
Tycoon’s Young Wife

“Uncle Ivan, Are you taken? If not, why don’t you be my boyfriend?” ‘Wait! I got marriage proposal on my first date?’

BlackGuide · สมัยใหม่
41 Chs

She’s Gone

Ivan turned to go upstairs to his room. Was stopped when Mrs. Da called out to him.

"Oh! You're home. Come join us. I'll have someone bring you a cup." Mrs. Da smiles lovely at her son.

He then threw himself on the sofa and shut his eyes.

"No need."

The hand that held the ring Vivian returned to him clenched into a tightly fist.

"I heard you proposed to Miss Brown. I was so worried about you not having anyone after you broke off your engagement with her. What made you change your mind that you even ended up proposing to her?"

'I proposed to Miss Brown? When did I do that?"

Mrs. Da's face was full of smiles. She was happy that her son finally decided to settle down.

Before she was so worried that no one would want to marry him since he never stayed close to any woman. But after finding out what happened, she was overwhelmed with excitement.

"When did I ever propose to Miss Brown?" Asked with seriousness on his face.

"Four days ago!" Mrs. Da was confused. She was sure that she heard it right.

Well…. She heard Ivan proposed to someone, but she didn't know who. She guessed that Ivan must've proposed to Miss Brown since Mrs. Brown was the one telling her.

Ivan Frowned. "Who said I proposed to Miss Brown? The one I proposed is someone else."

Mrs. Da eyes widened. "You proposed to someone else? Not Miss Brown?"

Mrs. Da was shocked and she was stunned by what she just heard.

She was sure that Mrs. Brown later said the one Ivan proposed to was her daughter and they were going to marry soon.

That's why she had someone let it spread so that her son could not change his mind later.

'It seems like I'll have to have a good talk with Mrs. Brown about what happened.'

She wondered why did Mrs. Brown lied to her.

Mrs. Da got up from her seat and walked up to Ivan and Mr. Followed behind her.

They sit down on the couch near Ivan.

"So? Who's the lucky girl that you've proposed to?" Mrs. Da asked happily.

She doesn't care who her son proposed to. As long as he doesn't stay single forever. She'll accept whoever she is. Poor or rich, it doesn't matter to her.

Ivan slowly opened his eyes while muttering "she's gone."

Mrs. Da looked at Ivan in confusion "what do you mean?"

Now Mrs. Da just noticed that Ivan doesn't look like his usual self. She didn't notice before because she was too excited to find out who's the one her son had proposed to.

"She left." Ivan said.

Mrs. Da started getting worried after hearing her son's words.

"What do you mean by that? You just proposed to her. Why would she leave you?"

'Why would she leave when her son just proposed to her.'

"The news."

"She left you because of the news?"


Ivan didn't care to give his mother a long explanation. He just gave her a short answer anytime she asked him something.

"I'm sorry son. I didn't know that you proposed to someone else. If I knew it for sure, I wouldn't have asked someone to spread the news."

Shaking his head. "It doesn't matter anymore."

Mrs. Da regretted what she did. If not because of her, Ivan won't end up like this. She feels bad for him.

This is the first time Mrs. Da sees Ivan broken like this. Mrs. Da can see the pain in Ivan's face. He's not the type of person who let his emotions get him.

But now, he looks like he's lost.

Sadness, loneliness, anxiety, etc…. Filled his face.

"What should I do? I've been secretly loving her for a few years now. I just got her a few days ago and 'boom' the news popped up. And now she's gone thinking that I'm about to marry someone else."

Ivan paused for a few seconds. "I liked her way before she went to study overseas. At that time, I'm too scared to ask her out because she was still too young. But now she's back and I still can't have her."

Of course Ivan didn't tell Vivian everything when he confessed his feelings to her. If he did, he worried that she might think he's some old pervert.

Mrs. Da didn't say anything. Just watching the way her son let his emotions show for the first time in a painful way made her heart ache.

'How young is she that my son had to wait till she finished with her study?'

Ivan continued. "She was the first woman I've ever loved. I tried my best and did everything I could to have her. I was this close to get her, but she's gone in a blink of an eye."

Ivan put the ring on the table. "Have someone throw this away for me. I'm going to go get some rest. Good Night."

After Ivan left Mr. Da let out a scoff as he spoke. "He's too weak. How can he become a waste just for a mere woman? He shouldn't….. ah!!!"

Look at the woman sitting next to him in confusion. "Why did you pinch my ear?"

Mrs. Da can't believe what she just heard. How can he say that about his own son?

"Say something bad about my son again and you'll see what happens."

'This man needs a beating. How can he say something that he shouldn't have. If he has nothing to say, he can just keep his mouth shut.'

"Alright, I won't say anything. Can you now let go of my ear?" Mr. Da surrounder.

'I shouldn't have opened my mouth and kept what's on my mind inside.'

Mrs. Da let go of her husband's ear.

She took out her phone and dialed someone.


"Find out who Ivan met, places he went, etc… in thirty minutes. If you don't, I'll really fire you for taking down the news."

"Yes Madam."

She then hung up the call. Waiting anxiously for the news.

"Who's this woman that turned down the richest man in the country? She's making me curious about her."

Mrs. Wah muttered low-ly between her lips.

"Sigh! Same honey. Many throw themselves and try to get our son's attention, but he never gives them a chance. The one who our son loves didn't give him a chance."

"Where did this go wrong?" Mrs. Wah said. "I'll have to meet with her."

She picked up the ring on the table "This ring cost a lot. And she returned it to him. I like her. She's not after our son's wealth."

Mr. Da nodded his head in agreement "he chooses the right woman." Then he turned to face his wife. "Let's try our best to get her together with our son."

Mrs. Da looks at her husband in surprise "Wow! You finally said something I like."

"Who do you take me for? A heartless father?"

Mrs. Da didn't say anything as she tried to avoid his eyes.

"Ha! I can't believe you."

"Isn't that the truth? Just look at what you just said behind my son's back when he just left to go take a rest. Is that how a father is supposed to say?"

"I'm sorry. You're right. I'm being immature."

"Humm….now you said it yourself."

Sighs. "I hope Jack could find something useful."

Mrs. Da nodded her head. "Same here. I'm curious about this girl. She's the first woman who broke our son's heart."

"Yea… looking at their situation, it looks like she left him for good."

Mrs. Da glares at her husband. "Watch your mouth. Think positive."

"I'm trying." Looking at the ring on his wife's hand. "Are you going to throw that out?"

"No. I'm sure he's going to ask this back later."

Mrs. Da was sure that her son was hurt deeply right now and when he calmed down a little, she was sure that he'd come back to her and ask for the ring.

Since he's not thinking straight right now, he said something that he didn't mean.

"Yea… better keep it than throw it away."

"Sigh! Why is Jack taking so long to call back? I feel like I've been waiting for ages now."

"Calm down honey. I'm sure he's trying his best to investigate right now."

"Alright! I'll give him a little more time then."

'You better find something Jack. If not, I'll make your life miserable.'

They wait patiently for the news while their heads run with many different thoughts.