
Chapter 9: Frieza is My Role Model & It's Getting Hot in Here


" " : Dialogue,

' ' : Thought,

[ ] : System, Raphael

"Italicized text" : Telepathy.

// // : W System announcement


Location: Great Elroe Labyrinth, Lower Layer

Dante POV

The first Bugragratch lunges at me with its right arm being swung at my head, which I dodge, then I manouver behind it and immediately bisect it vertically, starting off the massacre. Using Bloody Blade, I take the blood of the now dead Bugragratch and dash towards the others while communicating with Shiraori. "Take out the Bugragratches first, then we'll deal with their lessers. There's no need to worry about them escaping, after all we didn't set up those threads for nothing." Immediately after I say this, 2 Anogratches that jumped too high passed through some of the threads we set up and lost their heads. Controlling the Bloody Blade like a whip, I slice of the legs of a Bugragratch and 5 Anogratches behind it. I lunge at another Bugragratch and hold it by its head. I use Biokinesis and Telekinesis to keep its spine connected to its head firmly while weakening the spine's connection to other bones in its body, then rip the head off with the spine following.

Grabbing the base of the spine to use the head as a makeshift club, I swing at the Anogratch trying to attack me from behind, crushing its head in a single blow. While doing this, I see a Bugragratch that is farther in the group pick up a boulder and throw it at me, which just causes me to smirk as I split the boulder into 8 pieces mid air, spin them and throw them as drill-like projectiles through the midsection of other Bugragratches. I then notice that a few of them are lined up in a fan formation in front of me. 'What luck.' I think to myself as I charge a laser on each of my left fingers and fire them through the chests of over 20 of them.

Another one of them had made it close to me and tried to grab me. I used an aikijutsu throw slamming it on the ground and slammed my foot through its torso. "Bring it on, you fucking monkeys!" I shout out while the blood splatters out from the one I just stomped. Almost as if they fully understood me, they come at me more violently with many of them baring their fangs. Seeing them rushing towards me, I dash towards them and unleash a flowing sword dance taking them out before they even have a chance to touch me.

'Hmm, I guess I could try using those techniques, they do work as boosts and working with them will increase my repertoire of skills.' I think to myself before using Mental Programming to make one of my parallel wills control my breathing mainly to recreate and fuse two iconic breathing techniques, Hamon and Sun breathing to the point of Total Concentration Constant while I keep cutting enemies down. This is done quite quickly and boosts me so highly that a graze from my fist basically ripped through a Bugragratch. Riding on that train of thought, I begin to execute the entirety of the Hinokami Kagura from memory while applying a flame cloak to Yasetsu and disabling Blood Blade, cleaving through scores of monkeys per second.

Using Detection, I had noticed that we had taken out so many of the Bugragratches that only 7 remained. "Shiro-chan, get ready. Once we've killed the last few remaining Bugragratches, use Poison Synthesis to create as many balls of poison that you can so we can take out the Anogratches in a single shot." I tell her and she nods. "Okay, but don't call me Shiro-chan again, it's distracting." She says and I smirk, before I return to killing the monkeys. Dashing forward, I toss up Yasetsu to use my fists. Using Mental Programming once more to work in different principles and techniques into one compound technique, those techniques being the Kugi Punch used by Toriko, the Kagyu style arts used by Kagyu Jubei and the Hasshoken used by Don Chinjiao. This was done in the few milliseconds it took for me to finish dashing up to one and winding up a punch. I punched it in the torso, blasting it away. It was propelled by 5 delayed instances of punches that twisted it body and released vibrations that ruptured its innards, tore its muscles and broke its bones.

I catch and sheathe Yasetsu as I look toward the last Bugragratch. I choose to use Biokinesis to absorb the biomass of the Bugragratch at my feet and morph my right arm into a fleshy tentacle with segments of blades on the side and a spearhead for the hand, recreating the Whipfist used by James Heller, and whip my arm into its chest killing it. Seeing the last Bugragratch fall dead, Shiraori creates 8 big blobs of poison over her head and I create 12, then use Atmokinesis to spread the poison as a mist and to keep it from dissipating until every Anogratch falls dead.

After a minute, I dissipate the mist as the only living beings here were Shiraori and I. We used Telekinesis to gather them all up and strip them of their flesh, after which I burned every single one of them to cinders. Stocking all the meat into my inventory, I take a look at my status now that the fight is over and I grew a bit more than I had expected.


Name: Dante Isvalt

Class: The Gamer

Level: 28 Next LV: 73.17%

Title(s): Primate Slayer,

Race: High Human

Soul Stage: Ascendant—Low

HP: 1,666,500,000/1,666,500,000 (111,100,000/sec)

EP: 21,800,000/21,800,000(1,075,000/sec)

STR: 111,100 <+0 >

VIT: 111,100 <+0 >

DEX: 111,100 <+0 >

INT: 1090 <+0 >

WIS: 110 <+0 >

LUK: 110 <+0 >

CHR: 110 <+0 >

Elemental Affinity

Earth 100 Life 100

Air 100 Lightning 100

Water 100 Ice 100

Fire 100 Darkness 100

Light 100

SP: 333

Currency: 64,720


[Hinokami Kagura (Active) LV MAX]:

[A set of 12 sword movements created to kill a demon with 5 brains and 7 hearts.

