
twisted ella

Ella was born in the fair kingdom of elvenshire to a loving father on February 20th; her mother died during birth "don't worry, Ella, ill care for you" he held her as they covered her mom. When Ella was 3, he remarried an evil woman with 2 daughters Reagan and Glenda; Ella would always be around her dad when he was practicing his archery "daddy, can I try" he guided her hands and watched her first arrow hit a far off tree "daddy I missed" "Ella it's your first time with a little practice you'll make it" "if you say so" she practiced for years when she turned 8 her dad let her hold the bow on her own while he stood to watch "you did it, Ella, your mom would be so proud" he showed her knife throwing, archery, and all other sports "brad I don't believe you should be teaching a young lady a mans sport, teach her to be a lady" "oh Ella's mom did this kind of stuff, and she was pretty lady enough, which reminds me I got something for her" Kathy walked off with her children following behind her. That night ellas dad opened the door to her room "ella wake up daddys got something for you" he held an old jewelry box "what is it dad something bad happen" ella sat up and and looked him in the eye "the king has called for me to go on an adventure for something very important, a very special bounty hunt and before i go your mother wanted you to have this" ella opened the box to find a locket with a picture of her mom "dad whos this" "thats your mom, she died when you were born" "shes beautiful,why now" "i forgot i had it untill this afternoon" she made her dad promise to come home safely ella put on the locket "ill never take it off daddy" "theres also a picture of me in there for when you out live me" the next morning she and the others stood by the carriage "would you like me to bring anything back" " a nugget of gold" the stepmother and her daughters replied "a stick from the drive way so i could widdle it down to a spear" she just asked "thats my little warrior, good bye girls" they waved as he left "ella you really should start being a lady" "i dont like lady like things" she turned and went back inside. The stepmother gave the staff time off and forced Ella to start the housework, and she did them happily until she answered the door "are you the lady of the house" "no sir, but I can bring this to her" he handed her a branch and a letter and Ella closed the door "Ella was that at the door" "a letter came for you" handing her the letter "mother shes holding that filthy branch" Glinda reached for it "no" Ella ran knowing why it was there "he's gone girls, he died" "I knew you didn't love my dad" Ella ran crying to her room "oh Ella speaking of that, would you kindly move into the attic my girls are tired of sharing a room" "your a heartless women" Ella was dragged up the stairs and thrown into a dusty attic "poor Ella" followed by snide laughter "oh, and Ella would you kindly get to work" she shuffled to get her personal things from the room and clean the house. She woke up and overlooked the garden "it's not even daylight and I have to start work" she started off by feeding the stock and making their breakfast and juices when the bell rang "after a year I finally get the timing right" going to the rooms handing them there breakfast and leaving with laundry "oh ella would you come in here" "right away ma'am" she went in and did her usual "today is silver polishing day and all the curtins need cleaning, the floors scrubed and the works, and the cat needs her bath" "yes ma'am" she walked out putting the basket on the cart, later that evening she was scrubing the floors when a knock on the door made her get up "hello young lady im looking for a madam kathy" she lead him into the parlor "ill go get her sir, why not have a drink while you wait" "your very kind" kathy stepped down the stairs sharp eyeing ella "I must know do you have any other children before we marry" she relucticly called in ella she ran to Kathy and stood still "you're the third darling daughter, what a gorgeous locket" "thank you, sir, it was my mothers" "I don't think I can I still have floors to clean" "you make her clean" the gentlemen seemed very shocked by this fact "oh no she likes to help our staff" "but miiss.." she went up to her room and stared at the locket "daddy im sorry I made that spear" she took it off the wall and smiled "ella, how dare you say that stuff in front of a suiter" kathy burst through her door and ripped off ellas locket "no" going to grab it "you little bitch im trying to get a better title, not some shitty dutchess" beating her "im sorry miss kathy". Ella went outside, rubbing her wounds by her moms memorial "mom, I'm sorry the locket broke" a white sparkly mass formed into a person while she was looking at the locket "dear child, it's all gonna be alright" she looked up and saw it was a woman in long white gown "who are you" "take another look at the woman in there and look back" she calmly stared down the picture of her mother "mom, I'm