
Typemoon: Birth of Ultimate Hero

Why? Why do I have a bad ending? Do I need to submit to my destiny? No! Never! I will defy my destiny and make my own happy ending even if it means going against heaven itself. Whoever blocks my way will be destroyed. If gods block my way, kill the gods. If the demons block my way, kill the demons. This is the story of an ex-esport player 'Ren' who was forced to leave the arena due to his disease and wait for his death in the hospital. But the moment he dies, he got chosen by Primordial Chaos through the almighty system with the chance of reincarnating to the Type-Moon world. In exchange, he must use his actions to entertain Chaos and disrupt the histories of the world. Now, let's wait and see if his journey through the histories of the Type-Moon world will make him become a legend or will he remain a loser. We will see through this journey.

AsuraTheSlayer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Start of the Legend

Somewhere in Shanghai

There was a young man in the hospital, about 20 or 21 years old. This man was Ren, who was known as Gaming Prodigy and led the team to win the first ever LOL World Championship Trophy for their country, China. But the happiness faded away as he was diagnosed by the doctor with a strange disease and could only live for 2 years at most. Since then, he has left the arena forever and stayed in the hospital, waiting for his death. Now, the moment of his death had come, and he could only lie on the bed, gazing aimlessly out the window at the night sky. Then, he turned his attention to his favorite laptop and mumbled to himself

"What bad deeds did I commit in my former life? Why do I have such a bad ending?"

As soon as Ren finished speaking, he closed his eyes and left this world forever.


In a pitch-black room, Ren woke up and looked around in confusion.

Where is this place? Is this hell or heaven?

Suddenly, the room brightened up like someone turned on the light. However, it was too sudden, so he closed his eyes, but somehow he heard the voice of an old man speaking to him.

[You sure are lucky, kid. There is only a small number of people who will get chosen by Lord Chaos.]

Upon hearing the sound, Ren opened his eyes in search of the source and saw a humanoid shape of light floating in front of him. This startled Ren a bit, but with the thought that he is already dead and this might be a god or a spirit who is here to guide him to the afterlife. So, Ren suppressed his fear and walked toward it in the hope of getting the answer.

"Hello, are you a god who will guide me to the afterlife?"

Upon hearing my question, the figure burst out laughing and slapped its thigh multiple times, as if it had just heard the funniest joke ever. This took Ren by surprise, as he didn't expect it to have such a reaction. So, it took a while for the figure to calm down and reply to him.

[Kid, I'm not a lowly being like the god that you just mentioned. My true identity is the Almighty System, which has the task of monitoring the omniverse. However, you might be more interested in why you are here. So, I'm going to keep it short and simple]

[Kid. One of my creators, Lord Chaos, is interested in you and has given you a chance to reincarnate in Type-Moon World!!]


System? Chaos? Reincarnate in Type-Moon?

OMG, I get a chance to experience the legendary Isekai like those novels!

But who is this Lord Chaos? And why have I been chosen?

Although Ren thought to himself, but this system seemed to have the ability to read minds, as it seemed to be aware of the doubt in his heart and answered his question.

[Kid, you may have many questions in your mind so I'm going to answer those for you]

[Lord Chaos is one of the three strongest primordial beings in the universe, along with Lord Order and Lord Fate. These 3 almighty beings are my creators and the reason why you have been chosen is that you meet the criteria.]


[Some people in the universes who meet the criteria will be chosen by my creators after they die. However, the criteria will be different depending on the preferences of my creators. For instance, the criteria of Lord Chaos are:

People who want to defy their own destiny

People who have the potential to become legends, but are suppressed by the world.]


When Ren heard the answer, he began to analyze how he met those criteria.

For the first criterion, it seems simple enough. Everyone wants to defy their own destiny if they are in bad situations. For instance, a person like me, who is a patient waiting to die but doesn't get to fulfill his dream, might meet this criterion. But how do I meet the second one anyway?

However, the system seemed to notice that Ren was going to ask this question, so it tried to organize the words in a way that made it easier for Ren to understand.

[Kid, don't underestimate yourself. You have a huge potential, and in one of your destiny lines, you are being called by various people the "God of Games" due to your achievement in leading the teams to win various world championship trophies like PUBG, DOTA, and Fortnite. Also, the reason behind your strange disease is because of suppression of the world as it thinks that you might affect the destiny line of the world on a large scale since the esport is going to include in the Olympics.]

After the explanation, the system also conjured the holographic projector, which played the destiny line that it mentioned a moment ago to Ren in order to tell him that everything is true. After the moment spent watching his alternate future, Ren fell silent and clenched his fist tightly as he found that his death was extremely unfair.

Why?! What is so wrong with fulfilling the dream of winning the World Championship trophy?! Do I really need to submit to my destiny?

When Ren fell into his own thoughts, the system's sound appeared full of temptation like a devil's whisper.