Attack increases by 2000% when used alongside Sun Breathing or any breathing technique with Sun Breathing as a component.]

[Diamond Drill Punch (Active) LV MAX]:

[A punching technique that combines the use of vibrations, twisting motion and delayed delivery of energy to deliver a devastating blow.

Maximum number of delayed punches is affected by STR and DEX.]

[Star Breath (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[A technique created by combining the principles and execution of two breathing techniques related to the sun.

Passively increases total STR by 1000%.

Passively increases total DEX by 1000%.

Passively increases total VIT by 1000%.

Additional 500% increase in STR when active.

Additional 500% increase in DEX when active.

Additional 200% increase to HP recovery rate when active.

Able to use Life Magnetization when active.]

[Provoke (Active) LV MAX]:

[A skill used to forcibly attract enemies to you with great hostility.

Draws aggro from enemies within range.

Maximum range is affected by skill level, INT and WIS.]

[Equipment]: Weapon — Yasetsu, Offhand — Power Deagle


[Daznatch Meat (40)]:

[Rank — Uncommon

Type — Consumable Item

The meat gotten from a fish monster with limbs.

Used for cooking.]

[Anogratch Meat (450)]:

[Rank — Common

Type — Consumable Item

The meat gotten from a monkey shaped monster.

Used for cooking.]

[Bugragratch Meat (375)]:

[Rank — Common

Type — Consumable Item

The meat gotten from a stronger monkey shaped monster.

Used for cooking.]


1.#New# Proficient Learner — Learn 50 skills (Reward: +25 SP)

2.#New# Impressive Improvements — Max out 50 skill (Reward: +25 to all stats)

'Goddamn, I've become crazily broken.' I think to myself. If it wasn't for the fact that I was already a High Human, I'd be going through physical Metamorphosis and evolution right now, although I do feel my body growing as a result of the stat jump, and my clothes just ripped. I discard the leather and scale clothes I was wearing and use Divine Thread Weaving to make clothes for myself applying every single Nullification I had onto them, mainly boxer briefs, a pair of jeans, a short sleeved button-down shirt and a windbreaker, also some sneakers that look like Vans and wear them. (A/N: Dante now looks like the cover except with all white clothes instead.)

*Image here*

After checking up on myself, I use Analytical Appraisal on Shiraori who is eating some of the meat and see that she has grown considerably after the battle.

[Name: Shiraori

Level: 10

Gender: Female

Attribute: Darkness, Light, Earth, Air, Lightning, Life, Water, Fire, Ice.

Race: Small Poison Taratect (Transcendent) — Ready for Evolution.

Protection: Crest of Transcendence.

Soul Stage: Elevated — High

HP: 13,500/13,500

MP: 16,770/16,770

SP: 19,350/19,350

STR: 105

DEX: 250

VIT: 108




Title(s): Monster Slaughterer, Merciless.

Background: A young member of a Taratect species that specializes in using deadly poison that has achieved transcendence. It has a reincarnated soul and is subordinate to you.

Emotions: Relief. Elation.

[Skills]: [Parallel Will LV 1], [Precise Magic Operation LV 7], [Utility Thread LV 9], [Poison Enhancement LV 3], [Cutting Enhancement LV 2], [Piercing Enhancement LV 3], [Expel LV 2], [Telepathy LV 7], [Detection LV 6], [Thought Super-Acceleration LV 1], [Perception Expansion LV 1], [Divinity Expansion LV 2], [Silence LV 2], [Stealth LV 8], [Probability Correction LV 1]

"*Whistle* You've really grown since the last time I checked your stats. And it seems that you're ready to evolve as well. So how do you feel?" I ask her after checking her status. "I, I, I feel powerful! I never even thought I'd be able to survive something like that ever. I just fought an army alongside you and survived and- and. Is it me or did you grow and become an ikemen?" She asks after celebrating our smashing victory. This was another thing I wanted to prevent before it would be too late. In the OG material, Shiraori had become a bit detached from humanity as she basically lived almost the entirety of her life in the labyrinth and had been attacked by almost every single human she had come across, making her have a negative image of most of humanity on this world. This affected her aesthetic senses, making it so she could not really appreciate how pretty, handsome, cute or gorgeous anyone looked regardless of their age, as the only property that she gave importance to was how strong someone was. This is what led to her basically putting Sophia Keren through the extreme physical stress that was her training.