sorry I killed you" "Ella is it, it's ok you didn't kill me I was dying anyway. You look terrible what happened" "it was Kathy" "oh I'm sorry if I was still alive.." he thoughts trailed off "if you were still alive dad would have never married her" she sat and just talked about everything. The next day the man came back and suggested that kathy go see his palace "oh id absolutly love that" she hired a nanny and gave strict rules on interaction with ella, she did her work dealing with the girls tainting and bullying "ouch" they throw a vase on her "we'll just tell mom she broke it" "tecnecly her back did break it" she went and hid in her room while glenda keep throwing insults and items at her "glenda i get it you hate me, can i just finish cleaning" she grabbed her bucket and went to the ballroom "nothing can hit me here" she told herself pulling out the glass shards "ella, is it ok if i help you" "i have to clean the floors, alone" the nanny performed some type of magic on her that healed the marks "i know i was told not to talk to you but i dont like the way those girls treat you" "im used to it, since my dad died this has been going on" "i want to tell someone" "dont please" she sat on the floor and dug the locket out of her pocket "are you okay your crying" "my dad gave this to me the night before he left" "theres a beautiful woman in that side" "i was told that was my mom" "thats sweet" she got back to the floors and had a moment to herself "im gonna fix this" fixing the locket and putting it back on "ella" "what do you need reagan" "i want to apologize for the vase" "im fine, i wonder how bad at archery ill be now" she snuck out of her window as soon as reagan left "i hate this place but these always bring me back to dad" she shot at the target tears coming down her face "dad whyd you leave" "i never left you ella" she jerked around "dad, why now" "i saw it all and i didnt know kathy was like that" "can can.. i touch you" "of course ella" she went in for a hug and sat by the fountain talking to him all night "ill miss you dad" "i love you" his spirt mouthed to her before disappearing into the sun as she climbed back up her rope and pulling it in "well to work it is, unpayed work" she went through the day as normal when she saw the man and kathy come back in and went to her target "wheres ella" "probaly still sleeping" he went and explored the house and caught a glimpse of ella "isnt that ella" "oh must be" kathy directed his attention away from her "i inherted this place from my grandparents" "you and i both know thats a lie kathy" kathy turned around shocked to see ella "what are you doing with that weapon" "i reconmend you duck theres a bird in the house" kathy didnt duck until the bow was raised and ella took her shot "this house was my fathers and this woman is my step mother" she went through them and grabbed the bird and arrow "forgive her shes not very lady like" "who taught her those amazing moves" "never mind that, ella, bow goes outside" "suck it, the bow stays in my room" she put it up and through dead bird outside "lets have some fun" jumping out the window and playing in the trees with her knives "well id be very to have your family join me and my boy" "reagan, glenda, ella i have news" reagan and glenda rushed down to the foyer "wheres ella" "i dont know" she flipped through the door and put her knife away "sup" "oh hello little warrior" "sup" "ella would you wipe that dirt of your face" "what i killed dinner" "anyway i have news" "oh great, whats the news now" Kathy looked at her sharply and ella got in formation "ive decided that the wedding will go on" "thats great but i got a bloody deer out there" "ella" "uh huh, its gone". A week before the wedding they moved into his palace "its beautiful isnt it girls" "its neat" "well ella i took your personality in order for your room" "cool, im sorry but i packed my weapons" "no problem at all, my staff put your things in the room" he brought her to the room and she seemed amazed "its the room of my dreams sir" "i thought youd like it" everyone was shown to their rooms and started unpacking "im going to explore the forest" she went and jumped around in the trees "huh this is fun, should have brought my bow" "ella its almost time for breakfast where are ya" she ran in the trees and landing right in front of him "reporting for duty sir" "be more careful in there, theres dangous creatures in there" "yes sir" she walked with him to the diningroom "how do you navigate around this place" "took awhile for me to do it, considering i liked to hunt when i was younger" "i never fit in, in elvenshire the girls would always laugh at me because my dad taught me how to fight" "well you'll fit in just fine here, all the women and men are hunters here" she saw the table and took her seat. Later Ella saw an unclean spot and started to clean it up "darling, you don't have to do that" "oh, I'm sorry," putting the sponge back in the bucket, she sat in her room, sharpening her arrows before bed.

