
TWISTED: Chess Piece

"We are the Pawns. Disposable pieces used by the King to maintain their reign." But is that all there is to it? 8 twisted Pawns in a board of 64 squares with 32 Black and White Pieces, who would win this game? Is it the Whites who delivers the first move? Or is it the Black who successfully parries the first blow? Whoever you thought the winner might be, please keep in mind that twisted Pieces are bound to twist the entire game.

Kiyaaan · สมจริง
212 Chs

Chapter 4

"Let's set the rules. Rule one, no repeating of words. Rule number two, every fact given should be something that greatly represents you and/or your life. Lastly, if your lie was not guessed correctly, you can choose whether to reveal it or not. Are we clear?" Prof was enthusiastic, completely ignoring the crumpled look on his student's faces.

"Yeah, whatever." Jill replied lazily, bluntly disrespecting the professor.

But it was nothing new. Prof had already gotten used to it, being treated like he's just someone of their equal age and standing. It was no big deal.

"So, let's begin! I'll go first." Prof looked exceptionally youthful when he smiled like that, lifting both his hands in the air just like what an obedient student in his day care would do. "First! I am handsome---"

"Wow, that's some lie right off the bat." Reis interrupted. Prof just arched his brow, fixing his piercing eyes on Reis, becore continuing his talk.

"Second, I'm a parent. And third, I am a pitiful University slave. Guess the lie!"

"It's obviously the first one." Jill commented so confidently.

Professor's eyes squinted because of that, and Jill just grinned with his brows lifted, ignoring Prof's murderous gaze.

"I agree."

"Me too."

Both Aoi and Reis supported Jill's comment, resulting in the Professor's annoyance. Everyone was clearly just joking around, but our innocent Chess took it by heart.

"Is it really the first one? Well, you could say that the Professor is more on the pretty side than the handsome one." For a moment there, the surrounding quietened down.

Our innocent Chess cluelessly glanced at each and every one of them, an invisible giant question mark floating above his head.

Then suddenly, Jill's laughter broke the silence followed by Reis and Aoi's chuckle. Kane just grinned while puffing a smoke while Prof's veins finally popped. He massaged the temples of his head, his patience on the verge of collapsing, before releasing a long sigh to calm himself down before finally turning towards Chess.

"Our dear class representative, that was not the best way to compliment a man." He was obviously telling him to shut up in a polite way.

Chess gave him an apologetic smile even though he believes that what he said was completely true.

Our professor then turned towards his laughing students with his arched brows.

"For everyone's information, I am handsome." He squinted his eyes once more, throwing Chess a glance, before proceeding. "The second one was the lie, so please… straighten your thoughts."

Our innocent Chess smiled timidly because of that.

"Okay, next is Jill!" Prof smiled wickedly at Jill who just rolled his eyes at him. He then lifted his forefinger and spoke.

"First, I'm more handsome than Prof---"

"Hey that's against the rules. I said no repeating of words." Prof interrupted.

Jill just shrugged his shoulders in return.

"Well, I said I'm more handsome than you, not just I'm handsome."

Prof thought for awhile before nodding his head slowly. But wait… what did he mean by he's more handsome than him?! That's unacceptable! But before he could even retaliate, Jill had already continued to his second word.

"Second, I'm virgin---"

"That's some amazing fact." Reis was the one who interrupted this time. Jill pursed his lips, puffing both his cheeks, before turning to glare at him.

"Can you please stop interrupting me?" he said in a high-pitched voice.

How can he finish his turn if everyone just keeps on interrupting him for every word he says? It's really upsetting, but what can he do? Every one of them here is troublesome... well, except for their class rep. He seems obedient.

After a second of silence, Jill finally found the chance to share his next words, lifting his third finger in the air.

"Lastly… I had a nice family."

After that last line, the atmosphere suddenly shifted. No one dared making a noise, or it's better to say, no one dared to joke about that. Everyone's grin slightly faded, but Jill's grin remained the same. He then rested his hands on both his sides before asking them.

"So? Guess the lie."

"It's obviously the second!" Aoi was the first to break the silence. In that moment, everyone returned to their normal looks, smirking and trashing each other.

Chess, who was quietly watching by the side, can't seem to forget that split second when everyone's smile slowly faded.

It was like, someone said something that shouldn't have been said. It feels like he just learned of a secret, but just exactly what secret? Jill just said that he had a nice family... what secret is hidden there? But after analyzing the message for a whole minute, our innocent, but clever, Chess finally noticed something worth noticing.

Jill used the word had... does that mean…

"Man, you're a terrible liar. It's clearly the second one. Who would believe that a manwhore like you is a virgin?" It was Kane.

