
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

The control room

"Alright Cole, let's get out of this place", Gabe hmmm said, while smiling like a madman.

"You read my mind", Cole replied.

Immediately they set out for the control room. Doors in the facility were opened using key cards but the control room was like a master key, from there one could open up any door in the facility.

Using the ensuing chaos as a cover, they finally arrived at their destination without much problems. Cole then took his serum, transformed it into a were-tiger and then opened the control room doors with brute force.

Anyone who saw this would conclude that the serum was the one given to all specimens partaking in the battle royale, so how is it Cole did not take his, but was still performing like a monster in the pit. The truth was that he and Gabe had a battle formation or plan of sorts, where only one of them would take the serum at the beginning, then using the boost I'm strength he would kill a high grade demon beast and then get some of the bones, claws, and horns if present. 

These body parts of those demon beast were stronger and some even sharper than a sword made from steel, so even if one of them did not take the serum he would still be able to hold his ground due to their high battle IQ and base strength, with a good weapon in their hands.

Aside from that, they first raided a lab and equipped themselves with enough vials of serum. Turns out this serum was called geno serum.

Another reason the control room was their primary objective was because of something the specimens called shock collars.

It was not a shock collar but it carried out the same function as one. What these shock collars were was a mystery. Usually when it was used to keep specimens in line one would think it was a mass control type magic but with everything these specimens go through they were smart enough to know that their task masters had put something in them.

After much deliberation among them it was unanimously decided that they had put some kind of chip in their brains. Gabe going a step with further investigations and discovering there was a place that acted as a control room of sorts in the facility, speculated that it must be this place they had broken into that controlled the shock collars.


Immediately they broke into the control room a dark elf present shouted with anger.

"Now who the hell are this guys"

Not giving the people who were in the room any time to assess the current situation totally, Cole went into full rampage mode immediately he broke into the room

"Roarr!!" Slice!! Shunk!!

He was dealing heavy damage left and right but even at that the inhabitants of the control room were tough, with only two dying from the surprise attack, but been tough didn't really help because even as they survived they were either knocked out cold or incapacitated, except for a witch, the last witch standing.

"Ahogo", the witch chanted.

Gabe and Cole dropped to the floor trying hard to breath. The witch was using magic to choke the life out of them.

Gabe, using all that he had selected a vial on the device on his wrist and pressed a button. The device did it's work and the required effects started almost immediately. Without waisting time as his life and Cole's life were hanging by a thread, he shot out a spike from his palm.


The spikes went through the witches leg and pinned her to one of the walls in the room. The spell was broken and the boys gasped for air trying to suck it in like it was the sweetest of necters given to man by the God's.

Gabe then shot another spike that went through the witches shoulder. He still instantly produce another spike, clearly intent on taking her life when she cried out in pain begging.

"Please, please, I beg you, spare me please, I will do anything, I will say anything, I was just like you, I was brought here against my will..."


"Shut the fuck up you witch piece of shit, spare you, give me a fucking break, when you just try to fucking kill us, do we look like fucking fools to you, who the fucking hell do you think you are...", Cole was ranting angrily.

"It was self defense, you were clearly intent on killing us all, I did what I had to do, I can't die here, I can't die now, please have mercy" the witch begged.

"There is no time again Cole, I've opened up every door in the facility and deactivated all the shock collars, just leave her alone and let's get out of here quickly", Gabe said.

"Weren't you the one who was about to drive a spike through her heart like a vampire hunter, and when did you do all you said you just did?" Cole asked.

"When you guys were ranting and talking about whose life is more important, or have you forgotten, while you are a genius in everything biology and chemistry, I am the sage of everything tech and a computer lord. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure the amount of times you cursed while talking to the witch was more than you had ever cursed in your whole life up to that point", Gabe replied.

"Take this device, I've downloaded the map and exit routes on it, I also featured in the routes that should be relatively safe and easy to follow.", he said, giving a device to Cole

"Alright, it's my fault anyway, with all the sciency stuff going on in here I almost forgot about magic, let's move", Cole said with a sigh.

They starting running towards their freedom, with Cole navigating and Gabe following. Moving forward and double checking his own device with stealth, Gabe discovered the parts and paths Cole was leading them to and along respectively, were not safe compared to what he mapped out.

Something Gabe failed to mention was that he not only tweaked one device within the short time space of Cole's argument with the witch but three. He dropped one for the witch he injured, his reasons unknown, only he knew why he did what he did.

Gabe immediately stopped.