
Planning the Victory Day Celebration

After finishing his morning meal, Berengar met with Adela in his office. He sat upon his chair, while Adela took her seat across from him with a large oak desk separating the couple. Adela was actually a bit nervous.

She was rarely called to Berengar's office, and when she was, it was usually because the man was upset with her. His stoic expression did no favors in this regard. She held her head low while Berengar gazed at her with curiosity.

"Is something the matter, Adela? Are you perhaps unwell? If so, we can have this conversation when you are feeling better."

Adela's eyes widened in disbelief when she heard this. Was she not about to be scolded? Berengar could see the confusion in her eyes and quickly clarified his reason for asking for her attendance.