
Tyrant in Women's World

Oliver, a man who stood out in every aspect from the societal norms of the world he was born into, suddenly finds himself immersed in a society where traditional gender roles have been completely reversed. Women now hold all positions of power, leaving men marginalized and facing various forms of discrimination. Men had been weakened both physically and mentally, leaving them powerless against the brutal and horny females that were waiting to devour them. In the midst of everything, Oliver remained the sole unconventional element that could alter the world's trajectory. He was famously known as the "Reincarnation of the Nameless Giant," a nickname given to him by women who feared him. For years, everything remained unchanged, but a dramatic turn of events set the wheels of fate in motion. The empire's steadfast pillar, who also served as Oliver's mother, inexplicably vanished without a trace, leaving no evidence of her existence behind. This is the tale of Oliver, a young man thrust into the midst of a perilous situation. His existence becomes entangled with the formidable threat of the carnivorous women that are waiting to devour him. Can he survive and find the mystery about his mother's disappearance, or would he take a different path as the only man that is different from the rest of male society and become a tyrant that would destroy this reverse world? (Dropped) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Author's Note: —This story has R-18 elements to it, but no netorare (NTR) Disclaimer:- Some of the illustrations are not mine, so if you want me to remove them please contact me via Discord. Join the Discord to see the illustrations and updates:- https://discord.gg/kHNVDfBTJr

ElectricLuna · แฟนตาซี
75 Chs

Vivienne Bloodborne

In the dimly lit chamber of the castle, Vivienne stood before Princess Lilith, her face smeared with dirt and her eyes ablaze with anger and grief. Lilith tried to meet her gaze, but the weight of guilt pressed heavily upon her heart.

"Vivienne," Lilith began, her voice trembling, "I... I couldn't do anything."

Vivienne's eyes welled up with tears as she remembered the face of her 'cute' brother. "He was accused of crimes he never committed, and they sent him to the Havoc Bay? My brother... my only family left..."

Lilith reached out to console her vassal, but Vivienne's grief turned to rage, and she pushed Lilith away. Right now she didn't give a single care about their position as the vassal and princess, instead, she had enough rage in her body to burn a whole town.

"Your throne, your power, none of that matters to me now," Vivienne said, her voice quivering with anger. "You should have been here, protecting my family, protecting him just like we did yours!"

Lilith had her face painted in guilt for what happened. She knew Vivienne's comments were not out of place, as they were the family that helped her to remain the first princess in this empire. If not for Lady Bloodborne, Vivienne and Oliver supporting her, Lilith would have long been killed by the other greedy nobles who wanted to give the throne to Raven, so she knew they were more like a real family to her.

"It is all her fault, Isabella collected so much evidence against Oliver, that I didn't even stand a chance," Lilith said, her voice shaking. She knew it might be too late for Oliver, as it had been many days since his departure to the island.

Vivienne kept tapping on the table angered by what she heard, and suddenly she turned her head in Lilith's direction.

"I was careless, I should have known why I suddenly got a mission out of nowhere," Lilith admitted, her voice filled with remorse. "Isabella was always cunning, but I never imagined she'd stoop so low as to betray us."

Vivienne's anger seemed to soften slightly, replaced by a mix of sadness and frustration. "We were blind to her deceit, and now Oliver is paying the price," she replied, her voice still tense. "But we can't dwell on our mistakes any longer. We need to find a way to rescue him from that accursed island."

Lilith nodded her head, but her heart was beating so fast both in sadness and guilt.

'Why did I let him go? Didn't I love him? Was I just using him to my advantage? Am I a horrible woman just like my sister?'

Several questions came to Lilith's mind, but she was disturbed by Vivienne, who suddenly decided to confront Isabella face-to-face without beating around the bush.

"I'm going to meet her, I haven't talked with her in years, but I need to know why she did this?" Vivienne paused for a minute, as her memories went back to her childhood and she remembered how she used to be scared of Isabella when she was a kid.

"Don't! She will harm you. After this, I'm convinced that she doesn't care about her own blood, she just wants the power," Lilith wanted Vivienne to understand how stupid her decision was, but that didn't stop her from doing whatever she wanted.

"Lilith, I'm disappointed about you, I don't want to hear anything related to my brother from you," Vivienne was straightforward with her words. Lilith felt like she was being stabbed with the words and she knew she deserved all the anger and frustration she got from Vivienne.

