
65. Feelingless Mafia Man and Unlucky Woman 'Jeon Eun Ra' : Meet with Uncle Tae Gwang.

Eun Ra is confused, she is dizzy, can't think of anything at all, her head just wants to be free, her feelings and worries want revenge, then about how Eun Ra wants to be loved and live in peace, Eun Ra needs that, Eun Ra wants.

The mansion, ah err. the mansion owned by his master, Kim Tae Jung, was so hot, the problems and the air became more and more smoldering as if the mansion had become the world's hell.

Very different from a few days before Eun Ra came to the mansion, if the fight with Ji Min is going to continue, it seems Eun Ra would rather have a problem with Song Ji Min than have to be in the position, who is she and why does she live on the second floor if he not important.

As a hot ear in the mansion, Eun Ra is a living witness where there is a fight between Tae Jung and her mother, Tae Jung with her uncle, Tae Jung with her younger brother, and Tae Jung with Ji Kang.