
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Sorry For Causing You Trouble

* Host has experienced a high-grade magic spell and survived...

* Host has gained insight into fire magic...

* Calculating Host's current understanding of fire magic...

* Fire magic understanding at 9.8%...

* Host has met the bare minimum for specific gene alteration (phoenix transformation Lv.1)

'I guess there is nothing difficult to understand here. Exposure to fire magic has given me an understanding of fire magic, and this understanding is at a level that allows me to be able to alter my genes to that of a fire-type being. I hope this gives me an edge,' Gabe thought

He then willed for the gene alteration process to begin, and the system complied.

* Gene alteration protocol activated...

* Checking System gene bank...

* Suitable genes for necessary gene alteration found...

* Gene alteration 1%, 2%, 20%...

When the transformation was going on some words popped into his head and he felt a great urge to speak them out until he he did.

"Twice I have been thrown in flames and twice I have risen, and when I rise my foes are vanquished. I am the Phoenix"

* ...80%, 90%, 99%, 100%

* Gene alteration complete. Host is now a phoenix demi human...

* Status: Alive.

Wings covered in fire sprouted out of his back, his eyes were blazing red and his veins bulged out, looking like it was lava flowing through them.

Gabe looked around and saw the damage that had been done to the environment and his friends by the intruder and decided that it was time to end things.

'The time I transformed into a vampire, the transformation duration was very short. With the power I can feel I have from this transformation, I am guessing that it will be shorter,' Gabe thought.

As he readied himself to launch an attack he glanced at the others once more. When he looked at them the status screen suddenly popped up.

* Just like the Phoenix, those who ingest its blood can rise from the ashes...

* Host's blood in current state can heal wounds and cause the body to regenerate missing body parts...

* Host has total control over fire.

Without wasting time he rushed to where Rose, Abel, and Jack were. He gave them his blood, telling them what it could do for them currently. They all took it and they could see their missing body parts regenerating and their wounds healing up.

After doing that Gabe immediately rushed to where the intruder was.

The intruder saw the flames and felt the heat radiating from Gabe's body and was awestruck.

"What is this? Why do I suddenly feel the urge to bow down to those flames?"

After she said that, something clicked in her head, and her countenance immediately did a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn and a vicious smile appeared on her face.

"I want those flames, give them to me!!" She screamed.

"Die you fucking hag, pretending to be some sort of fiery goddess," Gabe cursed.

Gabe arrived at the intruder's location with a punch. She blocked Gabe's punch, but after the punch came a kick which she still blocked, and from there, hooks, jabs, and kicks came flying in and raining down.

The others including the intruder could not believe their eyes as Gabe drove the intruder into a corner. There was a whole realm difference between the two but it was as if it didn't matter as Gabe's attacks started to even connect.

In this world, there were many types and forms of energy. The standard measurement for magical power was your mana capacity and quality. This was what was used to rank everyone in the world. Even if there was a two-realm gap between two individuals, there was still a chance that the one in the lower realm could win.

The intruder had more magical power but the source from which Gabe was tapping, was superior to mana. His physical strength was greater than the woman's, he was fighting.

Because of how rapid his attacks were, the woman had no time to cast a spell and could only rely on her demigod body to buy her some time until she could come up with something all she needed was a chance, an opening to exploit to turn the tides, and that opening which she was dreaming about became a reality.

Gabe was running low on juice as the timer that tracked the time limit of his transformation was about to end. Knowing that this advantage he currently held in the fight was about to end, he used the last seconds of his transformation to quickly back out and retreat but this move he made was a big mistake.

The woman he was fighting used a strange martial arts technique to strike him, stunning him for a moment before landing a fire-infused fist on his abdomen, sending him flying through the air before crashing into a wall.

* Time limit for gene alteration reached. Host's genes will revert to normal.

'So much for trying to wrap things up, I guess I'm going to be the one wrapped up. Well, I still have one last ace up my sleeve, and if my judgment is correct, I and the others will be able to walk out of this mess with only bruised egos,' Gabe thought.

The next second he was up again and he saw the woman was already on to him. Quickly he got into a martial arts stance. This stance was the same one Cole had used during their fight back at the facility.

Immediately he got into this stance, the woman stopped.

"Where did you learn that stance from?" She asked.

"It was my good friend Cole, who taught me. He told me that it generated enough power to turn a normal attack into a killer move. He helped all of us here in our time of need and invited us into his home. We have sworn to protect him and his property so until we draw our last breath, we will not back off," Gabe said.

'If not for the fact that this was a life or death situation, I wouldn't have said this with a straight face,' Gabe thought.

The others also looked at Gabe and marveled at how easily he could spout bullshit from his mouth.

The woman looked as though she was not buying into any of Gabe's crap but then her aura relaxed and a huge smile replaced the frown on her face.

"So you guys are my son's friends. Nice meeting you, my name is Stella. Sorry for causing you trouble."