
Tyrant in Women's World

Oliver, a man who stood out in every aspect from the societal norms of the world he was born into, suddenly finds himself immersed in a society where traditional gender roles have been completely reversed. Women now hold all positions of power, leaving men marginalized and facing various forms of discrimination. Men had been weakened both physically and mentally, leaving them powerless against the brutal and horny females that were waiting to devour them. In the midst of everything, Oliver remained the sole unconventional element that could alter the world's trajectory. He was famously known as the "Reincarnation of the Nameless Giant," a nickname given to him by women who feared him. For years, everything remained unchanged, but a dramatic turn of events set the wheels of fate in motion. The empire's steadfast pillar, who also served as Oliver's mother, inexplicably vanished without a trace, leaving no evidence of her existence behind. This is the tale of Oliver, a young man thrust into the midst of a perilous situation. His existence becomes entangled with the formidable threat of the carnivorous women that are waiting to devour him. Can he survive and find the mystery about his mother's disappearance, or would he take a different path as the only man that is different from the rest of male society and become a tyrant that would destroy this reverse world? (Dropped) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Author's Note: —This story has R-18 elements to it, but no netorare (NTR) Disclaimer:- Some of the illustrations are not mine, so if you want me to remove them please contact me via Discord. Join the Discord to see the illustrations and updates:- https://discord.gg/kHNVDfBTJr

ElectricLuna · แฟนตาซี
75 Chs

Inside the prison

As Oliver was being carried through the dimly lit corridors of the prison by the two stern-faced female guards, he couldn't help but take in the sight of his surroundings. It was nothing like the horror stories he had heard. The cells were not filled with emaciated figures but rather with individuals who appeared robust and strong. His curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but wonder what secrets this place held.

"Hey, what's going on here? Wasn't this place supposed to be a prison? So why are they looking healthy?" Oliver asked, trying to appear brave despite the unease stirring in his gut. He always knew there was something on this island, but he couldn't put his hand around what it was.

The guards exchanged a brief glance before one of them, her eyes cold and unyielding, replied, "You're not here to ask questions. Just remember that angering Captain Serena is a grave mistake, and you'll pay dearly for it."

Oliver swallowed hard, realizing the gravity of his situation. Serena was known as the enigmatic and ruthless warden of this place, and he had somehow managed to draw her ire. He knew things wouldn't be easy for him unless he found a woman that could help him in this place.

As they continued down the labyrinthine halls, Oliver caught glimpses of the inmates in their cells as well as the people outside. They were far from the typical prisoners he had expected to see. Broad shoulders, chiselled physiques, and an air of discipline surrounded them. It was as if this prison was a training ground for some elite force.

"Are these people prisoners or warriors?" Oliver mumbled to himself, bewildered by the sight.

The guards halted before a heavy, rusted cell door, which creaked eerily as it swung open. Oliver's heart pounded in his chest as they threw him into the cramped cell without a second thought.

"I hope you learn your lesson, It's such a waste we can't taste you, but when you go insane, we will have our own turn with you," one of the guards sneered before slamming the cell door shut, the sound reverberating through the corridor.

Alone in the dim cell, Oliver's mind raced with questions. What kind of prison was this? What was Serena's true purpose in running such a place? What was his mother and empress trying to hide in this place?

Oliver had so many questions but none of them were answered.

"They noticed me!" Oliver muttered to himself as he saw the hungry looks of the women in the prison. "I quickly need to find a power for my resonance, or else even church teachings won't save me,"

As the minutes turned into hours, Oliver found himself settling into the dimly lit cell. The initial confusion and shock began to subside, replaced by a sense of cautious acceptance of his surroundings. He had to keep his wits about him and figure out a way to survive in this strange and dangerous place.

Oliver's gaze wandered around the cell, taking note of the few belongings they had given: a tattered blanket, a small water jug, and nothing else. The man and the woman in the cell, who had been there before him, seemed like they had long since adapted to their situation. He decided to approach them cautiously, still unsure if they were prisoners or warriors like himself.

"Excuse me," Oliver spoke softly, not wanting to startle them, "What is this place? This place doesn't feel like a prison at all, do you guys have any clue?"

Oliver waited for a response hoping that he would get some answers to his question, but unfortunately, that didn't happen as the girl ignored his words and she went back to her sleep.

'Well, what else did I expect from these people'

Oliver thought to himself and he hoped that man would ignore him, just like how other people did, but instead, he looked interested in what Oliver had to say about his circumstances.

"You sound masculine, are you a man just like me?" The man, sitting on the floor, asked with a surprised look. Only then did Oliver notice the peculiar aspect of him. The initial reason he didn't react to Oliver was that he didn't even consider Oliver was a man looking at his height.

Oliver hesitated for a moment but then nodded, realizing that his gender had become apparent through his voice.

"Yes, I am," Oliver replied. "I apologize if my voice gave you any doubts earlier."

Observing the man's countenance, Oliver was certain that his lack of response wasn't innate; instead, a sizable wound on his face seemed to be the cause, likely having inflicted damage to his eyes.

"It's fine, I thought you were a woman, that's why I ignored you, It's not every day that I see a man in this place," He had a vibrant smile on his face, which Oliver found creepy because of how forced it looked and he knew this man is not someone ordinary.

"My name is Issac. It's not often that I come across someone else in this place, especially someone willing to engage in conversation. Come sit here, let's get to know each other since we are both males, I might be able to help you"

Oliver didn't refuse his request because he valued information more than anything, so he decided to go along with his request but as soon as Oliver introduced himself, something unexpected happened.

"My name is Oliver Bloodborne, nice to meet you," Oliver said with a polite smile, extending his hand for a handshake.

Even though the man was half blind, he could still shake Oliver's hand as he saw a dark shadow and felt the presence. But as soon as Oliver uttered his name, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. Isaac's vibrant smile vanished, replaced by a look of anger and hostility. He recoiled from Oliver's outstretched hand as if it were something vile.

"Get away from me!" Isaac snapped, his voice filled with bitterness. "I don't want anything to do with nobles like you. You're all the same—entitled, arrogant, and blind to the struggles of others."

Oliver was taken aback by the sudden change in Isaac's demeanour and the unexpected outburst. He quickly withdrew his hand and tried to make sense of the situation.

"I'm sorry if my name offends you," Oliver replied cautiously, trying to defuse the tension. "I assure you, I'm not like the nobles you might have encountered before. I'm here because of that."

Isaac scoffed, clearly unimpressed by Oliver's attempt to explain himself. "Save your excuses for someone who cares," he retorted. "I've seen enough of your kind to know better. You can't comprehend the struggles of those who live on the fringes of society while you bask in your wealth and privilege."

Oliver felt a mix of frustration and confusion. He knew that there were nobles who looked down on others, but he had always tried to be different. Despite his frustration, he remained composed, hoping to find a way to bridge the gap between them but he knew this wasn't the right time.

'I should get some sleep before that bitch try to harass me'

Feeling utterly exhausted, Oliver chose to disregard Issac, retreating to the comfort of his blanket, and surrendered to drowsiness. Oblivious to the unfolding events, Oliver casually mentioned his noble name, unaware that his seemingly mundane action would captivate the attention of a nearby woman. Until that very moment, she had been disinterestedly observing him, but her demeanour instantaneously transformed as though her entire perception of Oliver had taken an intriguing turn.