Ella woke up early one morning and leaped out the window with her bow "come at me " she tryed lining up her shot when it got to close and another arrow flew past her "ella if your gonna do this please be more careful, in the meantime get down here" "yes sir" jumping off the branch "the weddings tommorrow and next week im naming you and your sisters princess's of woodsdale" "thats great and all sir but i dont think im princess materal" "ella your princess enough, just a different breed of princess" "your the closest thing to my dad" "go close your window and get to breakfast" "yes commander" "ya dont have to call me dad but dont call me commander please" "yes sir", ella rejoined everyone at the table "well ella finally decided to join us" "she was trying her hand in hunting orcs, i came to assist her before he attacked" "well thats sweet of you, bradly" kathy said looking down at her plate "kathy i do wish youd take more interest in her" "well ive tried but i dont really enjoy fighting" they finished breakfast and were shown around the castle, reagan went back to the library after the tour and glenda went back to her room. Bradly knocked on ellas door "ella can I come in" she closed her locket real fast "yes, sir" sitting up when he came in "are you alright with all this" "im fine with it, sir, my step mothers happy" "well I know you might feel coped up in here" "kind of, I just wanna practice" "as soon as I can ill get a practice area we dont do anything with the backyard" "you dont have to do that sir", the next day the wedding happened and ella wanted to go explore the town "take this" he handed her a hunting knife "why" "its dangous out there" she straped it to her pants and went out the door "be safe ella" she stepped out of the gate and was instanly being looked at "hi" "ive seen you in the woods" "ok creeper" she speed walked away "thats the little huntress that goes in the woods every morning" "young lady if I may whats your name" "im not telling a stranger" "arent you one of those new princess's" "is it that noticable" she got scared and jumped in a tree to hide until night fell. When ella jumped out she put the new tiny figurine in her pocket and heard trumpets "shit im late" she ran to the gate "ok there has to be a back entrance somewhere" she tree hoped to the roof "id like a warm welcome for my new queen, kathy" "oh shit hes about to name us, umm window window there mine" she grabed her rope and swung in the room getting the leaves and twigs out of her hair "ella dads looking for you" "in here michael" "out too late" "maybe a minute or so" breathing heavy "let me guess you tree jumped to roof and found your rope, and then you swung in real quick" "how do you know" "i do it all the time ella, now my dad wants you near the balcony" "can you help me get there" "sure" he walked her to her step sisters "oh miss ella we can help you" the castle hairstylist brushed out her hair "and we really should get her in a gown" "uh no i dont like dresses" dusting off the pants "the new additions to the family princesses glenda reagan and ella" ella rushed out "sorry i was late mr.bradley" "i made up a longer speech because i saw you tree jumping" "oh thank you" ella hugged him, "ella i talked it over with your stepmom about adopting you if our marriage dont work out and she said i could" "are you serous, id be so happy here" "ive enrolled all you girl in miliary school, youll all be sharing michaels teacher" "i dont think my sisters are gonna go for this" "well just incase i have a private teacher" "well good night...dad" "ella you dont have to call that" "you just remind me so much of him" "what did your father look like?" ella opened her locket and showed him "he used to say i look like my mom" "hes not wrong, good night ella" he closed the door and walked down the hall, ella woke up the next morning "what the hell do i do now, ok its your first day as a princess so i could be a lady or myself, hmm morning hunt" she got dressed and went out the window with her weapon "hello whats your name" "who are you" "im the duke of woodsdales son" "shhh deer right ahead, names ella" he started wispering a conversation to her "your one of those new princesses" "heck yeah got it" jumping to drag it out "meet me tommorrow here" "im not completly against it" dragging the deer to the castles backyard and pulling out her knife "young lady!" "yes sir" "are you Ella" "yes sir" "you've got impressive skills, I saw you kill this animal here's your knife cadet Ella" "thank you Sargent, commander" putting her knife back in its sheave "thank you commander" king Bradley came into the back yard as the commander was stepping away "Ella I knew id find you here" "can I skip breakfast I have to skin this" "dear sure" he went back inside "better yet Mr.Bradley" "yes ella" "can i get directions to the dukes house" "yeah i can get you a showfor" "thank you" she picked up the deer on her shoulders and followed the man "here you are miss ella" she rang the doorbell and a maid opened the door "ma'am is there a david here" "hes out right now sorry" "well is it okay if i give this deer to the house for food" "come