He finally decided to join the fun. Jill turned to look at him and arched his brow.

"What's so unbelievable in that? And don't you think manwhore is a bit much? Don't I look innocent?" he then made an innocent expression, but Kane just brushed him off, saying Dream on.

Jill shrugged his shoulders before facing the others.

"Who's next?!"

"Me! Me!" It was Aoi. He was on par with the Professor in the level of enthusiasm, clearly enjoying this small game.

Everyone then turned to look at him. His eyes were bright and shining when he lifted his hand, three of his fingers up. He then took a finger down before speaking.

"First, I am rich." He then took another finger down, "Second, I am an only child." Lastly, he took the only remaining finger down, "And third, I am frail. Guess the lie." He smiled afterwards.

Reis, who was sitting beside him, smirked.

"That's easy." He commented. Jill nodded his head in approval and Kane just stared at him lazily.

Aoi then turned to look at Chess. He flashed his smile, looking very much like a doll, before asking Chess for his opinion. Our innocent Chess racked his brain for a guess. Well, Aoi looked like a rich kid. But he wasn't sure whether he's an only child or not. For the last one, he doesn't look like he's a frail person… so maybe, that's the lie.

"The third one?" Chess answered unsurely. When Aoi flashed his bright smile again while nodding his head, Chess felt like he had just received his greatest achievement. He guessed it right! He can't seem to understand why he's so worked up in this simple game, but nevertheless, he made the right guess!

"Okay, next is Reis!" Aoi was the one who suggested that.

Reis didn't say anything and just displayed his sexy smile, silently agreeing to Aoi. Prof, who was watching from the side, grinned at that sight.

That wild Reis is acting like an obedient dog in front of Aoi. It looks interesting. Might as well watch those two closely, he might find something worth gossiping about.

Reis, who was being examined by the Professor, then lazily opened his sexy lips to speak.

"I hate gays. I'm homo. And I like doing it."

Everyone's forehead creased. He hates gays, but he's a homo? That's confusing… well, it's only confusing for our innocent Chess because everyone in the room, except him, already knows that fact. But what did he mean by the last sentence?

"Doing what? You like doing what?" Jill was the one who asked. Even Kane, who had high comprehension skills, was confused. He stopped puffing a smoke from his cigarette midway, watching Reis.

Reis, who was the center of attention, just scoffed at them before slowly lifting his hand. He looked at them with his lazy eyes, seemingly telling them that they're such a bunch of idiots, before forming a small circle with his thumb and forefinger. Then, he placed the circle he made in front of his lips before slowly sticking his tongue out.

Chess' eyes widened in shock while Jill's laughter echoed throughout the room. Even Aoi lifted his hand to prevent his laughter from escaping his lips, while Kane only proceeded on smoking, but with a visible grin on his lips.

Prof, who was watching the entire time, lifted his hand and jokingly slapped Reis's head. He released a soft chuckle. Just when he thought that this kid already changed, here he is. Displaying such a lewd act.

"Okay, enough… guess the lie." It was Prof.

Jill tried his best to hold his laughter, but it was to no avail. He burst out laughing, hugging his stomach, his face a bright shade of red while his eyes started tearing up. He patted a certain person's leg beside him before finally calming down.

"Are you done now?" It was an indifferent voice from someone beside.

Jill stilled before slowly turning his head towards the person sitting beside him. He then glanced at his hand which was placed on that person's thigh, feeling the chills climbing up his back before he retracted his arm back, giving Kane a nervous laugh.

"Sorry… that wasn't intentional, really."

Kane ignored him and directed his gaze towards our innocent Chess. He then tilted his head and pointed at him.

"Your turn then." He said.

Chess widened his eyes, pointing at himself, making sure that he was pointing at him. Kane just arched his brow so he had no other choice but to comply.

Chess racked his brain to look for some facts about him. What should he say? Something about himself? A secret? Hmn… which one should he share?

Professor, who was always watching everyone's move, examined him. He noticed something worth gossiping. This student…

"Then, first, I'm an orphan since birth. Second… hmn…" Chess made a short pause, before flashing his innocent smile and continued. "Second, I died once. And third, I never killed anyone."

With those words, everyone stilled. All eyes were on him.

Jill arched his brow while Kane quietly put out the cigarette ember, his eyes observing Chess. Aoi stared at him with a questioning look while the Professor, who heard what he said, made a wide grin as if everything made sense.

This kid looked innocent, but an innocent person would never think of saying those words… who really is he?

Our student… our clueless, completely oblivious and innocent class representative… may not be as innocent as it seems.