
Twisted Game Of Fate

In the first scene, Jim Simpson is revealed as a frail kid who suffers from emotional and psychological disorder from a secret related to her long dead family members which gives her a wave of psychological trauma for the past ten years. Luckily within this past years, she got along well with one of her mother's friends who is a mysterious widow but is intently devoted to protecting the welfare of Jim. Of recent, due to some misunderstanding at work, her foster mother Mrs. Wayne is forced to relocate to another neighborhood in Raynold Island, a bubbling and interesting location in New Castle City which is quite contradictory to Jim's initial neighborhood at Missouri the opposite side of New Castle City. This coincides with her eventful change in going to high school in another neighborhood different from the Missouri, but little did she expect that fate played a nasty and tricky game on her as she falls in love with her own enemy which she sought to seek revenge on so badly. The Vampire General is unexpectedly a student in the high school where Jim is studying. But this general does not seem to remember the face of Jim for some reasons whatsoever. However, she still ignores this and seeks to pursue her revenge for her parents by killing this demon who hurt her family and herself. Little did she expect that she would suddenly get caught up in a series of plot twist and entanglements. Also she gets to find out that the world around her is more than just human faces. There are vampires, werewolves, were foxes, she lions and were tigers, even warlocks that all seem to cast their fated hands on the poor Jim who is unknowingly bound to an apocalyptic prophecy several thousand years back.

Praise_Kalu_7393 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Jim's Trauma (II)

"Not only are you going to hell but your wife and little daughter are also going to accompany you there" the cold and wickedly sounding voice of the handsome youth travelled like a wave in the trapped room space.

Janet shivered from the intense harshness in the monster's tone when referring to her daughter as well as herself.

"My daughter, my daughter, no! No! It can't be! Not my child!" Janet could only mutter this mantra in her heart as she began to calculate ways to avert the current situation and save her daughter Jim.

She cast her gaze towards her once lively husband now impaled weakly and dangling like a carcass in the hands of the handsome but extremely ferocious and evil monster with immense hatred flooding her heart.

She calmed herself down and without further hassle broke through the louvers snd dashed out through the window as stealthily as she could with Jim in her hand.

"James! I'm sorry but I have to protect Jim, she is our only thing left after we both die. I hope you forgive me when we both reach the afterlife" Janet mumbled in an inaudible voice as she braved up and summoned every bit of courage and motherly prowess left in her to dash through the window without turning back again.

Her location was the terrifying Decking Woods known to be a mysterious location filled with several pieces of unsolved dangers from the past century.

She could not help but think back to the words of the widow three weeks ago that warned that in times of disaster, the dangerous place could turn out to be the safest place.

She remembered that at that moment she blatantly turned down such a view with solid points. However, instead of granting an expected return or further conviction, Mrs Wayne simply smiled and spoke no further which thrilled Janet the more.

Thinking back to the present, Janet was thoroughly and duly convinced that her unnecessary argument had been for naught .

Little did she expect that she would suddenly face such a situation like now when she would be forced to hide her own daughter in a notorious place like Decking Woods.

Minutes later...

Janet and her crying daughter arrived at the entry to Decking Woods. With no words left, Janet with sobs mustered her strength and gave Jim the most violent push she could and it directly forced Jim several meters away.

Unluckily enough, Jim was caught up in a thicket as she screamed her lungs out but none could rescue her.

"Wait! Where do you think you are running to my dear Janet" a familiar voice called out to Janet which gave her a sudden adrenaline rush.

That was the voice of her strangled husband...


She was very familiar with James' voice that she could identify him anytime and any day.

It was just that at this point, the owner of the voice should be dead after being strangled by that dark monster.

With uncertainty clouded in false hope, Janet turned and digested another dose of shock.

There he was, her supposedly dead James soaked with blood and reaching out to her with shaky but bloodstained hands. His entire being reeked of blood and his face was simply a bloody mess as he staggered towards Janet.

"J-J-Ja-James, h-h-ho-how did you get out" Janet said weakly as she subconsciously bit her lips a bit to confirm if she was dreaming.

"Let's talk about that later, where is Jim?" the blood drenched James decisively turned down the discussion and lightly pushed Janet aside to charge into the Decking Woods to save the loudly wailing Jim.

Minutes later, he arrived with a now calm Jim who had sullen eyes which were evidently from prolonged crying.

With a sigh, Janet simply turned her back and followed after James who had yet to speak again. She could be said to have an influx of emotions at the moment.

Firstly, she was relieved to see that James had survived such a near-death experience, although he was now limping and partially disabled from the internal fractures he suffered.

Asides the feeling of relief, she felt a bit guilty of betraying their love and trying to flee during the dangerous times, she also had a teeny bit of suspicion towards the present James.

In fact, anyone who had been present a few moments back when he had been strangled by the ferocious monster would definitely believe that James would probably be dead or near-death by now.

Albeit, Janet could not help but feel that something wasn't right.

Not only did she feel this way, even the little Jim thought so as well in her little brain.

Before long, they returned home and Jim opted to go to bed which both her parents agreed to without delay.

The little one had indeed suffered, she needed some good rest for the trauma she had been through within the past half hour.


Little Jim shut the door behind her and hopped onto bed. However, the scenes of what had happened within the half hour kept replaying in her little mind over and over again.

With time, sleep began to leave her eyes as her brain worked with about sixty percent of its true capability for the first time in her six years of living.

Feeling so uncomfortable, she crept out of bed only to realize crackling noises and a strange burning sensation around the room.

"Fire! Fire!"

It dawned on her now that the house was under the threat of a grave fire outbreak.

"Mom! Dad!" the six year old Jim screamed out constantly but she was met with no response whatsoever.

With a look of distress, Jim stormed out of her room and impolitely charged into her parents' bedroom.

Her little eyes shriveled in horror and shock from the sight that greeted her.

Her mother laid almost half naked on the ground and covered in her own blood.

Her father seemed to have been long dead as well as he laid weakly on his back after losing all essence of live –he had been sapped completely by the blood sucking monster.


A loud wail more like the howl of a siren escaped the tender lips of Jim who shook with so much emotion.

The entire room was steaming in hot flames that seemed to come from hell, however, they were not ordinary mortal flames but they were breathed by the vile and ferocious monster who had assumed a youth's body and was gazing right at her.

Janet who had been undergoing a dilemma felt a sting in her heart as she looked pitifully at her daughter and with the whole of whatever remained in her entire existence, she shouted at Janet who had caught the attention of the vile monster.

"Jim!! Get away! Aarggh!!!" Janet screamed as her head slammed onto the tiles under the rash coercion of the monster.

"Mom! Dad!" Jim cried out heartily with all that was left in her vocal chords as she cast a hateful vengeful look at the face of the handsome monster and immediately took to her heels as quickly as she could without turning back.