out back" she closed the front door and lead her to the kitchen "ladies and gentlemen of the kitchen this nice young lady brought a deer" "ill skin it too if youll allow me" the little boy from the woods appeared behind ella "i can help you skin the deer ella" he tied it up for her and ella handed him a second knife "you know how to do this right" "yes im not stupid" "how old are you david" "im ten and you ella" "ten" "still want to meet me tommorrow morning" "sure same branch" "miss ella the commander starts his class in an hour" "well ill see you tommorrow ella" "see ya" she was escorted back to the castle, ella joined michael for classes "look at ella out there reagan" "i think shes impowe.. uh weird" "thats what i thought". Reagan went into her room and just watched ella "ellas got boyfriend" "no i dont" glenda burst through the door "what are you doing", ella started punching michael "i do not like anyone" "you can say that all you want ella" "grrr" she ran off into the woods "you cant hide forever" he went back in the house while ella widled more people from branches "ella its close to dinner" "coming" she put her knife away and jumped off the tree limb, what were you making" "a village". A year later ella was in the woods hanging on the branch "your pretty cool ella" "david you should shut up" the sun hadnt even come up yet "somethings coming ella" she had david help her up and she grabbed her bow "why do you come out here anyway in the morning" "eh my dad wants me to learn how to hunt, how are you so good at this" "ive been doing this since i was 3, my dad taught me" "can you teach me" "why not" she spent until day break teaching him "your a good pal david" "oh" "was there something you were going to say" "uh nevermind i should be getting home" "well ok, that was weird" she saw him run off "ella breakfast" she jumped off her branch and ran into the castle with her bow on her back "ella how many times do i have to tell you no weapons at the table" she put her bow against the wall and sat down "ella how was your morning" "i taught my freind to use the bow" "well thats nice". After two years the king divorced ellas step mom "i have to go i dont want to i have friends here" "fine stay then, we dont need you anyway" Bradley helped her up and after a week showed her the papers "its okay, remember when i first married your step mom" "yes sir" "well when she i signed it so your offically my daughter" "that feels like im intruding" "dude naw we've always fought like siblings remember that time i said you liked your freind" "beat you to the ground for it" "your apart of the family ella" "you sure" "come on even the Sargent would miss you" "ok", on ellas 16 birthday she was in the woods finishing her wooden replaca of the kingdom "hey ella, ella" "yo david im right here" "ella i have to tell you something" "if you would just get your ass up here" she looped to the limb grabbing his hand and getting back to her carving "i really have to tell you about a princesses 16th birthday" "what about it, its just a birthday" "no on a princesses 16th birthday they get batrothed" "gross" "im serious i wish i joking and ive wanted to tell you something for years" "what would that be" he grabbed her hands "yo watch the knife my man" "since i first meet you i knew i loved you, your strong, confident, and you know what you want" "i dont get it, why me" "i want to be there" "you will be the party, your being weird" "yo ella" "im coming, hey ill see at ya at the party" she went to her brother "hey talking to your boyfreind" "shut up" "ok, we got 30 minutes to get dressed and back down here, the Sargents meeting us in the town" "got it roof jumping" "hell yeah" she took her usual route to her window and changed "yo ella waiting for ya" "on second longer" she used her rope and meet him on the roof "ready" "hey is that betrothal thing true" "yeah any royal is betrothed on their 16th birthday" "damn do you even remotly like yours" "no but im told I'll learn" "im in for a joy then" "hey your a royal it has to happen, sarg!" "lieutenant" "yes sargent, i hear its your birthday, 32 push ups" "yes sargent". The party was alittle more extravagant than ella would have liked "how are you liking the party" "im not used to this, look at him already meeting people" she turned away and spend time outside when tried wowing Bradley "you okay ella" "just not a big party person" "ill come get you when dad gets ready" "ok" she rolled her eyes looking at all the drunk older men as she wrote her fathers wishes for her and put it in her pocket "ella nice to see again" "hey david" "what you doing out here" "not huge on parties" "hey neither am i, but you wanna dance" "theres nothing but drunken idiots out here, what do you mean" "come on in its not too crowded" "eh why not" she dusted off her over skirt and followed him in "ella come sit dads ready" her brother dragged her to a spotlighted seat "is this necessary" "shh" "ive chosen boys for ella to choose from" "thats easy none of them" "ella please" "fine i choose by a dance" she took a few rounds "my father says woman become house slaves when they marry" "get away from me" she took a break having apple cider

