
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Freedom At Last

From the time Gabe was killed to when he killed, only about five minutes had gone by. 

When specimens took the geno serum, their transformation lasted within a range of forty to eighty minutes but the fact that he was dead, and it took a large amount of energy for the system to revive him, also his genes had to go through more complex alterations for his status to be undead greatly reduced the time limit.

While Cole still kept his distance Willow approached Gabe and hugged him. Since Gabe had killed Beatrice who was her owner, the slave crest on her hand had disappeared for good and she could feel the chains that bound her soul lifted. She was overjoyed and didn't care to check if Gabe was really himself.

"Thank you, Gabe, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank you for setting me free", Willow said.

"Don't thank me, I didn't do anything for you, I was only looking out for myself, was just trying to survive", Gabe responded.

"No matter what your reason was, the fact that I'm no longer a slave, and I will surely leave this place today, is all because of you. I am glad I met you and I swear to always stand by you no matter what", Willow said.

Cole who was at the other side opposite to Gabe and Willow cleared his throat and spoke.

"You just escaped one bondage and you are jumping into another, you are the real definition of we are what we say we are. Well, if you guys would excuse me, I have places to be".

When he tried to move he felt a light tremor from the ground, then looking up he saw that the exit was sealed and the culprit was Willow.

"Look, I do not need any trouble nor do I want trouble, and I am sure you guys do not want any either. I just want to get out of here now, nothing more" Cole assured.

Gabe just stood there silently, looking at Cole.

"Are you for real? This whole place will soon be buried. See, I know I did you dirty, but everything still worked out in the end. I am even on the losing end here so let's call it even and be on our separate ways", Cole urged.

"What makes you think I would ever believe you after you betrayed me and even got me kil..., even got me almost killed. What is stopping you from tracking me down and getting the job done, after all, you exposed how great of an influence your family has in the world". Gabe said.

"Well, even if you don't believe me, I know you can't argue with sound logic. First of all, we do crazy shit when we're angry. At first, I just wanted to know who was stronger between you and me, then I was pissed that I couldn't beat you even with all the disadvantages you were facing", Cole said

Cole took a deep breath and continued talking.

"After you told me the naked truth which I have been trying so hard to deny for my whole life now, I lost it and tried to end you".

"You are wasting time Cole, where is the sound argument you wanted to give?" Gabe asked.

"Let me finish first. As you already know, I come from one of the Great Eight families, the Almer household. Even if you kill me, and even if they don't care about me my mother does and my grandfather loves his daughter so investigations would be made and you will surely be caught", Cole said.

"So in summary killing you doesn't change anything, but living you alive also doesn't change anything. You tried to kill me so doing the same to you is what I choose even if it makes no difference", Gabe said.

"No, you're wrong, living me alive changes a lot. My family won't be on your back and for what I've done I'm willing to help you in any way I can for you to live comfortably for the rest of your life", Cole assured.

Gabe was about to say something when Cole still spoke.

"If you do not trust me still, I know what will change your mind. It is almost common knowledge that witches are skilled in pact magic and soul magic. They also start learning and practicing them from a very young age, so I am sure our witch here can set the table where we agree not to betray each other"

Gabe then turned to Willow and she nodded.

"There is no need for that. You've already made a sound argument, besides, I know that every magic spell has a loophole and if you were able to break the spell, I would be in a lot of trouble because I would still think we have a pact and not expect any form of double-crossing from you, giving you a perfect chance to strike. I prefer to stay on my toes", Gabe said.

"So we are all good then?" Cole asked.

"Yeah, something like that", Gabe replied

Explosions started happening suddenly, and the whole place was shaking like a prelude to an apocalypse.

"Uhh, I almost forgot, the whole facility has been rigged with explosives so I guess this is our cue to leave", Cole said.

The trio immediately set out with Gabe taking the lead. They navigated their way and had close shaves with death due to the explosions happening and the demon beasts lurking. Along the way, they also passed by all the specimens who were top dogs in the facility, all five of them at different points and they did not hesitate to tag along even though they were not invited.

After going through many twists and turns they were finally out, or so they thought as the whole facility was surrounded by an ocean.

Looking around, they saw different airships. Many witches and dark elves were boarding them, fleeing for their lives. The group selected one and boarded it.

"Ok, who can fly this thing?" Someone asked.

"I can, or I think I can, I haven't flown an airship before but I know all the workings of it, theoretically. We should be good", Gabe responded.

They had a bumpy takeoff but it didn't matter for they had left that God-forsaken place at last.