Now this doesn't mean that I would stop her from training Sophia, but I would be able to help her work her training out more effectively and efficiently since she is a human with the Vampire skill. "So you see me as an ikemen, huh. Nice to see I'm so aesthetically pleasing that even a spider thinks I'm handsome." I say with a playful grin on my face which causes her to get slightly flustered. "Hey! Don't start getting cocky just because I said you're handsome. Who knows, you might not even be all that good looking." She says trying to mask her embarrassment which causes me to lightly chuckle. "Fine then, we'll see. But let's move on to the more important stuff." I say and point to an opening in the wall of the labyrinth that looks like a passage. "That's the passage to the middle layer of the labyrinth, and from what I'm detecting, it's basically like the heart of a volcano in there, so will you evolve now or wait and hunt there for a bit before choosing to evolve." I ask her as the Zoa Ele evolutionary stage is one of extreme importance to her eventual evolution into an Arachne.

"Evolving before going in there could be a good choice, but I'll check out the middle layer first. The monsters there would have to be different from the ones here since they would have to adapt to the environment, so I'll check them out and then evolve." She says as we head to the middle layer of the Great Elroe Labyrinth. After a few seconds, we reach the end of the passage and begin looking around at the different monsters here.

The heat here was heavily downplayed in the anime and manga, specifically because Shiraori was a spider monster that was inherently weaker to fire and heat. But as a human, I am more understanding of the degree of heat here. Disregarding the weakness of taratects to fire, the environment of the middle layer is extremely hot. Normal clothes and even some made from other monsters not native to the middle layer would almost instantly combust from the sheer heat that was a constant here, it could even melt someone's skin if their stats and fire resistance were not high enough. But moving past that since that's not affecting either of us, we notice that a monster is swimming in the magma towards us. It peeks its head out and we both use our appraisal skills and see that it is an Elroe Gunerush, a seahorse shaped monster that is also apparently a low rank dragon that has a great deal of fire resistance seeing as it is swimming in magma. It spits out a fireball in our direction which I extinguish, causing it to look at us in confusion as to what happened to the fireball, after which I crush its head using Telekinesis.

I look over to Shiraori to see her with a contemplative look on her face. "Okay, I've seen enough. If I want to move as freely as I want to here, I'd have to evolve." She says looking at the dead Gunerush and the other larger monsters swimming in the magma. "Well, since you've made your decision, why don't you tell me the evolutionary paths that are available to you, then we'll move on from there." I say as we return to the lower layer as, surprisingly the Earth Dragon Kagna that she was originally meant to encounter almost a day after the battle with the simians was close by.

Using Emperor's Haki to scare it off, I look at Shiraori and ask her to tell me the evolutionary paths she had again as she was somewhat in a daze after seeing Kagna. "R-Right, they are Poison Taratect and Zoa Ele." She tells me as she finds her bearings. "Hmm, the first one just seems like an adult point of this species like before. Tell me the description of the Zoa Ele." I say knowing that Zoa Ele is the better option, but since she has that subordinate impulse as a result of me naming her, she always asks for my opinion. So I've got to at least give her an honest and helpful answer.

"Well, it says that it's a small spider-type monster that's feared as an ill omen. It also has high. combat ability and a stealthy nature." She tells me and I immediately advise her to go for the Zoa Ele as it is obviously the better option and assure her of her safety with me as she chooses Zoa Ele and passes out.

Thinking of different times when we were attacked and only depended on our Nullification skills as a defense brought up a thought in me. Since I reincarnated, the only defense I've kept up is my Telekinetic Field and nothing else. I could have used mana, chi or even psionic energy but I foolishly didn't. Now, one would think; 'Hey you've got your Nullification skills so why bother with defending when the attack can't work. And to those, I would say, "Remember the Church of Masks from The Gamer." An organization that was able to bypass the Gamer's Mind skill and attack Han Ji Han's mind by overwhelming it. It would be nigh impossible to find any other organizations anywhere capable of doing the same to me; using something to bypass any Nullification skills I have, but I won't be taking any chances. Also I would have other people who I would see as important, maybe not as much as Shiraori but they would be important nonetheless, so I won't be leaving them defenseless in the case that they cannot achieve Nullification.

Thinking this I begin to form multiple, different defenses that I could use. I formed the Spiral Energy Bomb using the principles of the Rasengan to vastly increase its attack potency when compared to either the Rasengan or Han Ji Han's Spiral Mana Bomb. The I created the Force Shield and Force Armor skills which I made the same way that Han Ji Han made his original mana shield while adding the constant leeching of energy of the mana shield spell that he bought later and forming it in a honeycomb structure. Then I finally create a skill that I should have tried from the very first day, I created Psionic Constructs and due to how all my psionic powers have been affected by my mind, I could create and manipulate them to no limit giving me an extremely powerful attack and defense skill. I look at Shiraori and create a Psionic Construct and apply healing and invigorating properties to it while building it around her before I choose to nod off. 'When we both wake up, our time here would be smooth sailing.' I think as I fall asleep with a soft smile on my face.

Chapter End.

A/N: I am so sorry for the late chapter, I've had some serious writer's block but I'm back now. About the weekly schedule for release, I'll try to release 2 to 4 chapters a week from now on. Thank you and have a good day.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Bored_Archlichcreators' thoughts