
Twisted Fate: Power Plays

For Emma Montgomery, life as the pampered daughter of Manhattan's elite carried the weight of impossible expectations. Groomed from birth to lead her family's corporate dynasty, genuine love seemed an elusive dream amid the superficial trappings of wealth. That is, until a shocking proposal opened doors to an unexpected future. When her father arranges for Emma to enter a marriage contract with James Reynolds, the charismatic heir to a powerful political family, she sees it as an escape from her turbulent past. But neither Emma nor James could foresee the firestorm of passion and betrayal that would be sparked by their convenient union. As the one-year countdown on their sham marriage begins, Emma finds herself falling for James's unexpected depths and charm. But James has his own demons - bound by duty to fulfill his father's Machiavellian ambitions while his own heart belongs to another. As cordial pretenses melt into smoldering intimacy, their worlds collide in a maelstrom of corporate greed, political ambition, and star-crossed desire. In this sumptuous tale of love among New York's upper echelons, Emma and James become delicious pawns in a high-stakes game they never imagined playing. With every blistering secret revealed, every heart-wrenching choice posed, they must decide whether to surrender to the inescapable lure of power and privilege, or burn it all to the ground for a love too intoxicating to deny.

Twisted Riley · สมัยใหม่
47 Chs

Chapter Seven

The private dining room at the Reynolds estate was adorned with crisp white linens and gleaming silverware, setting the stage for a celebratory family dinner. Emma smoothed the folds of her emerald green dress nervously as she took her seat beside James.

"Doesn't my little girl look radiant this evening?" Her father Donald Montgomery winked at her before turning to James. "You're one lucky young man."

James barely glanced up from his phone, nodding distractedly. "Yes, quite fortunate."

Senator Reynolds cleared his throat loudly. "James! Put that damn phone away and join us properly. This dinner is meant to be a joyous occasion for God's sake."

Sheepishly pocketing his phone, James offered a tight smile. "You're right, Father. My apologies...I'm just preoccupied with all the wedding preparations."

His mother Brenda patted his hand consolingly. "Planning such a big event with all your other responsibilities must be overwhelming, dear. But tonight is about family, not flowers and guest lists." She smiled warmly at Emma. "This is a celebration of the profound love you've found together."

Emma's stomach twisted anxiously, but she forced a polite smile. James gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head - right, their marriage was merely a business arrangement, not a love match.

"You're both handling the scrutiny remarkably well," Senator Reynolds said between bites of steak. "The entire city will have their eyes on this high-profile union. We must project stability and cherished family values for my constituents."

Emma resisted fidgeting under his intense stare. "Of course, Senator. James and I are fully committed to upholding the integrity of our family legacies."

Her father puffed out his chest with pride. "That's my girl. The Montgomery name represents generations of prestige. I know you'll do us proud as the heir to our empire, Em."

Senator Reynolds raised his glass. "A toast - to Emma and James. May your partnership bring prosperity through new business ventures. We're counting on this couple to set the standards for excellence."

As the crystal clinked around the table, Emma stole a glance at James' inscrutable expression and wondered if anyone else detected the layers of insincerity in their words.

James opened his mouth to respond, but his phone buzzed harshly in his pocket. His face morphed into annoyance as he fished it out.

"James Reynolds, you put that damn thing away right now!" The Senator barked. "This can wait till after dinner!"

"I'm dreadfully sorry, but this is an urgent business matter. I must take it." James rose abruptly. "Please, continue your meal. I'll only be a moment."

He stalked out, shoulders tense as he barked into the phone. The others exchanged stunned looks in the lingering silence.

Donald cleared his throat, attempting to restore the festive ambiance. "Well! That was...unexpected. Kids today are constantly juggling family and business - in my day that would have been unacceptable!"

Emma stared at her untouched plate, flushing with mortification. Was this a preview of her future married life - constantly vying for her husband's attention as crises consumed his focus?

James was meant to be her supportive partner as they navigated this new world. Yet he had disappeared without a second thought, leaving distance and tensions in his wake.

Brenda patted Emma's hand reassuringly. "Don't fret, darling. Once the newlywed bliss kicks in, you'll have that boy's full attention, I promise."

Emma let out a hollow chuckle. Bliss seemed increasingly elusive with each of James' distracted moments. She remembered her girlhood fantasies of finding transcendent love, undivided and all-consuming. Those hopes withered further whenever her fiance's mind drifted elsewhere.

"You needn't worry, Miss Montgomery." Senator Reynolds' gruff voice sliced through her reverie. "I'll have a chat with my son about prioritizing family obligations."

His icy glare bored into her. "This marriage secures not just our family legacies, but my political future. James understands certain...sacrifices are required when responsibilities of this magnitude exist. Even if that means compartmentalizing his desires for the greater good."

A leaden weight settled in Emma's stomach as his meaning became clear. To the Senator, she and James were mere commodities to be exploited for wealth and power - their happiness was inconsequential compared to upholding family obligations.

Any lingering notion of their nuptials being rooted in youthful hope and potential was extinguished. A hollow resignation washed over Emma as her spirit dimmed.

When James slipped back into his seat with a terse apology, she carefully refolded her napkin. "No need to trouble yourself on my account."

She met his gaze, her expression eerily placid. "I understand our roles extend far beyond traditional spouses. From now on, we must compartmentalize - our desires wholly subordinate to legacy, politics, and profit."

James' brow furrowed slightly, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. Emma remained unflinching.

"A toast, my dear husband-to-be." She lifted her glass, the rich crimson liquid swirling. "To compartmentalization and sacrifice for the greater good - may our souls find peace in their enslavement."

The others shifted uncertainly as the sardonic words hung in the air. James' jaw ticked almost imperceptibly before he touched his glass to hers with a neutral "Here, here."

As Emma drained her wine, a newfound sense of disillusionment settled over her like a pall. This marriage was not a joyous new beginning to be celebrated.

It was a transaction to be endured, no matter the spiritual cost. Their union was already tarnished, a forged shackle of obligation binding her to a life of cold, calculated performance - all for the sake of power and opulence.

If she was to suffer such an empty, hollow existence, Emma silently vowed to do so with resolution. She would play her role with detached refinement, her true self locked away where it could never be tainted or diminished.

From this night forward, she decided, the real Emma Montgomery would remain entombed, sacrificed at the altar of family legacies. Only steel and marble would remain, an impenetrable facade through which to endure the continual slights and degradations this new life would surely bring.

“Let the game begin,” Emma stated silently