Ella was already aggervated with the guys when david came up to her "one more dance" "why" "please then ill let you sit down" "ok" she took her last dance and talked with him "ella i have to say this i was apart of 5 your dad choose" "what is wrong with you" "i told you i love you this morning and i dont want you to go to some arragent bastard" "your awsome man" "i already know" ella went back outside to calm herself "hey ella what do ya say we fiddle fart around in the woods" "let me get my bow" she laughed and flipped up to the room "shes a hell of a gal" "what was that david" "whened you get there" "just now, lets go" she lifted heself up on the branch "i think i need help" "grab my arm" she lifted him up and they talked the rest of the night "ella come down dad wants to end the party with the news" she hung upside down on the branch "why its so boring in that party" "come on you dont have to be in there much longer and tell david he has to come too" "uh damn, david were needed at the party" "but is so quiet out here i dont want to" "we can meet tommorrow morning like always come on, we have to satisfy the masses" "ill take it" they joined the party "my daugther has found a man his name david" "you dont have to do this" "sir this is really unnecsery" "nonesense boy". Ella was in the woods that morning when she saw david "sup dipshit" hanging from her branch "huh im offended you've hurt me" "i hurt you, not yet get your ass up here" "sounds fun" he pulled himself up laughing "im finishing up my castle model" "cool" "hey watch out orc" shooting it in the head "you've gotten good at hitting orcs" "yep i know" she managed to get him to laugh before class "well i gotta go" "so do i, see ya later" by lunch ella and micheal got to talking "have you fallen yet" "naw you ella, i hate this girl" "davids cool but i wish how to show him i like him, i mean he told me why cant i tell him" "ella your a different breed of princess, telling that person just isnt your thing you show it, in your own special way you can show him" "ill have to think of a way" "ya know what i overheard dad saying" "why not" "i heard dad talking to the sargent that if i dont become king you'll take over as ruler" "i doubt that youd make a great king" "and youll become genral once you graduate" "now that i dont believe" "im serous when you first arrived her you were already at a higher rank, what ever your dad was he trained you well" "my father was nothing but a duke when i was born, i was ex military" "now that makes some damn sense, you meeting your boyyfrreind today" "stop calling him that and im meeting his today, what are you doing today loverboy" "meeting that annoyance of a girl" "i wish you luck" she punched his shoulder and got up "why'd you do that" "i wanted to" she laughed and played with her sword. Ella graduated and became genral "ok we strike by midnight from the trees got it" "yes ma'am" she saw the enemy coming "hey scrap the plan, their coming, get as many as you can before they can get close" her army attacked jumping from trees and bushes "not today fucker" pulling her sword out of the last guys chest "you bitch" "damn right" she walked away cleaning the blood from the blade "ella your safe" "david why wouldnt i be" "battle isnt good, even for experenced people" "please be safe" "please were not married yet, hand me that rag" he gave her rag "ella get serious you could get killed" "yeah id like to see them try, i have royal training tommorrow morning" "but what about our mornings in the woods" "relax, if micheal doesnt become king i take over and in that event i have to be ready" "your 17" "like i said in that event, we have to grow up sometime" "i know i wasent ready to grow up yet" "i gotta go, meet at the usual place" "tonight?" "yep" she meet with the king and over veiwed the damage "we lost two men and the enemys bodies are all over the forest" "we'll get some soilders to get those" "I'd like to help" she spent her day sending bodies to their homes until that night "ella are you here" "up here" david managed to get up on the branch "hey i gotta tell you something real quick" "what would that be" she shoot at the sky and spoke quickly "ive liked you since i was 14" "what" "you heard me im not repeating myself" "why didnt you tell me before" "i cant tell that kind of stuff to people" "i get it" she caught the arrows and put them back in her bag "its okay to share how you feel" "not when your in my postion". By the time Michael turned 20, he'd run off and eloped to someone else "Ella, I need you in the throne room" "ill be right there, dad" Ella did her flips to the room "Ella, you'll be taking over after I'm gone since Micheal is nowhere to be found" "I don't think I'm fit for the job" "with a few more years you will be" "what about David" "ill talk to his father" "maybe then I could meet him" she went to her room and wrote a letter to David sending it to him, "why'd you want to meet me here with a bag packed" "I wanna one last night as best friends a sleepover" "does your dad know about this little plan" "no its a secret". Ella snuck him