
Tycoon’s Young Wife

“Uncle Ivan, Are you taken? If not, why don’t you be my boyfriend?” ‘Wait! I got marriage proposal on my first date?’

BlackGuide · สมัยใหม่
41 Chs


And of course Ivan didn't see her since she was sitting at the corner of the restaurant. Plus a few well built and big tall guys are sitting with her.

Sitting at the same table with them, Vivian was the only one who's the smallest.

Of course she's hard to notice since their big bodies are blocking her.

Vivian's chest tightens after seeing Ivan don't look so good. Because of her that he ended up being in this situation now.

With many emotions running through her head, Vivian lost her appetite.

Her chest feels full and she feels like she won't be able to swallow her food right now.

'Snap out of it Vivian. He must have already forgotten about you. Even if you had feelings for him, you can't be together with him.'

"Vivi…. You know him don't you?"

The smile on her face didn't fade. "Who doesn't know the country business tycoon?"

"Is he the one who made you sad?"

"No. I'm the one who hurt him."

"Sighs! Vivi, I'm being serious here. You don't have any relationship with him, do you?

She's smiling but her face looks really sad, like a wounded kitten.

"That's right, I don't."

Vivian lied. Of course she doesn't want to mention her short story with Ivan to the guys.

"He's the country business Tycoon and not anyone can approach him. But I can. I even know his number."

"Stop joking around Vivi."

Vivian looks at them with a serious face. "I'm being serious. I do know his phone number."

"I heard that after he took over the company, it grew even more. Making him the tycoon in a short period of time."

"Ben is right. I even heard that many women throw themselves at him. You won't be able to get a chance if you are thinking of marrying him."

They all nodded their heads in agreement.

"He doesn't look that unapproachable. I think it won't be that hard to get him on my bed with my beauty."

"Oh please. If you are able to get him on your bed, I'll pay for your wedding."

They thought that Vivian was just saying that to make herself feel good.

"Vivi, you should just give up. He's not worthy of you. I heard that he can't get the thing between his legs up even when a naked woman is standing in front of him. That means no woman can approach him or turn him on."

Vivian smiles at them without saying anything.

'Others women won't be able but that doesn't mean I can't.'

Vivian wonders how they'll reach when they find out that she and Ivan had already slept together.

But of course Vivian is not going to talk about her private personal life to them.

"You can marry us if you want to get married. We can be your husbands and take good care of you."

"Count me out, Clift. I already had a fiancé."

"You said you're not sure when you're going to marry her. Isn't it better to marry Vivi than to be stuck with someone who you're not even sure if you'll marry or not in the future?"

They nodded their heads in agreement.

"Never then. Don't count me out."

They are serious about being Vivian's husband. And they are serious about the promise that they made with Vivian.

None of them plan to get married before Vivian and if Vivian ends up being single the rest of her life, they plan to take care of her forever.

"Alas! Stop joking around like that, Fin. And, if not the man from earlier, I won't marry anyone else."

Vivian just wants to put a stop to everything.

Shaking his head. "That means you want to stay single forever."

Vivian let out a soft chuckle. "No. I'm being serious."

"Sigh! Vivi, I know your standards are high, but he's someone who'll never look in your way."

They knew that Vivian was just saying it as a joke. Because they are sure that this is Vivian's first time seeing Ivan in person.

"Sigh! Want to bet?"

'It seems like they don't believe me. If they agree to make a bet with me, I'll just have to break my words and call him first. Because I want them to waste their money on me since they don't believe me.'

"Sure. Why not? If you can't have him show up in front of you in five minutes, we'll pay for the food."

"That's it?" Vivian shook her head. "You guys want me to make the country business tycoon show up in five minutes and all you guys do is pay for the food? It's not worth it."

They chuckled after hearing Vivian's words. They knew that she didn't know Ivan's number and she just found excuses to get herself out of the situation.

"Then what do you want to bet on?"

"Umm…. A yacht? A private airplane? A car? A Villa? I can't think of what I want to bet on. I want to rob you guys dry before I make a deal."

"You already have all of those things. And please rob us dry. Because you'll never be able to do it."

"Yes Vivi. Stop pretending. We knew that you didn't know his number. We'll just pretend that we didn't know or heard anything."

"A car or motorcycle then. Everyone has to buy me the most expensive one and I want to see it in three days."

Since everyone sitting at the same table with Vivian came from wealthy families, Vivian didn't hold back and wanted to make them spend their money on something that is not cheap since they don't believe her.

Plus, she wants to see Ivan and wants to make sure that he's not sick. For her to do that, she decided to make him

She then took out her phone and unlocked it.

When they see that Vivian was about to dial someone they are not sure if Vivian was just joking or was being serious.

But they're sure about one thing, today's Vivian first time seeing him.

"Wait Vivi, you really knew his number?"

Vivian smiles at them without saying anything. She put her pride aside then she dialed Ivan's number.

Since this is her first time calling Ivan after she hurts him. She was a little nervous. She's not a hundred percent sure if Ivan will pick up her call or not.


With just one ring, Ivan picks up the call right away after seeing who's calling.

"Are you busy?"

Vivian was glad that Ivan picked up her call. For some unknown reason, she was overwhelmed with excitement. Hearing his voice makes Vivian want to see him even more.


"That's great! Then can you come to the corner table of the restaurant?"

'I'm such a coward aren't I? I ended up calling someone who I hurt deeply. Here I am. Pretending like I've never done anything wrong to him.'

"Alight. I'll be there in five minutes."

"Three minutes. I want you to show up in front of me in three minutes. Five minutes is too long. I'll leave if you show up one second late."

"Alright. I'll show up in front of you in three minutes."

"See Ya." Vivian then hung up the call after she finished speaking.

Vivian then looks at them with a beautiful smile on her face. "All done. Make sure the things are delivered at my place in three days. I won't forgive anyone who didn't get the car or motorcycle on time."

"Don't worry. As long as he shows up in front of us, we'll make sure you get it on time."


They are confident that Vivian was just bluffing. They still planned to buy her a car or motorcycle even if Ivan didn't show up in front of them.

They had a habit of spoiling Vivian.

Vivian has always been the most precious person to them. They do anything to make her happy. And always be there for her anytime she needs them.

If Vivian asks any of them to marry her, they do it without any hesitation.

And they are serious when they tell Vivian that Ivan is not worthy of her. To them, Ivan status is not important. It doesn't matter if he's the richest man in the country.

To them, Vivian is the most important person in the world. If someone hurt her, that person won't end up well. They don't care if that person is rich or poor, famous or not.

They knew that rich people always had affairs. The richer they are, the more women you have on your bed.

They don't want Vivian to go through something like that.

Even though they knew that Ivan was not that kind of person from the rumors that they heard, they still feel like Vivian was too good for him.

"Vivi, what if he doesn't show up? What are you going to give us?"

"He will. He's not the type of person to break his words. And if he doesn't show up, I'll give a black card to each and everyone of you guys."

"How are you so sure that he'll really show up?"

"I just guessed!"

They sigh and shake their heads after hearing Vivian's words. Now they are a hundred sure that Vivian was just playing with them.