

why did you leave me !!!!

_XEDI_ · ไซไฟ
16 Chs

Welcome to my home

After leaving the city and arriving in another, Seth roamed about helplessly not knowing what to do or where to go but he had one goal in mind, to find his brothers.

With an empty stomach, he walked by the road side, not knowing where to go but going wherever his legs takes him.

While on his long walk, he stares at passerbys hoping to find someone who could help him quench his hunger.

Seth: Please sir, I'm hungry, can...

But before he could talk to anyone, they all ignored him and left, it felt like he wasn't even there to begin with. This hurt him deeply but he kept on moving and asking, hoping to find someone.

After hours of being ignored, he found a corner he could rest, so he went and layed down for a bit.

Seth: nobody tried to listen to me today, I guess I'm a ghost then.

A woman who had noticed him begging on the street fifteen minutes ago felt sorry for him and crossed over to meet Seth at the other side of the road.

"Hey kid, you can have this".

Seth slowly looked up to see a woman with a bright smile on her face who seem to be holding something that smell good towards him.

"Here, you can have this, it's a hamburger".

Seth couldn't believe what was going on so he hesitated and thought it was a joke, since people have been messing around with him alot before reaching here.

The woman noticed this hesitation and smiled, then she sat down beside Seth, unwrapped two hamburgers with her and handed one over to Seth.

"Alright here you go, let's have a good meal today".

The strange woman then began to bite and chew while Seth watched with tears in his eyes and couldn't believe someone is spending time and caring for him after a long time. So he took his hamburger and began to eat, he soon realize the sweet taste that entered into his mouth and he began to rush it in.

The woman man noticed this and kept smiling. Soon after Seth finished eating his own share of the package, he turned to the woman and stretched his hands to collect the woman's meal.

"Woah there, easy, let's start by knowing each other first. My name's grace what's yours".

Seeing as Seth fell silent and his eyes still glued to Sam's meal, she then handed it over to Seth but Seth quickly snatched it away from her before she could completely hand it over.

Grace: you haven't said your name yet though.

While eating, Seth then responded to grace with a shallow voice

Seth: Seth, My name's Seth.

Grace: nice to meet you Seth, are you lost.

Seth: no I'm not.

Grace: then where are you from.

Then Seth stretched his hand and pointed towards the afternoon sky while grace turned her head towards that direction.

Seth: I'm from up there.

A confused look flashed on grace's face as she could not understand what Seth was trying to tell her.

Grace: up there where?.

And Seth felt uncomfortable for a bit and lowered his head while responding to grace.

Seth: I don't know

Grace: so you sure you're not lost.

Seth felt more uncomfortable and bent his head even lower, seeing this made grace quickly changed the topic as she felt she was beginning to trouble Seth with her questions.

Grace: you know, you can actually get more of this stuff though.

Seth raised his head after hearing this, he just had good meal with a pleasant taste so he was interested in knowing how to get more.

Seth: more ?.

Grace: yes more.

Seth: how.

Seeing as Seth felt happy and lively after hearing her speak then she proceeds to talk more about things.

Grace: well you need to get a job if you want to fill your stomach and also have where to live in.

Seth: a job ?.

Grace: yeah a job, you know, work for people and get paid, then you use that money to get things you want, a hamburger for example, plus you can have somewhere to live and pay rent.

After hearing this, Seth fell silent and was disturbed as he didn't know how or where to find a job, and even if he could get a job, people there might bully him.

Seth: But I don't know how to work, or where to get a job.

Grace: Don't worry about that, I'll try my best to help you, all you just need is to start small and grow from there, start with what you're comfortable with. But first.

Then Grace dusted the pieces of snack from her body and stood up.

Grace: we need to get you some good clothes, you look like dog sh*t right now.

Truly, Seth wasn't wearing very nice clothes, he was previously wearing a hospital dress that got stained with blood during the incident at the hospital's room but he switched them with the ones he found in a trashcan, this one had lot of large holes on it accompanied by a very awful stench.

The duo then walked towards a fashion store, while at the store grace bought Seth some outfits and a backpack to store those outfits and then they went straight to a hotel so Seth could have a nice bath and put on a nice outfit. Thereafter sam took Seth to get a haircut, since his hair was very much grown and looked very messy, all these took 3 hours, it was already five pm in the evening.

Grace: now you look nice, getting a job shouldn't be so hard now right.

Seth who was still admiring his now look didn't hear what Sam just said. He was checking himself out in a mirror with a very surprised and happy look on his face. He was wearing a white T-shirt with the face of the superhero - Nanoblade on it accompanied with a black cargo short along with his new haircut. He was indeed happy after a long time.

Grace saw how happy he was and felt she should let him enjoy his moments before insisting he gets a job.

After moments of happiness, a very sad expression flashed on Seth's face and he turned towards Grace.

Seth: ma'am I'm sorry but I can't accept all this you've given me.

Grace was really surprised and confused, she couldn't understand why Seth would reject all she got for him.

Grace: why not.

Seth: Because I've learned that nothing is ever given to you for free, there's always a condition for it. A free reward without a condition is too good to be true.

Grace was very stunned by Seth words but she couldn understand the reason behind Seth's words since she just picked him up from the street and he must have gone through a lot while being homeless.

Grace: you're right, nothing is free. I'm helping you so you can help yourself and when you get a job, you can pay me back later.

Grace said with a smile. Seth heard this and felt a little relieved, then he walked straight to grace and fell to her feet then began to cry.

Seth: thank you very much ma'am, thank you.

Grace: get up, there's no need for that. It's five pm so let's go hang out at my place, maybe spend a night or two at least before you can pay rent, what do you think.

Seth was surprised and happy once more as he couldn't understand why this woman kept showing him so much kindness.

Since he arrived on earth about two months ago, everyone treated him harshly and he couldn't figure out why, but today, someone was different from the others.

Seth: Alright ma, I'll make sure I pay you back.

Grace giggled after hearing this and she called a taxi to come pick them up and head straight to Grace's house.

It took about thirty minutes for them to arrive at Grace's house. Grace was living in a villa outside the city, her house looked very modern and a lot of pretty vegetations were round the compound along with a pool at the front.

The finally arrived at the front door and the duo went inside.

Grace: welcome to my home, it's now yours too.

The interior of the house caught Seth's eyes as he walked into Grace's house. it was built with a very flashy and modern design and looked very cool, this was the first time he actually entered into someone's home since he arrived on earth.

Seth: wow, ma'am you have a nice pla.....

As he was about raise a acompliment, Grace passed by him, not wearing any clothes, she was completely naked from head to toe, her breast and behind bounces as she moves her sexy body towards the bathroom. Seth was shocked and dumbfounded.

Grace: I'm about to take a bath, do whatever you like when I'm gone, I'll be back soon.

And she walked into the bathroom and shot the door while Seth still pinned to the ground after seeing Grace.