
Light Packers

Coraline whipped open the back door to the truck, which already had taken a lot of her strength. "God." She mumbled, looking over the mountain of boxes. Coraline wondered if they fit their old apartment in Michigan here. It definitely seemed like it.

"Light packers."

Coraline whirled around. Ten feet away from her stood Wybie Lovat, in the same jacket he had worn all those years ago. Clearly, he had grown a lot taller, Coraline realized as he towered over her. His hair was still the same, but it flopped over his forehead now as he wore a toque that fit his head snuggly. His face was long and skinnier now, and with his hands in his pockets, he smirked, the same way he had when she left.

"Why-were-you-born, what a pleasure." Coraline smiled, "I'm surprised I'm not being greeted by a motorbike nearly knocking me over." Wybie shrugged. "No metal mask?"

He chuckled. "Nah, gave that up a while ago."

"Ah too bad, would've covered..." Coraline led on, circling his face with her finger. "That."

Wybie laughed again. "Real funny for a water witch."

Coraline joined his laughter. "Real stupid for a stalker." She twirled around again to face the truck.

"Ouch," He grunted, mimicking a spear going through his heart.

"What do you want, the Wybie-that-talks?" She sighed.

Wybie scrunched his face. She doesn't often use that one. "Well Jonesy, I was sent out here by G-ma to help you." Wybie stroud up beside her with one step, their arms slightly touching.

Coraline made a disgusted face before side-stepping away from him. "Why would I need your help?"

Wybie huffed. "Believe it or not, Jonesy, but I'm a big strong man now." Wybie's head dropped to look at her sideways, the way he always had when they were kids. Something about his smile made Coraline feel a certain way. Nostalgic. "With big muscles." He finished.

"Really? Because I'm not seeing any of these 'Big muscles'." She said, making air quotes.

"Oh, you'll see." Wybie took a step closer to the truck. "Which one is yours?"

"The bottom ones." Coraline pointed toward the bottom three. "The others are at the top-"

Before she could finish, Wybie took out the middle bottom one with ease, causing the rest of the boxes on top to collapse on each other, and fall out of the truck.

Coraline took a step back, her mouth in awe. "What the fuck you creep! You're lucky those were the boxes that didn't have any of my glass decors."

Wybie popped his lips. "My apologies, which one was that?"

"That one!" Coraline motioned toward the box he was holding, and within an instant, Wybie dropped it. The sound of glass clattering and shattering echoed in her mind as the box hit the ground.

"Ouch, sorry Jonesy," Wybie smiled, putting his hands back into his pockets.

"You. Ass," Coraline snarled, her fists clenching as she tried to hold back.

"Ah, a new nickname!" He pointed at her, then quickly turned around and waved behind him. "C'ya Caroline! Love the new hair by the way!"

"It's Cora-line."

"OK, Water Witch."