Vivienne's face was a mix of determination and hurt as she turned away from Lilith, leaving the room without looking back. Lilith watched her go, feeling a sense of regret and sorrow overwhelming her. She knew she had hurt Vivienne deeply with her actions, and the weight of her own mistakes was almost suffocating.

As the door closed behind Vivienne, Lilith sank into the couch, clutching the glass of whiskey tightly in her trembling hand. The room felt heavy with the tension and emotions that had just unfolded. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.

But the more she consumed alcohol, she felt like her eyes were getting heavy with tears and suddenly she started to break down like a dam.

The weight of all the suppressed emotions and turmoil she had been holding back finally burst forth like an unstoppable flood. Lilith's sobs echoed through the dimly lit room as she let herself feel everything she had been trying so hard to push away. In her mind, she started to imagine scenes where Oliver is getting forced by the women in Havoc Bay and it was enough for her to almost lose control of her emotions completely.

"Oliver, I'm so sorry... for being such a terrible fiancée. I-I..." Her voice trailed off, her words slurred, as she clumsily reached for the bottle of whiskey and took another desperate swig. Her vision blurred, and she felt the room spinning around her.

"I promised... to be better," she whispered to herself, tears mixing with the alcohol on her cheeks. "But I couldn't... I failed you, and I failed us."

Her body slumped in the chair, the weight of her choices and regrets becoming too much to bear. As she drifted into unconsciousness, the bottle slipped from her hand and clattered to the floor, the remaining liquid spilling out.

In the midst of Lilith's emotional turmoil, a colossal bonfire roared to life within the confines of Havoc Bay fortress. The flickering flames danced wildly, casting a gorgeous glow on the surrounding area. The air crackled with tension as the guards and various officials engaged in an intense confrontation, their voices echoing like thunder amidst the night.

Despite the chilly and enchanting night, with the tantalizing aroma of grilled meat wafting through the air beside the crackling bonfire, the women's focus was solely captivated by one thing.

The main focus of this gathering was none other than Oliver himself, as they had no idea what was happening and how a man got here, especially on this island, which it is known to be a hell.

Oliver stood in the middle of the bonfire, his hands tied and beside him, there were two women observing him rather close. One of them is the best friend of Commander Helen.

Oliver had a slight idea what this was about and he knew these women wouldn't be showing him any mercy, but still, he decided to wait and see because right now he was only focusing on finding someone with powerful resonance, so he could leave this island and take his revenge and find out about his mother.

If a normal man was in this situation, they would be pissing themselves in fear looking at all the women, as it looked like the definition of hell for men in this world. Some of them were half naked with their breast hanging around and some of them were fully naked showing no regard to the other people around them.

'Hmm~ most of them look amazing with different body types, but none can be her, right now I just want power, so I guess I'll try my luck with this captain'

Oliver thought looking at the women all around him, and suddenly Serena, who was standing next to Oliver came forward and took her dagger.

As soon as she did that, everyone went silent and their attention was solely on Oliver.

"Girls, isn't it a waste to send this handsome boy into the place of those hungry bitches? So as your commander, I decided to keep him here with us," Serena announced like she was doing Oliver some kind of a favour, but everyone knew deep down she was the predator here.

Her actions were clearly questionable in the law of the empire, as the prisoners had to be in prison. But at the same time, all the women in this place were thinking with their pussies looking at Oliver's body, so none of them even cared about what's right and what's wrong.

"Yes, captain,"

"We shouldn't send this young cock!"

"Look at those muscles, we won't see another man like this,"

All the women around the bonfire started shouting while throwing beer all over the place and celebrating, while Serena suddenly brought her dagger close to the point of Oliver's clothes and suddenly cut it without even giving him a chance to cover himself, though he had no intention to do so.

As soon as his ragged clothes fell, the whole area went silent as everyone was just looking at him like he was some kind of mouth-watering food. Everyone was out of words, as they had never seen such a perfect male body.

"Holy shit! What's with that cock?" The deputy commander, who was the first one to break out of her stupor shouted causing all of them to look at it, and some of them even shouted as they thought he was some kind of a monster.

"What a nice package we got here, finally some good stuff," While licking her lips in a dirty way, Serena said and looking at her deputy commander.

"Wash his body and get rid of all the dirt and blood, and make sure he wears special clothes when he comes back since we have another hour until all the food is ready, Oliver Bloodborne is going to entertain us,"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ElectricLunacreators' thoughts