
Twins Of Lwellyn-Sylvasta

The all powerful emperial family Lwellyn is known for their silver hair and emerald eyes. Every offspring containing Lwellyn blood should be born that way. But one day prince Chandra falls in love with a woman of unknown origin with brown hair and Ruby read eyes. the problem arises when twin girls are born, one with silver hair and another with brown hair. But tainted blooded brown haired can't be a Lwellyn offspring, so she is sent far away from the emperor's knowledge. But then in the turn of events it is found out that the princess with brown hair actually inherited the emerald eyes and the princess with silver hair inherited her mother's Ruby eyes. Now it is upto the sisters to survive and reunite some day.

Shreya_Khascal · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs

chapter 1


Madam , please hold on!! The midwife will be here soon!!

Jennie, bring hot water and clean towels!!

: Yes , head maid!

Lisa, go inform His majesty!!

: Yes!

Millie , wipe the sweat off madam!


while holding tightly of Parmila's hand, head maid Loraine assures her that everything's going to be okay.

: Where's madam!!

The midwife barges in .

Everyone trying to soothe Parmila's pain while pushing on her stomach.


Midwife screams, " IT'S A GIRL!!". The cry of the new born baby fills the room.

A beautiful baby girl with silver hair is born. Silver hair is a genetic trait of the imperial family Lwellyn.

: Madam you did good!!

The head maid smiles at Parmila.

Parmila softly smiles at Loraine and says " please Lorie, take care of my baby! " Parmila looks at Loraine with her bright Ruby eyes that shines like blood, that seems to be fading away slowly.

: Wait!! I see another head!!

"WHAT?! " everyone is shocked.

Madam push a little more . You got this! Parmila pushes one last time and a baby's cry is heard.

Midwife's hands shakes with anxiety,

: Another girl!!

A baby girl with brown hair is crying in her hands.

All of a sudden Lady Parmila's hands goes numb.


Loraine screams. " Madam wake up!! Shila call for the doctor now!!"