
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs



The next morning, Cole called his mother and informed her of his return, saying some mysterious people who said they were hired by her, rescued him. As he said that, he also thanked her for it.

"What the hell are you thanking me for? I'm your mom, it's my responsibility to protect my baby," Stella said.

"OK mom, but I'm not a baby, I'm a grown man," Cole said.

"You will always be my baby, I gave birth to you and there's nothing you can do about it," Stella said.

"Ok, ok, you win. So what are we going to do about Gordon," Cole asked.

"Yeah, I was about to say something about that. I won't be able to go and see you, I'm sorry. I have to stay back and make sure Gordon gets what he deserves. Maybe the time we will see is when the family summons you," Stella replied.

"Ok mom, see you then, take care of yourself, don't push yourself, and be safe," Cole said.

"Hahaha! I can't say I won't push myself. Everything that has happened to you is my fault. I have to do what is right now, even if it doesn't change the past, at least, you will be safe from now on, so stop worrying about your mom and let her do what she has to do, ok?"

"OK mom, do what you have to, but I will still worry about you all the same," Cole said.

"Honestly this boy, well, I have to go now, we will talk later, bye," Stella said.

"Yeah, bye," Cole said.


Abel was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for everyone. Willow went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She woke up with a slight headache but apart from that, she was ok. When she stepped into the kitchen, she noticed that Abel was cooking alone as Jack was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, I see Jack's not here with you today. Is everything alright?" Willow asked.

As Willow was asking this question, Gabe also walked in. He wanted to grab a bottle of milk from the fridge.

"Good morning," Gabe greeted.

"Good morning," Willow and Jack also greeted.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" Gabe asked while pouring himself a glass of milk.

"Uh, nothing really, I just noticed that Jack wasn't here with Abel. Since we got here, they have always prepared meals together," Willow said.

Gabe nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, on my way here I saw Jack. He was talking to Willow and they were all smiles, and close, and kind of lovey-dovey. Hmmm, I wonder if they..."

"It's nothing really, it seems they had sex, and discovered that they liked each other more than they realized," Abel said.

"I thought it was like before sex. Also, isn't Jack like your boyfriend or something?" Willow asked.

"One does not need to like you, to have sex with you. That's why there is porn, rape, hook-ups, etc. Also, Jack is not my boyfriend," Abel said.

"Well good for them, I hope they find happiness together," Gabe said.

"But don't you like Jack. To be honest, I wonder why a guy would develop romantic feelings for another guy. How does it even work? I haven't been able to wrap my head around it. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people who are like that, but the thought of a guy, looking at me as I would look at a girl, gives me extreme chills and creeps me out.

"Hey, that was rude," Willow said.

"I didn't insult anybody, I'm just stating the ways I'm affected, by the concept of a dude, kissing another dude, and even worse, sticking their dicks into each other's butts," Gabe said.

"Gabe!" Willow raised her voice.

"What?" Gabe asked.

"Apologize now!" Willow shouted.

"It's okay Willow, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as long as they don't impose it on others. Besides, I'm not gay, I'm bisexual," Abel said.

"Saying you are bisexual doesn't change the fact that you are into dudes. Just imagine, any time you smile at me, I'll just think you want to have sex with me," Gabe said

"What sort of logic is that?" Willow asked.

Gabe was about to reply when a thought popped into his head. His eyes went wide and he shut his mouth.

"So, you've noticed it also, Gabe," Abel said.

"This was almost the same way Jack was behaving yesterday," Gabe said.

"Yeah, I think it's a side effect of what they did to us in the facility," Abel said.

"I'm sorry for saying those things," Gabe apologized.

"It's okay, you were just saying how you feel. Just be careful so that you don't hurt someone unknowingly. I've also been having the intense urge to cause trouble for a while now, but I identified this problem earlier than you guys and I've been able to control myself. Also, remember what you told us, you said we should control our greed, I think you should take your advice as whatever we're going through is still related to this power, this greed that you say we have," Abel said.

"I will," Gabe said.

"Going back to our original topic, you know, I thought you and Rose were together. Pretty sure you guys must have had sex a couple of times," Abel said.

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean we are dating, it was pure lust to begin with. This teenage body has a mind of its own. I started meditating, to develop a strong will as doing it with her, even as she was basically a stranger to me, shows how weak my mind is," Gabe said.

Suddenly, Gabe and Abel felt a chill.

"What's this about sleeping with Rose? Why am I learning of this only now? Why would you even have sex with her?" Willow asked, with a slightly raised tone.

"I'm sorry for asking those silly questions, I guess it's because I'm silly, sorry for bothering you guys, please excuse me," Willow said.

Then she ran off.

"Hey, you got here before me so I should be the one apologizing for bothering you. Also, you are not silly," Gabe said, but Willow had already fled the scene.

"I wonder what's wrong with her," Gabe said.

Abel looked at Gabe and rolled his eyes, before talking.

"Dude, stop acting like you don't know that she lik..."

"Okay time to go work out, bye," Gabe said.

He didn't let Abel finish what he was saying and went after Willow. He knew what Abel was trying to say so there wasn't any reason to stay and listen to it right?