
Lucy, Ryan, & Levi

Levi took her phone out of her pocket and texted her friends to meet her at the store. Levi reaches the store and walks in she walked down a few of the isle and picked a few packaged dinners she heard the door open and a loud girly voice "LEVI WHERE ARE YOU"! A girl spotted Levi and ran to her and hugged her a tall boy followed her "Lucy hey how are you" Levi hugged Lucy back. Lucy was Levi's best friend and the tall boy that followed Lucy was Ryan Levi's other friend Levi met Ryan and Lucy when she was about seven they all had an immediate click and have been friends ever since. Levi looked at Ryan who was checking out a guy near the coffee machine Levi walked over to Ryan "Ry that guys pretty hot right"? Ryan snapped out of it "what" Levi laughed Ryan got flustered Ryan was gay and also the sweetest guy you would ever meet. Lucy, Ryan, & Levi hung out for about an hour then Lucy had to leave a few minutes later Levi and Ryan stayed talking about school it was coming to an end and they would all be in 12th grade and be 17 "Levi what will you do for college"? Ryan asked Levi looked up at Ryan from looking at some smoothies "well I was thinking of going to NYU and studying being a therapist" she responded with a smile when Ryan opened his mouth to tell Levi something the door swung open and there was a gunshot "LEVI NO!"

Next chapter: Silence