit opened but he also did not want to look suspicious, as a guard walking into the toilet and staying there for about ten minutes was nothing but suspicious. Because of this, he had no choice than to go with Gabe's plan B, walking through the front doors.

With the large crowd of people present in the casino, he could easily blend in and wait until it was time to go, but he kept feeling uneasy, and that's why he decided to leave the premises of the Green Casino as soon as possible.

One other thing that Abel and the others had achieved within two weeks was a longer transformation time, a shorter cool-down period, and the ability to be able to transform twice in a row before the cool-down period kicked in.

Abel needed a change of clothes and like an answered prayer, a buffalo beast man walked into the restroom. The beast man was huge, two heads taller than Abel but he wasn't fazed. I'm the facility, they had fought themselves in lethal combat both in human form and beast man form, so Abel knew where to strike to bring this bag of meat down. He also had the strength to do so.

'We all included a vial of Beast Man Geno serum among the six Geno serum vials we were to carry, in case we were using exit number two, and I happened to pick a buffalo Beast Man Geno serum. Also, there are multiple restrooms so no restroom is crowded, and in this one, I'm in, there are only two people inside, me and the beast man. There is no need to worry about witnesses. What sort of fate is this? I'm scared by this amount of luck. Am I being guided by the fabled plot armor? Am I a main character? Thank you, God, for watching over me,' Abel thought.

Three minutes later, a buffalo beast-man was seen walking out of the toilet. It wasn't strange to see such a figure as the Green Casino was filled with different races. Humans, elves, dwarves, vampires, beast men, fairies, nymphs, mermaids, and so on.

A few moments ago in the restroom, Abel had knocked out the buffalo beast man. He took the clothes of the beast man, injected himself with a vial of Geno serum, transformed into a buffalo beast man, and put the clothes on. He checked the pockets for any of the beast man's valuables. After finding them, he dropped them all beside the beast-man. He also found some poker chips in the pockets and a force compelled him to keep them, which he did.

Abel, who had wanted to get out of the casino and had transformed into a buffalo beast man, remained in the casino and began gambling.

Because of the Great help Abel had provided, Gabe, Rose, and Jack, were able to reach Cole finally without any alarms going off, but they all knew that this was just the calm before the storm. By now the time window for escaping through the way they came in had already opened up and would soon close. There was no way they could make it back in time so they had to escape using the second way Gabe had mentioned, walking out the front doors.

When they reached Cole they saw him missing an arm and an eyeball. He was receiving hell from a man, and they all recognized this man because they had seen pics of him. This was Cole's uncle, Gordon.

Observing the room more they could see a witch standing aside. When it looked like Cole was about to pass out or die, she injected him with a food and energy serum, then cast regeneration magic on him, restoring back his eye and missing arm.

When the others saw this they knew Cole had been having it very rough for the past two weeks.