
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

The good elven name

Cole left the area and resumed his mission, he had to carry out his main objective quickly and get out of the facility. He really could not spend another day, another hour, another second in there.

Cole was still not ok about not finishing Gabe off even with the fact that Gabe was at death's door, after all, he had claimed that moment to be Gabe's last and even went ahead to drop a joke about the fabled plot armor. He felt that Gabe not dying would come to lick him right in the ass, or even worse...

"What am I even thinking, nothing wrong can happen at this point, success is already in the bag", Cole said to himself.


Not too far away from where Cole and Gabe fought, a teenage boy whose body looked like a little girl had torn her dolls apart in a fit of rage, was currently on the floor receiving medical administration from a teenage girl.

Just as Cole speculated, it was the witch from the control room who had rescued Gabe and now she was trying her best to heal him.

Before she started the healing process, she gave him a food pill packing the nutritional equivalent of a whole Thanksgiving dinner. This was because the basic type of healing magic sped up the regeneration of the cells in the body, which in turn led to a higher metabolical rate at the point of healing. If there was not enough energy, healing magic could become a death sentence.

"Why did you help me?" Gabe asked

"That was a risk you took there, and for someone you don't know", he continued.

"Well for starters, you did not kill me, you had no reason to spare me, none at all, but not only did you spare me but you even gave me a path to freedom, a way to follow out of this God-forsaken place", the witch replied.

"When you say I gave you a path to freedom are you talking about the device with the map I left for you? Well, it was no biggie", Gabe said.

"Why didn't you kill me? After all, I'm a staff to this place that holds you prisoner and treats you like an animal" the witch asked.

Gabe took a deep breath and sat up, then he spoke.

"Hmmm let me see, you were the only witch at that time in the control room while the others were dark elves. At that point, you looked out of place not because you were the only witch present but because of the difference in uniform."

"At the place you stood before attacking us, there was a tray on the floor, and although Cole had ruffled the place up I could still see spilled coffee. The only logical conclusion was that you were the coffee delivery girl."

"I won't go into more details than this but I am sure you get the gist of it, so please help me get up, as you can see I am missing an arm and I am low on batteries. While you are at it you can tell me your name and your circumstance in this place, and help a brother out with one of those food pills I see you carry."

She helped him get up and gave him another food pill before speaking.

"My name is Willow, Willow Ansley. To summarize my situation, my tribe was attacked by the witches who work with the dark elves in this place. We became slaves. Some of us had it worse and became lab rats, just like you guys, no offense".

"None taken", Gabe responded.

He then continued.

"I need to get to Cole, I need to put a wrench in whatever plan he has as payback for his betrayal, and I need to take his life for trying to take mine".

"You can't be serious, you are in no shape to go on looking for a fight, you are even missing an arm. You barely escaped death with the skin of your teeth. Let's just leave now, you can have your revenge later", Willow said.

"No, I can't do that. From what he told me after our battle he is from some sort of big-shot family so getting close to him will be impossible when he has gone back. Also, whatever thing he wants to get from this place in which he had to endure four years of hardship, I want it for myself", Gabe replied.

"Then in that case, please, let me help you", Willow requested.

"Hmmm, it's your life, you can do whatever you want to do. Also, I will need your mapper to track down Cole, mine is busted", Gabe said.

Mapper was the name he decided to call the devices he tweaked with.

"And my name is Gabriel Chad, you can call me Gabe".

Willow handed it over to him and after making some adjustments they set out. The whole facility was a mess, pure chaos everywhere with everyone fighting for a chance to live. Gabe and Willow navigated through all the chaos until they reached the point where Cole supposedly was.

"According to the readings Cole should be here, this place looks empty", Gabe said.

"I sense magic", Willow stated.

"You what?" Gabe asked.

"I said I sense a powerful magic spell at play here, illusion magic. Gabe watch out" Willow shouted.

A fireball was thrown at Gabe but because of Willow's timely warning, he was able to dodge the surprise attack.

Willow then cast a magic spell and the place they were in transformed. They were still in the room they got to but now it was filled with all sorts of equipment and there was a giant safe at the other end of the room. The illusion spell cast in the room was broken.

"So you are even able to break my spell, I knew that you and everyone in your tribe would be a pain letter. Good thing we struck a deal with the elves for their assistance in ending you guys, and more of course. Sorry, did I say elves, I meant dark elves. We can't sully the good name of the elves can we?"