
Tyrant in Women's World

Oliver, a man who stood out in every aspect from the societal norms of the world he was born into, suddenly finds himself immersed in a society where traditional gender roles have been completely reversed. Women now hold all positions of power, leaving men marginalized and facing various forms of discrimination. Men had been weakened both physically and mentally, leaving them powerless against the brutal and horny females that were waiting to devour them. In the midst of everything, Oliver remained the sole unconventional element that could alter the world's trajectory. He was famously known as the "Reincarnation of the Nameless Giant," a nickname given to him by women who feared him. For years, everything remained unchanged, but a dramatic turn of events set the wheels of fate in motion. The empire's steadfast pillar, who also served as Oliver's mother, inexplicably vanished without a trace, leaving no evidence of her existence behind. This is the tale of Oliver, a young man thrust into the midst of a perilous situation. His existence becomes entangled with the formidable threat of the carnivorous women that are waiting to devour him. Can he survive and find the mystery about his mother's disappearance, or would he take a different path as the only man that is different from the rest of male society and become a tyrant that would destroy this reverse world? (Dropped) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Author's Note: —This story has R-18 elements to it, but no netorare (NTR) Disclaimer:- Some of the illustrations are not mine, so if you want me to remove them please contact me via Discord. Join the Discord to see the illustrations and updates:- https://discord.gg/kHNVDfBTJr

ElectricLuna · แฟนตาซี
75 Chs

Not a normal prison

In the dimly lit confines of the prison cell, Oliver's eyes darted back and forth between the two silent inmates beside him. The woman stared resolutely at the cold, damp floor, while the man, Issac, leaned against the wall with a stoic expression, betraying nothing of his thoughts.

As the minutes crawled by, Oliver's mind wrestled with the mysteries surrounding his enigmatic cellmates. What had brought them here? What secrets did they harbour? Why did they refuse to engage in any form of conversation? Yet, he found himself drawn to their silent presence, sensing there was more to their stories than met the eye.

It had been a few hours since Oliver had been thrown into this cell and he understood how hard it is for them to stay in it without any sort of communication.

Just as Oliver's mind swirled with questions, the echo of heavy footsteps outside the cell reverberated through the iron bars. The clanging of keys grew louder, and suddenly, the guards arrived, unlocking the cell door with an authoritative jangle.

"Alright, it's time! Everyone out of your cells!" one of the guards commanded, her stern voice leaving no room for defiance.

Oliver exchanged puzzled glances with Issac and the other woman, but they complied wordlessly, rising to their feet and joining the stream of prisoners moving toward the corridor. As they stepped into the dimly lit hallway, Oliver could feel the tension in the air, palpable like a storm on the horizon.

"What's happening?" he whispered to the woman, hoping she might break her silence.

But her lips remained sealed, her gaze fixed ahead as if determined to keep her secrets locked away.

'Damn it! I hate this woman'

Oliver thought as he quickly decided to find the clue on his own without relying on these people.

As Oliver walked in the line, he couldn't help but notice the curious and creepy stares he received from some of the women in the prison. They seemed to be looking at him with a mix of surprise and interest, which he didn't mind. However, he remained focused on his surroundings, trying to glean any information that could help him understand what was happening.

Oliver was puzzled when he noticed that Issac had deviated from the line they were following and abruptly veered off in a different direction. Despite his confusion, Oliver decided not to follow him as he had no idea where Issac was headed.

As they moved further down the dimly lit hallway, he noticed that many of the women were carrying mining items like pickaxes and shovels. It struck him as odd since he assumed this was a regular prison, not a mining facility. The sight of these tools raised more questions in his mind, but he kept his observations discreet.

"Everyone remove your clothes and clean your bodies," The woman shouted showing why they were following this line. "In another 10 minutes, we will be closing the shower so quickly wash your bodies,"

Oliver was confused because this was the first time he had seen a prison that allowed prisoners to clean their bodies. Most correctional facilities he had heard of were known for their strict and often harsh conditions, not for providing such basic amenities. He couldn't help but wonder why this particular prison seemed to have a different approach.

'Wasn't Havoc Bay supposed to be a living hell? What's going on here?'