into her room "why did you want to do this now" "he told me I'll be taking his place after he's gone and i wanna have some damn fun before that" "i understand" they started laughing and making jokes "shh, shh your gonna wake him up" "why isnt micheal takeing over" "he ran off and no one can find him" "oh shit im sorry" "miss ella, i brought your reqeasted snack" "hide hide, thank you burt" she put him on the side of her bed no one could see from and got the door "have a good night" "you too" she put the tray on the bed "stay there" "why" "none of your business" she changed into her pjs and went back to the bed "is it safe to look" "yep get up here and eat something", david woke to ella sitting on the window "are you ok" "im fine, just dad says by 18 i get married and im not ready" "im not ready either but it has to happen" "david im genral, im going to be queen and i have to get married, its all happening too fast" "im scared too, i mean i dont have all that coming up" "we can do this together" "are you sure" "perfect". Ella was called to the throne room "ella your brother sent letters" 'dad i couldnt marry that girl she just wasnt it, so i ran of to earth vegas to elope and im happy with her, p.s tell ella im sorry for putting her in such predicament i knew what i was giving up and putting on her shoulders' "he included picures too" "well he does look happy but like he wrote he gave up being king, we announce your my heir tonight" "ok, i meet with the colonel in a few hours" she went to her room and changed "damn might as well have fun while i wait" she finished her model and cleaned her sharp things "ella can we talk" "yes dad, im just cleaned my sword" "i got you something" handing her a long box "ok" "i thought it would be needed" opening the box "we're elves we dont us guns" "we have to start this is the modern world" "i dont trust it their too loud, but thank you" "i do believe you should be off and dont damage the roof" "i wont" she tree jumped the secret location and put on her hat fixing her bun "general gold" "yes colonal" "theres a ceremony inside for the military kids go on in and wait" "yes colonal" she folded her hat and sat down and lastly but not less important for general of army, general gold" she sat stunned for a minute "so on, gold" she put her face back and went up stone faced "she must have been expecting this" the ceremony continued and went into the party "congratulates gold" "thank you, i can't stay too late king Bradleys naming me heir to the throne tonight" "oh lucky ella gets the highest honor and queen" "ill go tell the colonel i have to go" she waited on the roof of the castle "when does it end" "ella you said we'd meet in the woods" "sorry ill be right down" she grabbed her and jumped down "so about the woods" "sorry cant do it today, ive just been named general of the army and i got alot to think about" "hey come on lets go to our branch, plenty of room to rant" he helped her up and listened to her rant "ella are you okay now" "better now, shit i only got an hour to get dressed for the kings announcement" "ill see you tommorrow, what a woman " he yelled as she kicked flipped up the wall into her room, david stayed at the branch and overheard the king "i love her". Ella and Bradley were planning the wedding "ella your 18th birthday tommorrow" "i know, i just want to get it over with. Can we just get the planning done" "if thats what you want, i have something if youd like to wear it" he walked her to his closet "oh look im there hahaha and heres my mothers wedding dress" "what were you laughing about" "nothing, look at the dress" ella looked at the gown while Bradley keep talking to himself "i dont know i like it but its a dress" "ella you have to wear a dress to wedding" "if i have to wear a dress ill do this one" "good good now we have to finish the reception off" "ok" "im gay and your step mother was going to expose me" "ok lets talk about that, it seems the plannings putting both of under some stress, you more than me" she joked trying to calm him "if i was found out, i couldn't have the trone anymore" "so you cant be gay in this kingdom" "the royals cant but if you a civalin go for it" "ill help it stay a secret for as long as you want" "you've really grown since i first meet you" "im almost 18 and getting married, and i have to be grown for my title" "sometimes i think put you the military classes made you grow up too fast" "those princess classes wouldn't have been good either" "thats true" "joining micheals was the best thing that could have happened" "hey when did you start calling michael your brother" "i quess when i was 14, he was the only one who treated me like a sibling and not an enemy" "well you found a family and im gonna tell you something micheal dont know" "ok this is getting weird" "when i was your age me and the guy i was with wanted a baby so we adopted micheal" "so you dont have any biological kids" "nope but i love my children like they are my own blood" "thats sweet"

