
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Logic Over Conscience

It got to the point where she couldn't scream again, as he mouth was busy. Busy with the black substance she was coughing out nonstop. Blood was coming out from every orifice and pore of her body. Willow saw this and couldn't take it anymore.

"Why are you guys doing this to her? I thought you only wanted to check the effects of the Geno serum, not hurt someone innocent," Willow said.

"Hmmm!" Rebecca scoffed.

"You people are just like the witches and dark elves in the facility. You have no respect for life and see everyone as a slave and plaything before you," Willow said.

Osbert wanted to say something but Rebecca beat him to it.

"Shut your mouth child, lest you incur my wrath. Who do you think you are? I am ten thousand years older than you so do not come here and preach morality to me," Rebecca said.

"Being old doesn't give you the right to behave like a bitch," Willow said.