
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Escape Artist

"Please Sir, come with us, the manager of the casino has something to discuss with you."

Abel cursed his luck and was about to follow them when he heard someone shout something followed by gunshots.

"Run!" Gabe shouted.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gabe and the others dashed towards the exit with Gabe clearing a path up for them. He was incapacitating security personnel left and right, kneecapping and shooting them in their arms. After that, more shots were fired at the exit doors, and with a loud bang, Gabe, Rose, Cole, Jack, and Abel, rammed into the doors, breaking them and pulling them from their hinges.

After that, the team of ex-specimen hijacked a car. Even though it felt random, it was still a calculated move as the car had to be one that could contain them all. This is how a street chase began as the police force of the city was also informed.

Back at the Green Casino, Gordon was furious and could not believe the audacity that those five persons displayed at one of the most renowned places in the whole world. Even Stella was angry as this was a slap to her family's face. She didn't even think that it might have been the organization called Pupillus that she had hired. For a moment she even forgot that it was Cole she had come here for, today, originally, and when she remembered why she came, a wave of guilt washed over her.

"I'm sorry Cole, I'm going to save you now. Fuck my family, they don't deserve my respect. Yes, that's it, that stupid formation that messes with a person's brain, that's why I behaved the way I behaved just now," Stella said.

She knew about the formation that messed with the brain waves of people in proximity to the casino. It was an open secret that the inner circle of the Almer household knew about, as it was all of them who voted for it to be installed. Apart from them, no other living soul knew as one was not able to detect it easily. The effects were very faint, but enough. One of the effects that the formation had was that it did and behaved the same way that the devil on your shoulder did and behaved, tempting you to do this, or that. Apart from that there were still some other functions and ways it affected the mind. Also, since the whole Green Casino was an anti-magic zone everyone dropped their guards concerning any forms of magical attacks.

Stella blaming the formation for her behavior was just to ease her guilt as all main members of the Almer household were immune to the effects of the formation. They had special clothing and accessories that protected them from its subtle effects.

Stella started searching the whole casino for her son. Thanks to the intruders, she could check every nook and cranny of this place without any interference as her brother was completely occupied.


While in the car, Gabe checked the pigeon box for something and found it. What he was looking for was anything that had the account details of the person whose car they had stolen. When he got that information, he transferred a nice sum of credits to the person's account.

The ex-specimens were been chased by cars, some on the ground and some in the air. In this era, flying cars were a normal sight. Some people still used grounded cars but the majority used flying cars.


"What the hell was that just now?" Jack asked.

"All vehicles of military and paramilitary organizations have missiles," Cole said.

"What?" Jack asked.

"And lasers, and machine guns, and plasma blasters, and Sonic canons, even traction beams, depending on the model," Cole said.

"Ok everyone brace yourselves, we are about to take the bridge. There is no way we can outrun our pursuers, so we have to be smart," Gabe said.

"News flash, we are, but continue," Cole said.

"Jack, please share any aquatic-type Geno serum that you have in your storage ring. We are soon going to do a deep dive into the river. We will have to time one of the shots of the police missiles so that it looks like they were the ones who blew us off the bridge into the river," Gabe said.

"With all of the places we have escaped and broken into, instead of Pupillus we should be called the Houdinis instead," Cole said.

"Houdi who?" Rose asked.

She had never heard that name before.

"Just forget it," Cole said.

"Please let me finish before you guys have a chat. After we get into the river, we are going to circle back in order to get our stuff back. I'm talking about the storage bracelets we left outside the Green Casino when we were breaking in," Gabe said.

"I don't know where you get your confidence from Gabe," Abel said.

"Says the one who was gambling like there was no tomorrow when a dangerous mission was going on," Gabe said.

Abel blushed a little in embarrassment and kept quiet.

"The last place they would expect us to be would be at the scene of the crime, so everything is sure to work out. From there we can just take a cab back to the airship apron, where we left our airship, and get out of this country," Gabe said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.


The police had already made sure that no more cars were driving onto the bridge. The efficiency was frightening. They planned to close off all the escape paths of the intruders.

In the middle of the bridge, some police cars were parked there forming a barricade.

"There is no way to run, surrender, and stop the car."

The intruders showed no sign of stopping, even with the light barricade they saw.

"Judging by the speed they are moving I will say they plan to ram into our guys on the ground. We can't let our men lose their lives, shoot that bloody car down."


A missile had done the job. When the dust and smoke that had risen cleared up a little, it was seen that the car had been blown into the river.

"Get some of our boys down into the river to confirm if the target has been neutralized."

"Roger that sir."