
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Gambling Master

"Three! Two! One!"

Voom! Bang!! Bang!

The wave disruptor went off, followed by Gabe throwing the flash bang into the room, toward the spot where Cole, Gordon, and Anna were.

'Sorry Cole, this will mess you up a little,' Gabe thought.

The flashbang went off, followed by three gunshots fired consecutively. A bullet lodged itself in Anna's head, and Gordon was kneecapped in both knees. All these were possible because it was a carefully calculated surprise attack, Gordon and Anna were in the mortal realm, cultivation-wise, and the gun Gabe used was developed in the facility, and improved a little by him.

After this, Gabe went ahead and broke the chains that bound Cole, put Cole on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and then dashed out of the room. Seconds later the room's formations were back on, and when Gordon could tell his left from his right again, he screamed in pain and anger, before informing alerting his security of the presence of intruders.

As they were moving, Jack and Rose looked at Gabe while thinking of the efficiency he used to do what he did, back in the room where Cole was kept. It was a work of art.

A few moments later, Cole recovered a little and opened his eyes. He looked at his surroundings and wondered why three familiar people were running in a hallway, naked, and why was he on the shoulder of one of them.

"What the fuck! Put me down, why the hell are you guys naked, what the hell did you do to me? You know, I'm not yet eighteen, you guys are going to prison for sexually violating a minor," Cole screamed.

The group stopped at a corner and Cole received a super crunchy slap from Rose.

"It's your fault we are like this, displaying our secrets for the world to see, and you have the guts to talk trash. You are naked also," Rose said.

"I am sorry, I was only joking for God's sake. As for my clothes, that witch Anna took them off from the beginning of my torture session, she is a twisted pervert if not why the hell would she want to take my balls? If you guys hadn't come when you came I would have become a eunuch by now," Cole said.

They were naked because apart from the vials of Geno serum, they couldn't bring in anything else, as they broke in.

'Good thing that we pulled out some clothes back when we could access the storage ring. Any more of this naked stuff and I might have risked it all just to smash Rose right here and now. Whew!' Gabe thought.

He then looked at Rose, grinned, shook his head, and laughed in his mind at what he was thinking of right then.

While they were changing, Cole got the gist of what had gone down with the others before now. They told him of the organization they had formed and the deal they had with his mother.

"Thank you all for coming to save me, even though credits were involved. Also, why didn't you guys just wear the clothes of the guards you took out, and why are these clothes large?" Cole asked.

"So you are still on this naked thing, there was no time you idiot, and the clothes are big because we are transforming into beast men," Rose replied.

"Why?" Cole asked.

"Just shut up and do what we do," Rose replied.

A few moments later, the group where in the casino proper. Even with the whole security staff looking for them, they were still able to make it to the casino pit.

Back in the room, Gordon was, some of his men had gotten to him, and his knees were been healed. He then got a call from one of his security staff, telling him that his elder sister had just walked into the casino. In normal circumstances, this would have been nothing, but now, it was a whole load of something. Gordon feared what would happen if Stella were to see Cole at the casino. After his legs were healed he went up to the casino straight to meet his sister and keep her occupied while his men found the intruders and got back Cole.

Gordon got to where Stella was and greeted her with a smile on his face. This action was rewarded by Stella looking at him suspiciously.

"What is it big sister, I know I've been a jerk from right when we were little but come on, you are my sister, and I respect you," Gordon said.

"When you talk like this, it just means you are hiding something," Stella said.

Gordon's heart skipped a beat.

"What are you saying Stella, what could I possibly hide from you? Well, let's forget about that and go up to my suite, we can chat there if you want," Gordon said.

Stella looked at Gordon and sighed, before nodding her head.

While all this was happening, Gabe, Cole, Jack, and Rose, were steadily moving towards the exit in their transformed states. As they going, Rose felt something and begged the others to follow her. When they walked forward a little, Rose stopped and looked at what was going on at a poker table. A buffalo beast-man was currently draining the pockets of other poker players and card sharks sitting at the poker table, with a steady mix of calls, folds, and raises in the game. His gameplay was so astounding that one would think he was cheating, but there was no way to cheat at the Green Casino right? It got to a point where he had won chips equivalent to half a million high-grade mana stones. This steady winning brought about some unwanted attention from the casino management and Gordon was informed.

"Why do I get a sense of familiarity from that bull?" Cole asked.

"Well, I think that bull should be Abel. He was the one who took the buffalo beast man Geno serum," Rose replied.

Gabe walked behind Abel and whispered something to him. Abel then stood up and started walking towards the exit. He didn't forget to go to the casino cage and exchange his chips for credits, which were transferred to his bank account.

After that, Abel walked straight to the exit and was about to step out when he was stopped.

"Please Sir, come with us, the manager of the casino has something to discuss with you."