

Patricia went back to class but Jameson had left.After lessons, Rio insisted on taking her back home and she agreed.

Patricia....Thanks for the forceful ride.

Rio....Come on, i know that you also wanted it.Lets meet and go on a date, how is that?

Patricia....Mmmmmm....may be....

Rio.....Thats a yes.Why dont you want to give me a straight answer yet i want to hear sweet words from you.

Patricia.....Then dont talk to me again.

Rio.....Come on, why do you like that?

Patricia....Because i want to.

Rio pulled her close to him and held her waist looking into her eyes.

Patricia....Let go...

Rio....Now go on and talk like the way you've been talking to me just now.

Patricia.....Just let go of me....

Rio....You also know that you cant such hurtful words to me when you look into my eyes that are full of your love.

Patricia.....What do you want from?

Rio....I want you to say that you love me then i will set you free.

Patricia...And if i dont?

Rio....Then we are going to cuddle here for the rest of the day.

Patricia....Your so tiring!

Rio....Say the word.

Patricia....Fine...I like you.

Rio.....I didnt tell you that.

Patricia....I....love you.

Rio....I love you too, having a hot tempered girlfriend isn't boring but fun.

Patricia.....Now let go of me.

Rio kissed her instead and after he let go of her.

Rio....That was sweet.

Patricia....You!.....I hate you.

Rio.....Deep down you love me.

Patricia ran and went inside.She screamed because she was happy since she loved Rio too but pretends not to.Rio planned a date with her on weekend and she got ready waiting for him to pick her up.Her phone rung and she answered it.

Patricia....Hy, who is this?

Jameson....Its me Jameson your classmate.

Patricia....Jameson??? Oh, i remember you.Whats up?

Jameson....Am sorry to bother you but can we please meet now?

Patricia....Am so sorry but i have plans.

Jameson....Please....i really need someone to talk before i die and i dont have any friends to talk to.

Patricia....Before you die??? What....what do you mean???

Jameson....Am going to commit suicide and am standing on our schools roof.

Patricia....WHAAATTTT???? Please dont, am coming their right now.Wait for me pleaseeee!!!

Patricia was scared and ran to school to see Jameson and he was standing at the edge of the roof.Patricia saw and ran to her.

Patricia....No please....dont do it!

Jameson....I cant live in this world anymore, am really tired and i cant take anymore.

Rio got ready to go to Patricia.

Rio.....Where is my phone? Goodness, i left it at school.I should drive there fast and get it quickly.

Rio drove his car to go to school in his office where he left his phone.He reached there and parked it then went out.Before going inside, he saw Jameson standing at the edge of the building and he saw Patricia too, he ran to go to them.

Patricia....Tell me why you are doing this but please first come down and we talk peacefully, okay??.

Jameson....I just want to hear one word.

Patricia....Yes...yes...i will say anything you tell me to.

Jameson....Tell me that you love me.

Patricia....Huh?? Why??

Jameson....You also cant say it.I shouldnt have bothered you.

Patricia.....No no no....i love you, i swear i love you.

Rio arrived ans heard what Patricia said, he froze.Patricia nor Jameson knew that he was behind them.


Patricia.....Yeah, i love you Jameson.I love you very very much.

Jameson went to her and hugged her, she didnt resist because she wanted to comfort him.Rio decided to leave in silence and he was hurt.He got angry and furious.Patricia talked to Jameson.

Patricia....Hey, whats the matter? Why would you want to kill yourself? Dont you want to live anymore?

Jameson....I just miss my sister so much.


Jameson....She died.


Jameson....She died last week before i joined this school thats why i wanted to have a friend before

Patricia....Am so sorry.Was she sick?

Jameson....No, she committed suicide.


Jameson....Its because her husband cheated on her with her maid and shamelessly divorced her.

Patricia.....What??? The nerve of that man.So she was older than you?

Jameson....Yes, i felt down because i miss her so much and even the girl i like rejected me when i confessed.So i wanted someone to atleast tell me that they love me.

Patricia....Oh, thats so sad.I didnt know you had such misery.From now on, we are friends and you can rely on me.If that girl rejected you thrn its her loss.

Jameson....But i love her for real.

Patricia....Then dont tell her again about how you feel, first befriend her and act like as if nothing happened.

Jameson.....Thanks for today, am feeling better now.

Patricia....Anytime.Just dont give up on life like that, okay? Their are people out there who want to survive but for your trying to die?

Jameson....I wont ever do it coz now i have a friend.

Patricia....Am glad to help.Wait.....Rio...I need to go now, be good.

Patricia remembered that she had a date with Rio yet he saw and heard what she said to Jameson.Patricia called him but he didnt answer because he was angry at her though he didnt know the whole story that she said that to stop Jameson from committing suicide.She sat home and waited for him but he didnt show up.She decided to go to the park for a walk and Tiffany's bodyguard abducted her.

Patricia....When will you stop? Please dont hurt me this time.

Tiffany....Until Rio loves me then i will stop toturing you.How can he choose you over me?

Tiffany use a batoon and beat Patricia so bad that she fainted, after she threw her infront of her house and ran away.But when she woke up in the morning, she was Patricia.The curse continued.