As the line moved forward, Oliver discreetly observed the other inmates following the instructions and entering the washing area.

He noticed that wells were basic and communal and had pulleys, but they seemed relatively clean and well-maintained. The prison staff seemed to be closely monitoring the process to ensure that everyone complied.

Feeling a mix of curiosity and caution, Oliver decided to follow along with the instructions. He removed his clothes and joined the other inmates in the shower area.


Oliver didn't care about others seeing him naked, but all the women including the guards had their eyes fixed on Oliver. They were surprised by his presence in the shower area.

"Hey! Who's that guy? When did he arrive here?" One of the prisoner girls asked the guards, who seemed lost in their thoughts seeing Oliver.

"Huh? What did you ask? When did he arrive?" Breaking out of her initial shock, the guards quickly showed they were not distracted and quickly answered the question that almost everyone wanted to know.

"He arrived yesterday, apparently he is a noble kid, I don't know much because when he arrived here, he pissed off the captain,"

Everyone whistled hearing the information about this bold man, who entered a bath full of women without any clothes.

"Haha! Maybe that kid doesn't even know how dangerous what he is doing, so let's show him," With a cocky smile on her face, the girls approached Oliver, who was pulling water from the well to clean because he felt so dirty after being thrown into that cell with so many dirt.

"Hey boy, what are you doing here? You know this is a room filled with women right?" The guards didn't do anything because they wanted to see what all the girls were going to do and they knew, it might be the chance to enjoy their sweet little time on this boring island.

"Can't you see? I'm washing my body," Oliver answered her without any shame and quickly poured some water and washed all the dirt, while everyone who was surrounding him had shocked reactions seeing his body as well as his behaviour.

"Is that so? So why don't you entertain us? Since you look and act like you're a manslut, you should have some experience right?"

Oliver hearing those words looked at them and his eyes travelled from one person to another without showing any exaggerated reaction.

"I'd rather not, after all, you girls look weak, I don't want to waste my chance here," His words were like sharp knives to all the girls that were surrounding him and they knew they need to teach this cocky little bastard a lesson.

"Shut up and come here! Kneel down and lick my pussy," Two girls tried to drag him by his hands, but suddenly Oliver quickly grabbed their hands and hit both of them in their abdomen without showing any mercy causing both of them to kneel in front of him.

"You sure have some guts to make me kneel when you're this weak," All the women were surprised by this turn of events. After all, men were supposed to be weak and vulnerable.

None of them expected Oliver to use his hands to beat the living shit out of these girls, but soon everyone broke out of their shock and had no choice but to restrain Oliver.

"Ughh~ what are you doing? Push him down and hold him, don't let him leave like this," The woman, who was kneeling while holding her stomach shouted at the other girls. They quickly acted upon her orders and all of them quickly held Oliver without showing any mercy.

Before the situation could escalate into a scene that might draw the attention of higher authorities, the guards acted swiftly, wielding their resonance weapons to disperse the crowd. They firmly requested Oliver to leave the premises. Though visibly frustrated, they understood that this encounter wouldn't be the last between them and Oliver.

While all of this was happening inside the bathroom hidden behind a thick wall, stood a mysterious woman dressed in attire that looked somewhat luxurious. Her piercing eyes followed the unfolding scene with keen interest, a subtle smile curling at the corners of her lips.

She had been tracking Oliver for some time, observing his unique abilities and the way he effortlessly commanded the crowd.

"So that's the brat from Bloodborne family? No wonder she gave birth to this monster, he easily defeated three grown women," The woman muttered herself impressed by the whole thing that happened.

As she watched the guards that wielded their resonance weapons and Oliver's reaction, a realization dawned upon her. She saw the potential he possessed, the power he held within. In her line of work, she was always on the lookout for extraordinary individuals, and Oliver seemed to fit the bill perfectly.

The woman's mind raced with thoughts of how she could utilize Oliver's abilities to her advantage. He could be her new trump card, the secret weapon she had been searching for. She knew she had to approach him carefully, for someone with such power would not be easily swayed.

With a calculated demeanour, the woman took a step back from the wall and went back with a smile decorating her face.

"Looks like the things are going to change from on," It was a simple word, but none of them knew whether these changes she was talking about would be whether positive or negative.