[Kid, those things are all in the past now, so you should let them go and focus on your new life in Type-Moon World. In that world, you won't be suppressed by the world as you are a chosen one of Lord Chaos, but if you want to change your destiny there, you must use your own power.]

[So, what do you say, Mr. Gaming Prodigy Ren? Are you going to fall into your own thoughts, or are you going to take this chance to experience a brand new adventure in the new world filled with magic, monsters, demons, gods, and historical figures?! Are you willing to take this chance to play a game called life again where you can write your happy ending with your own power?!]

Upon hearing those words, Ren's gamer blood, which had been asleep for a long time, began to boil with the passion that he once had when he joined the esports team. But the only difference would be that this game is more exciting. So, he raised his head and said with determination.

"Of course! No matter what price I need to pay, I will play this game. This time, I defy the destiny and write my own happy ending!"

[Okay. But you don't need to sacrifice anything, the only thing that you need to do is to create your own legend and use your actions to entertain Lord Chaos. Moreover, I explain that your reincarnation will work like an RPG game where you can choose who you want to be and which part of the Type-Moon world you want to participate in. This is not limited to history, so you can reincarnate in novels or epic poems like Sherlock Holmes or The Epic of Gilgamesh.]

[But the most important part is that you can reincarnate as many times as you want. For instance, if you finish the story of King Arthur, you can exit the story and reincarnate (log in) in the story of Ramses 2. However, the exit and reincarnation processes are only available if you are alive, so you need to live to the end of the story. Furthermore, you can make three wishes to aid you in your journey, which are only available for each story that you are in. If you want to go to other stories, you must make new wishes. Also, every time you finish the story, your memory of that story will be wiped out, so it won't burden you psychologically when you want to do something. Lastly, the room that we are in right now will be your waiting room when you want to relax and reincarnate into other stories. So, I will decorate it for you.]

After the system finished speaking, it snapped its fingers, and the blank room changed into a luxurious suite filled with everything that one could ever dream of, even daily necessities and video games. However, Ren didn't care about that and began to analyze the information that he received from the system.

According to the information, I only have one life, so if I die by any chance, I will completely die without any resurrection. Therefore, I have to be very cautious and observe my surroundings carefully. In terms of the role, it seems that I can be anyone, including demons and gods; however, I don't think it's a good idea. Since the more powerful you become at the initial stage, there will be more restrictions and surveillance, so choosing humans seems like a good option, and I can improve my strength through those wishes.

After a minute of consideration, I answered the system, even though it seemed to know my answer.

"Mr. System, please start the game. I can't wait."

[Okay, kid. Calm down. I use this slot machine to determine the story that you will be going]

Suddenly, the slot machine appeared out of thin air, and it seemed to be working before coming to a stop after a few seconds. The big letter inside the machine spelled the word 'The Epic of Gilgamesh' which was Ren's first destination.

[Oh, The Epic of Gilgamesh. Kid, I suggest you stay away from Gilgamesh if you can't control your emotion since you might end up beating this guy because he has an extremely bad attitude.]

"Mr. System. Although, I don't know this Gilgamesh, but I don't think that his attitude would be that bad."


Author: You're going to regret those words


[Suit yourself. Now, you just need to choose your identity and your wishes, but before that, let me transfer the general knowledge of the Type-Moon world and the list of things or abilities that you can wish for, to you first. However, for the abilities, I only give you the ones with the potential to become op so you need to develop it yourself.]

Suddenly, the system snapped its fingers again and countless pieces of knowledge began to flood into Ren's head, but the most suspicious part was that his head doesn't hurt at all, or maybe because he is in the soul state without the physical body. Leave that aside, Ren began to study this information and choose his wishes wisely.

"Okay, I already choose both my identity and wishes. My identity is that of an orphan who got adopted by a kind-hearted elderly couple, and as for my wishes:

The first wish is all the knowledge of the Type-Moon world

The second wish is enhanced condition

The last wish is I want to have all five great elemental affinities plus the sorcery trait of flow and transfer of power"

[Oh, it seems that you consider this wisely. Even I have to say that these wishes are good, but they only guarantee your survival, and if you want to be the strongest character in this story, you must develop these wishes well. However, it depends entirely on you so let's begin your journey.]

After the system finished speaking, it snapped its fingers, and a stream of lights began to gather in Ren's body, which confirmed that the wishes had been granted. Moreover, the door suddenly appeared in front of Ren, and there was also an image of Gilgamesh on the door, representing the adventure that will take place after Ren crosses that door. He began walking toward the door, but before he crossed it, he suddenly turned around with a smile on his face and said.

"Thank you so much, Mr. System, and see you again after this."

After thanking the system, Ren quickly turned back to the door and crossed it. A few seconds later, the door suddenly closed, which marked the beginning of his journey.



[Kid, you don't need to thank me because Lord Chaos instructed me to take videos of your journey and experiences. Then convert it into video clips and post them on the internet in one of the parallel worlds in Type-Moon, where it's full of heroic spirits. So, you expect yourself to perform well otherwise, kekekekeke.]