Ella ran out of her window "ella what is it this time" "stress again dipshit" "is it that bad" "yes" "then why are you on the roof" "the forest isnt safe anymore i dont think im ready for this marriage thing" "come on its not all bad do you remember what you told me when we did our secret sleepover" "we can do this together" "exactly come back inside" he throw up the rope to her and she flew in the room "whats tommorrow looking like" "training" "really we have to be getting ready for the wedding" "i know but im busy with my work" david went and visited ella at the acadamy "ella baby doll" "not now david, im busy" "rehersals start in an hour" "please wait for me there, ill be done in perhaps 30 minutes" "ok, are you sure" "yep ill be good" she left the after the others went to sleep and roof hopped to the ball room "ella you could have changed, it doesnt until 12" "i rushed for no reason" "lets get you changed" david went into her closet and pulled out a dress "not a chance you should, you know im only wearing a dress tomorrow" "ok then this" "sure" she told him staring at the ceiling "are you scared ella" "no because im marrying my best freind, even through it only started with you protecting me from creeps and idiots" "come on you have to get dressed" "do it for me i dont wanna" he jerked her around and dressed her "well that was interesting" "i was just joking, but thanks" "your very weird" she stuck her tongue and david lighty bite it "hey" "dont make me drag you out there" "try me, ill dead weight your ass" "uh huh come on" he throw her arms over his shoulders and carried her into the ballroom "you acually did it" she took her seat and laughed "like i said your a weirdo" "you did it to me" they sat for hours listening to everyone "you girls could have had that" "yeah but you ruined it" ella went into her room and started cleaning her weapons "eh ella you good in there" "why wouldnt i be" the door slowly opened "hey everyones asleep, last night as best freinds" "yep, what about it" "have you lost all your senses" "look i still havent meet your father what is he waiting for when i die" "well thats kinda true" she put her axe away "i got a better idea" "we cant do that till tommorrow" "gosh its not going to ya" "i geuss your right" "close the door no one will know" they were makeing out when they heard footsteps "shh, can we keep going" "very quietly" they wispered as he stuck his hand up her shirt. The next morning they were joking around, "does this have to be an all day thing" "kinda, to the roof" "you read my mind" they climbed up the ropes and laughed while people were looking for them "hows your day going" "the best" she layed in his lap with her eyes closed laughing "were missing the bride and groom, can someone help" "ah damn we have to get going their frantic" they swung in the hall "where were you guys, I swear" "did you ever check the roof" "oh yeah I forgot thats another popular hot spot for you" "yep, so what are you planning next" "eh I dont know" "so I can change" "yeah" "hell yeah" she ran off and got into more comfortanle clothes "yeah she didnt like that thing" "but she had to" ella came back out holding the dress "thank you" "I never want to contranted like that ever again" "maybe a different kind" "not having this conversation here later." That night Ella's room was broken into and when she woke up with her hands tied behind her "hello princess" the bag was taken off her head "hey shouldn't you be dead, I killed you" "you thought you did" "oh bite my badazzed ass" "is it really" "your a fucking moron" "we have your princess woodsdale" "oh big scary man thinks hes timading" "shut her up" "oh hes scared" she laughed behind them "i am not" "not scary but damn boring" "thats ella" "i will kill you right now" he held a knife up "come closer, come slit my throat" she waited till he was close enough "prepare to die" "ok" she kicked his hand and the knife untied her hands "you filthy bitch" "you havent seen filthy yet, im heading home" she grabbed the knife and killed them while flipping off the wall and turned off the camera "ella your safe" david ran up to her "please its called trickery" "ella you killed 5 people on camera, and they were enemies" "im aware and i can handle this" "that isnt good" "i know i can fix this dad" she made her speech to the kingdom and keep fighting "ella are you in here" "yeah dumbass up here" she looked down from the limb "why are you so agressive" "i fucked up, i could have caused a future battle for us" "you didnt do anything wrong they were going to kill you, but you did scare me" "i had a plan. Make them angry then kill" "come back inside" "im glad I got to talk to someone" she jumped out of the tree and walked holding his hand "ella, I didn't anger you with what I said" "no but I was stressed" "I found her in the woods" he sat with ella on the floor while bradley was alone. Ella was up late cleaning her sword when she heard a group of people and opened her door "king Bradley you shouldn't even be over on this side" "I don't need to be babied" he coughed holding a rag to his mouth "dad why are you still up, I can get him to his room" she walked him to the room and tucked him in "whats on this rag" "nothing" "if you say so, just stay in bed" she made her way back to the room.