
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs


On sensing Gabe stopping, Cole also stopped running. He turned around and saw Gabe looking at him suspiciously. Cole was not a fool, and he knew Gabe was also not a fool. He knew his ruse had been spotted.

"Knowing you, I would say you have noticed. Well, I do not have the time to talk about what I want to do, or why I want to do what I want to do, so goodbye my friend, under a different circumstance, we would have ruled the world", said Cole.

He then injected himself with a vial of geno serum and readied himself taking a martial arts stance that was strange to Gabe. He wanted to deliver a killer move to finish things quickly.


Cole went in for the kill, with claws taking the form of grappling hooks, he took the tiger beast man geno serum as the tiger transformation was what he was comfortable with the most.


Gabe successfully blocked the attack but the force was too much for him to handle and his right shoulder was fractured. He could not take any geno serum now as his body was on cool down. Anytime the geno serum was used, after the effects wore off there was a period in which it had no effect again, and taking it also could be fatal to the specimen. This cool-down period lasted about the same time the effects of the geno serum lasted. 

The fact that with all the disadvantages Gabe faced, he was still standing seemed to anger Cole as he dished out more ferocious attacks, each one more lethal than the last.

Even with his shoulder broken, he handled each blow like a champ to the point that Cole thought he was seeing things.

'Am I hallucinating? Is he for real? He is blocking my attacks much easier than before, I knew he would be a pain if not handled carefully but man, are you a monster?' Cole thought

This went on for three more minutes when something unbelievable happened, shocking Cole to his bones, Gabe not only blocked Cole's attack but also countered and landed a solid hit on Cole's face leaving Cole with a tooth threatening to fall out.

"You are dead", Cole said, gritting his teeth in rage.

Cole then took his stance again ready to dish out another finishing move. He was confident that this one would bring this chapter to a close and not even the fabled plot amor could help Gabe out today.


Cole launched his attack which was very similar to the first one. Gabe readied himself also, he just had to hold on for some minutes again for his cool down to reset and then victory was surely in the bag.

Just when the attack was about to land, mana in the air churned. Mana was the energy anyone could use. There were many other types of energy but mana was the easiest to utilize.


An explosion of fire happened. After the dust and smoke conjured by the explosion had settled, Gabe could be seen lying on the floor with half of his face mangled and burnt up and his right arm missing. His right eyeball was roasted and hung out of its socket.

"Ff f fire magic, hh how?" Gabe asked with extreme difficulty.

He was on the verge of death. Cole had used fire magic at the moment his attack was about to land. Gabe did not foresee it at all and the result was very unpleasant.

"Tch, I wonder how you are still breathing, anyway, you are on death door and since you asked nicely I will answer your questions, all of them in fact, the ones you voiced out and the ones running through your mind", Cole said.

He went on.

"You see my full name is Cole Dagon, a member of the Almer household. My mother is the second born of the current head. I am usually addressed as the third prince and trained to do those things that the other princes and princesses of the household can't. We got Intel on the retrieval of an ancient relic and I was sent here to recover it"

"Other households have someone in here for the same reason also but thank the gods I met you, you saved me a whole lot of trouble. Guess I have a good eye for talent. Well, after I'm done here I will be off to get the ancient relic, much thanks for the map, maximum respect to you"

He still looked like he was going to keep on talking when Gabe interrupted him, still facing extreme difficulty in trying to speak.

Cough! Wheeze!!

"S so in summary, you are j just an irrelevant, b backstabbing, bastard, piece of shit," Gabe said.

"What did you just say?" Cole asked.

His face was scrunched up and he was gritting his teeth while the aura of pure malice leaked out of him like a fountain. The words Gabe spoke hit him more than it should, mainly because they were true. At that point he cared about nothing more that to see the man laying on the floor at that time suffer.

"I will rip out whatever is left of your face, off your skull and shove it right up your ass, tie your intestines with it and pull it all out"

Cole dished out one nasty threat after the other while walking towards Gabe, he showed his true self, his true nature as he let his ugliness take control. After all, any dignity he was trying to hide behind was smashed by the statement Gabe made.


A flash bang went off, temporarily disorientating all of Cole's senses. By the time he got himself there was no sign of Gabe again.

"Wh what was that?" Cole asked no one in particular.

"Gabe was at death's door so there was no way he could have escaped on his own, but who else did he have contact with. He basically knew no one in this place except me. The witch, yes, the witch, that's the only explanation. Hahaha, I don't care, after all this place is going to burn today".