
Two Hearts & One Soul

They both couldn't clearly remember what happened between them the previous night at the club where they met. In the morning... Emma couldn't explain why she willingly had sex with the strange man she just met while Leo thought it was just a hook-up between two adults... Then they learned they had to get married even though they hated each other. Will their marriage end before it begins? ****************************** “Excuse me! Are you saying I planned to get pregnant and trapped you into marriage!?” Emma asked angrily “Well, nothing could be further from the truth, when you just happened to show up at a private lounge that was only meant for my friends and I that night...” He replied “And out of all the rich men inside that lounge that I could get pregnant by and trapped into marriage, how did I have the misfortune of being stuck with you!?... The one with the puny dick!?” “What!?...” Leo asked with his mouth half-opened. "Puny!?"

Biola_Johnson1207 · แฟนตาซี
85 Chs

Question the grandparents

'Rape!?... How could she accuse me of rape when she kissed me back as well as I kissed her!? She agreed to go to the hotel room with me. She also cuddled up to me all the way to the hotel... So why? What's with the rape story?'

Leo wondered as he drove out of the gate in anger. He didn't want to leave but he had to get away from her. He had to get away before he says what they would both regret for the rest of their lives

Now, where would he go to? He thought. He has other houses he could go to spend the night, just that he didn't want to be alone with his thoughts. An empty house would mean him thinking about her which he didn't wish to do right then. He also didn't want to go to his grandfather's mansion either, his family's kind of company was not what he was looking for.

He wondered if he should call Chris. His best friend's company might be just exactly what he needed. Chris knows the boundary between asking questions and prying. He also knows when to give advice and when none is needed.

They spoke on the phone earlier that day, where Leo told Chris how far he had gone with Emma. Leo was expecting some protest from his friend but was surprised when Chris took the news well. The only thing Chris said was...

"I know you love her and if you're sure she loves you back then I'm glad for you."

Leo was glad Chris didn't repeat all that he said before about Emma being diabolical and a prostitute. He couldn't help who he fell in love with and he would be the happiest man on earth if his best friend and wife were cool with each other.

Even though Leo was not as close with Ladi as he was with Chris, Leo still wanted to tell Ladi about Emma, since Ladi was also aware of their situation. He wanted his friends to know that he has been wrong about her to some extent all along

Although he still has some questions about how she happened to enter their private lounge that night and why it was necessary they get married. He knew for a fact that she was way too young to be part of the group that killed his father and she was also not a call girl

He didn't get to tell Ladi, he learned from Chris that Ladi was out of the country on business and didn't leave any phone number for his friends to contact him on

Leo took his phone and called Chris who answered on the first ring.

"Hey man..."

"Where are you?..."

Hearing Leo's question made Chris laugh. "Why do you want to know? I thought you were getting to know your wife tonight... Please don't tell me you're missing me already?"

"Are you still at your meeting?" Leo ignored his friend's joke and asked instead, He just needed company, for now, he was not in the mood for jokes.

"Just rounding up with them, I'll be leaving as soon as I'm done..."

"Don't leave yet, I'm coming over..."

"Alright then... Chris answered simply even though he would love to know why Leo was looking for his company instead of getting to know his fiance as he had said. He could tell from the way his friend sounded that all was not well and he knew this was not the time to ask questions.

He knew Leo would eventually tell him whenever he was ready and he couldn't help but wonder if Emma truly love his friend or if Leo just told a lie just so his best friend could accept his wife

Leo arrived at the club and was not surprised to see that Chris's business associates were still around. Chris was still entertaining them while Leo was left to his thought, nursing a glass of brandy.

After some time Chris sat on a barstool beside Leo

"Are you okay man?" He asked his friend with concern

"Yeah sure, they left already?"

"Already?... It's been thirty minutes since they left and we passed right beside you. I've been watching you glare at that same glass in your hand for that whole time. Is everything okay?"

"She thought I raped her. Said she didn't give her consent."

"What!? I don't understand... What consent again? Didn't you both leave that night hand in hand to the hotel room? Why go to the room with you if she wasn't ready to give her consent?"

"I was surprised too! We agreed to talk about that night to get clarification about the issues between us. So she wanted to know why I hated her so much even when I was the one that did her wrong"

"You did her wrong? Didn't you tell her everything grandpa said about her, and the people she worked for, or is it her family that is behind it?"

"It wasn't necessary. Not after I realized that she couldn't be part of those that killed my dad... She couldn't be more than nine years old when dad died... She's a Da-Silva! Do you believe her family could be involved in what grandpa said!?... I was just so blinded by rage I wasn't thinking straight. It was Titi who made me understand some things about her.

"Titi and Emma knew each other?''

"Yeah... We realized this when Titi saw her pictures. The same school, same hostel... Even though they aren't friends, Titi had only good things to say about her character..."

'Maybe she wasn't wrong about her accusation then..." Chris said softly

"Common man!... I can't believe you actually said that!... You've known me all my life and you believe I could force myself on a woman!?" Leo looked at his friend incredulously

"No, I don't believe that, far from it... I'm just trying to be realistic here.. Remember you couldn't remember what happened that night and...

"I couldn't remember but I would never take a woman by force! Never!...

"True... But remember you almost strangled her to death. You said you thought it was a monster! Now can you blame her if she said you raped her?" Chris asked, looking seriously into Leo's eyes.

Leo downed the content of his glass in one go and looked away from his friend's penetrating gaze.

"What is the matter with me? What came over me, Chris?... Am I going insane?"

"No you're not and don't blame yourself too much yet cos we still don't know for sure. Both of you still need to sit down and talk about this since you don't remember the details. Maybe she could help shed more light on it..."

"Come to think of it, she couldn't remember what happened that night either..."

"She couldn't too!?"


"Wao... Something strange is definitely going on with both of you... You both couldn't remember your night together!?... Both of you really need to sit down and talk. Then you both need to invite your grandparents to answer some questions. There's more to these than meets the eye and I'm sure they know more than they are letting out.