
Chapter 1. First Sight

Chapter 1.

Lucy stood in front of the doors to, Phobia she couldn't believe Diana and Jenny had talked her into coming to this club Lucy had never been to a club or even out of the town of Willowdale the town makes its fortune from willow trees. That's why the town is called Willowdale, it's a quite small town the houses are made from willow trees and we have one high school and college. Diana had said while we were on a break from collage in our last year why don't we check out the well-known club from the next town over, in Silverdale

Lucy was outnumbered, because their other best friend and roommate said yes straight away, as they had been hearing all over campus Oak Park University where they live and study, that Phobia was the new hit club to be

"come on Lucy. It's not going to be as bad as you think" Diana said super excited to be finally out of the boring town known as Willowdale she cant wait to finish collage where her parents wanted her to go, to get the education they wanted while she wants to leave town and travel "I don't know, how you happy to stay and be happy with the, life our parents have set out for us"

"I'm just nervous. If my father finds our he will have my, head on a platter and he will pull me out of collage" Lucy said while rubbing her arms as it was so chilly outside

"well that's why we are, making sure we use fake names and have no way of it getting back to our families" Jenny whispered back while she looked at bouncer who was still holding the door for them

"IN OR OUT" he yelled over the music, Jenny and Diana grabbed her arms and dragged her through the black an silver coloured door while both yelling "WERE IN"

"Wow" the worlds that come out of Lucy's mouth when they finally made it inside, it was dark but also bright, their was a huge bar and a lot of seats around a huge dancefloor it was the most beautiful place she had ever seen, she also realised there was nothing to be scarred of and she was happy Jenny and Diana forced her to come "thanks you guys for forcing me to come, this isn't as scary as I through it would be"

"well we did say that didn't we" Diana said as she headed towards the bar Lucy turned around and carried on looking around while following Jenny and Diana to the well-lit bar

"hey girls what can we get you" The barmen mentioned, while he leaned over the bar to the three girls staring at him

"We want three beers and 9 shots please" Jenny shouted over the loud pumping music, Lucy turned and looked at her in shock while Diana just laughed and slapped her shoulder "many thanks" she then passed the beers to Lucy and Diana as they took the three shots each then they started walking towards the empty seats

Bryson stood in his glass office and watched all the annoying humans drinking, dancing well if you could call what the girls are doing as dancing. He turned to his little brother who did look like he was enjoying himself, he was cutting his demon wife's arm so that he could drink her blood. Bryson shook his head a looked back down to his club

"I don't understand, the pull this place has to these humans" Bryson said white he took a drink out of his bourbon "Father seams to have a fascination and love for these boring things" he sneered as he felt his brother come and stand next to him

"Well you did like them at one point. Bry until father, decided you wasn't worth his time any longer and sent you to hell to watch over the black throne" his brother Dawson laughed as he carried on drinking the blood in his glass

"I don't get why you drink that crap" Bryson asked then turned an looked at Dawson who was cuddling his wife as he drank his blood

"Because am a blood angel Bry. Accidents happen, wonder why father sent me to you, well your looking at the reasons" he laughed darkly

Bryson did like these worthless humans until he saw the destruction, that they cause which caused him to no longer like the humans and also his father. Bryson looked, on the dance floor, when a flash of blond hair. It wasn't just the blond it was the black haired, females that was with her, you could tell they wasn't all, related but it was like these black haired females was like a beam of light, pointing down onto her.

Bryan turned his head, so he didn't make his brother, and his demon wife notice he had finally found interest in the humans, they would be quick to get someone to go get her just so they could try and find out what was so, interesting about this beautiful female

"Come on Bry. You was the one out of all fathers creations that, loved to watch these boring things the only reason you stopped following fathers to the gates of clouds was because, our third brother ended up becoming fathers favourite" Dawson grunted while he walked over to the sofa that is placed on the back wall facing the pole dancer

"Asher was not, our father's favourite he was just the slimy basted who snubbed us. I still cant believe father, believed that we would fly down here, and start a world war." Bryson sneered as he took another drink of his bourbon while watching the blond beauty take in the club