

why did you leave me !!!!

_XEDI_ · ไซไฟ
16 Chs

The Beginning

In the midst of a harrowing explosion, a crowd scrambles in fear, their desperate escape interrupted as individuals are gruesomely severed in half. Amid the chaos, seven-year-old Seth Hether is drenched in blood, his terror-stricken gaze fixated on the source of the devastation.

Overwhelmed by fear,young Seth attempts to flee but is abruptly hindered by a womanly figure who inflicts a deep wound on his leg. Crawling away in agony, he desperately reaches for the sky, calling out to his brother Keith aboard an air vehicle. However, young Keith, tearfully witnessing the unfolding tragedy, remains powerless to rescue his brother, ultimately soaring away, leaving Seth behind.

Heartbroken and resigned to his fate, Seth lies on the ground, defenseless, as a menacing figure approaches and ruthlessly beheads him. The brutal sequence of events unfolds, capturing the helplessness and tragedy that surrounds Seth's untimely demise.

**10 YEARS LATER: Earth**

In a rush to make it to work, a man, already five minutes late, boards a bus, contemplating the impending reprimand from his manager. Amid his thoughts, a casual remark from a stranger suggests the insignificance of his haste.

Male Stranger: Dude, chill. No need to hurry; the world hasn't ended yet.

He gave the stranger a very angry look and was ready to reply, but h efore he can respond, the bus abruptly slams on its brakes, propelling everyone forward and slightly injuring a few.

Male Stranger 2: What's the big deal, you twat? You wanna get us killed?!

Bus Driver: Sorry, I'm very sorry for the trouble I've caused but we can't move forward.

Male Stranger 3: Why not!!!!

The bus driver points urgently at his windshield, revealing the A.W.A.I.T special force surrounding a building.

Bus Driver: If A.W.A.I.T is here, we need to leave immediately. We know what happens when they're around.

All passengers fell silent as they gazed ahead and beheld a formidable assembly of the A.W.A.I.T special forces.

The air crackled with anticipation as the elite unit stood ready, their presence commanding respect and instilling a sense of security.

The atmosphere was charged with a sense of purpose and determination, as the special forces prepared to fulfill their duty with unwavering resolve. It was a sight to behold, a reminder of the strength and skill that lay at the heart of the A.W.A.I.T special forces.

Already late, he jumps off the bus, opting to run to work. However, he soon discovers that the besieged building is his workplace. Shocked, he rushes toward it but is repelled by a shockwave from an explosion.

A dark vehicle emerges, and a smiling man inside makes eye contact with him while they zoomed away – villains.

As he rushed towards his workplace, his heart pounded with fear at the sight of the destruction that lay before him.

Determined to ensure the safety of his co-workers, he pushed forward, only to be halted in his tracks by the imposing presence of the AWAIT unit.

Despite his urgency, he knew that their evacuation procedures were in place for a reason, and he trusted in their expertise to keep everyone safe.

With a sense of bold determination, he waited patiently for further instructions, knowing that the safety of his colleagues was their top priority.

As he stood there, lost in thought, a determined soldier approached him and boldly inquired.

Soldier: Sir, may I have a moment of your time?

The soldier's gaze was unwavering, his stance strong and confident.

Soldier: We're you part of the victims who were raided"

With a heavy heart, he looked at the soldier and responded boldly.

"No I was not but I work here"

Soldier: come come with me.

He was then led by the soldier to a side of the exploded building where numerous rescue efforts were underway. As he surveyed the scene, he saw a mix of injured individuals, some deceased, some crying, and some unconscious, which filled him with fear.

However, his attention was quickly diverted when the soldier halted and pointed to a specific corner.

Soldier: Do you happen to recognize any of these individuals?

He turned to see the corner indicated by the soldier and was taken aback to see several of his fallen comrades and the deceased managing director.

The sight brought tears to his eyes as he slowly approached them.

Soldier: If you recognize any of them, please assist in contacting their families.

Meanwhile, housing four villains, the hovering vehicle wreaks havoc, pursued by A.W.A.I.T's forces.

Male Villain 1: These guys don't know when to quit.

Female Villain: Let's show them how to quit.

Initiating an EMP wave, the vehicle disrupts nearby devices and vehicles, including A.W.A.I.T's, leading to multiple crashes that enable the villains to escape.

Male Villain 2: Haha, that's what I'm talking about. Next, we atta...

A blurry figure descends with force, slamming into their vehicle, causing fatalities. The surviving villain emerge, confronting the mysterious figure.

Male Villain: This isn't your city. Why the hell are you here?

As the figure, revealed to be an adult Keith Hether, approaches through the smoke, he warns the villain to leave.

Keith Hether: I advise you leave while you still can.

The villain dismiss his warning, prompting Keith to intervene when he aims a weapon at a little girl.

Male Villain: Don't be so full of yourself. You ain't a god, and I don't work for you.

Keith Hether: Stop! Don't point that thing at her; she's just a child! (yelling)

Ignoring Keith's plea, the villain launches a bomb towards the girl. Keith, in a swift move, narrowly saves her, only to discover she's still injured. Filled with anger, he confronts the villain, delivering a powerful punch that tears him apart.

A voice crackles through his airpod.

Commander: I gave you an order, and you disobeyed.

Keith Hether: Damn it He almost killed her.

Commander: We needed him alive.

Just writing what comes to mind at this point

_XEDI_creators' thoughts