

why did you leave me !!!!

_XEDI_ · ไซไฟ
16 Chs

An Interesting One

After alot of investigation and research, the police investigation unit were unable to solve the incident that took place at the bar two days ago so they decided to handle the case to the A.W.A.I.T investigation unit as they were more capable and technologically equipped to handle it all.

The situation caught the attention of the Red division's A.W.A.I.T investigation unit chairman - John Elvis and he decided to take on the case himself.

So he called the unit's officer in to discuss with him about his intentions.

Unit Officer: Sir please, you can leave this us, well take care of it.

John Elvis: Stay calm, I'm interested in this case and besides, it has been a long time since I got out and do some field work myself

The unit Officer felt uncomfortable about letting a reputable man like John Elvis to take on his work, if it was someone else, he would have agreed instantly.

John Elvis: alright get me the files with issue 1.17-05

Unit Officer: Alright sir, give me some minutes

The unit officer hurried walked out of the office and went straight to collect the files John Elvis request for.

Five minutes later, the unit Officer arrived with a folder in his hand, a folder containing files with issue 1.17-05.

He then handed it over to John Elvis to look into it.

After going through some information in the files, he looked at the unit Officer and asked.

John Elvis: This kid, who is he ?.

Unit Officer: That's the problem sir, we've checked the civilian and criminal record in the A.W.A.I.T's database but couldn't find any related to him.

John Elvis was a little confused after hearing the words from the unit office and looked at the files again.

John Elvis: How's that possible, have you acquired the records from all other A.W.A.I.T unit.

Unit Officer: yes of course, I've done that but was still unable to identify this person sir.

With a smile, John Elvis dropped the file on his table and leaned on his chair to relax and feel comfortable.

John Elvis: just like I said, this case is truly an interesting one, so where's this kid now.

Unit Officer: He was taken to the hospital sir.

John Elvis: hmmm, arranged a car for me, I'm going straight to the hospital.

Unit Officer: I'll do just that sir.

And then he ran to arrange a vehicle for John Elvis. Few minutes later John was in a vehicle going straight to the hospital.

While in the car, he kept on looking at the files and was indeed excited to be a part of this mysterious investigation.

After arriving at the hospital, he went straight to the female receptionist at the reception, accompanied by five other members in the await investigation unit.

The receptionist recognized John Elvis immediately since he was a very unique figure in the country.

Receptionist: how may I help you sir.

John Elvis: yes, the victim of street bar killing who was brought here, where is he ?

Receptionist: sir....

She hesitated to reply to John as a very disturbed look flashed on her face.

John Elvis: is there something wrong.

Receptionist: I understand the importance of your inquiry. Unfortunately, the victim you are looking for left our hospital three days ago because of what happened.

John Elvis: what happened.

Receptionist: Follow me sir.

She then called someone else to take her place and walked towards an hallway accompanied by John, this led them to an empty room sealed off with caution tapes.

John Elvis: why am I here.

Receptionist: three days ago, the boy was in this room with a nurse but we found blood and body part painted around the walls and floor when we came.

John Elvis: what about the kid.

Receptionist: he wasn't here when we came.

And John Elvis walked deeper into the room, explored the entire area to his fill and walked back to the door where the receptionist and the unit members were all waiting.

John Elvis: so why weren't we informed about this.

Receptionist: we contacted the police immediately after the incident was discovered.

John Elvis: this is becoming more interesting than I thought, we have to find this kid immediately.

Then John and his team walked away from the receptionist and out of the hospital's premises, he then made a phone call to the unit office.

John Elvis: seems we have a bigger issue at hand, send all unit on a search to find the kid in issue 1.17-05

Officer: Alright sir

After he hung up, John sighed to himself and walked back to the car along with the investigation unit squad who accompanied him.

On his way to the vehicle, the taught of something then paused for a little before looking at the squad who were with him.

John Elvis: Do we have an earmeter in the vehicle by any chance.

"Yes sir why"

John Elvis: Bring it over to me.

And a squad member went to the vehicle and brought out a device with similar shape and size of a basket, this device is an "Energy And Radiation Meter", EARmeter for short. This device was handed over to John Elvis.

John Elvis: alright thanks, now you guys can leave without me, I have some work to do.

"But sir, we are here to assist you with this investigation, we can't leave you by yourself".

John Elvis: that's not a request, it's an order.

"Alright sir, we'll get going"

And they walked towards the car and drove off while John Elvis turned around and walked back to the hospital's entrance.

After entering into the building, he went back to the receptionist to collect further information.

Receptionist: sir you're back.

John Elvis: your rooms are equipped with cameras right ?.

Receptionist: yes sir why.

John Elvis: then get me the footage from the camera places in the empty room.

And she quickly pressed her computer to bring our the video file recorded from the camera.

Receptionist: here you go.

Then John took a look at the computer screen and watched the video for about a minute before deciding on the action to take next.

John Elvis: I see.

After watching the video he then walked out of the receptionist's presence and returned to the empty room. He viewed the room before placing the earmeter on the floor and activated it.

Then rays of light of different colours were blasted continuously at a very quick rate and John Elvis brought out a special eye glass and attached it to his face.

This device enables him to view energy source of different kind that were invincible to the ordinary eyes to see.

After putting on the glasses, he then saw a little bit of yellowish green energy all over the room and went around to inspect them.

John Elvis: hmm quite bizarre, this is something entirely different.

He then saw a more concentrated energy from the corner of the room going straight out of the window and he walked towards it.

John Elvis: The video earlier shows where and how the nurse was killed, tells me the killer is not a human but a person with powers, however in the same footage there was nobody with the nurse in the room, she was alone.

He then continued to speak to himself.

John Elvis: if it was a villain with invincibility powers, then the sensors around would have detected the negative energy from him, but this isn't negative energy, it's something different.

Then John went straight to the window and came up with two conclusions.

The first being that there was indeed someone here since he could see an unknown energy flowing out the window which means someone went out the window and the second being that the energy discovered isn't like anything he has seen before so it wasn't a villain's, a human's or a hero's either.

Humans don't give out any special energy but heros give out a pink like aura called positive energy and villains give out a red like aura called negative energy, in this case, none of those parameters were met. People with powers give out energy due to the source of superpowers in people which is still unknown till data.

It all started a hundred years ago when babies were born with special abilities, it's is said to be a disease that causes the human DNA to be restructured but the source of this disease was never discovered.

John Elvis: This indeed is an interesting one, a little reason why this kid isn't in the civilian's database.