
Twin Star Phoenix Princess

On her wedding day, Feng Long Wan was betrayed. Instead, the one standing on the altar beside his man is a beautiful and successful woman she didn't know. Out of her hatred her vengeance blurred her vision and next thing she knew, she actually wasn't on the venue of the wedding hall. What's more, what she discover was a far more wrecked and absurd world. Females are lowly in status while men flaunts their power and wealth. Feng Long Wan who doesn't inherit any power since the original good is wasted has no power in society. What's more, every time she was in grave dangers she didn't die. She always wake up and the pain was still there. Feng long Wan doesn't have time to cope up with her broken heart when there's another problem arising. . . . However, when everything's okay and she stabilizes her position Mr fate decided to play again with her and bring her back to her own world prior to her wedding?! Now, how can she cope up seeing her ex and his fiancee? She was not prepared to this ah! and what's more she has even brought an excess baggage with her! ... Zhan Qing Lei: sipping tea on the rooftop while gazing at the unfamiliar civilization. ... Feng Long Wan: Bastard! Get back here! You're annoying our neighbors!!! ... Zhan Qing Lei: *grinning widely* Why the temper honey, I followed you here. Let just live happily ever after okay? *picture taken from google update is everyday if author is not busy. minimum of 5 chapters per week

laidbackprincess · ย้อนยุค
41 Chs

Search of the Main House

Feng Long Wan has been running around together with Ma Ya. To be frank, she is directionally challenge person. Somehow, no matter how many times she went to a certain place, she always gets lost on her way.

If only she was alone she won't be embarrass but now, she was together with Ma Ya and the latter seems to be somehow like her.

Geez, what kind of fate the two of them has!

Ma Ya has been already working here for almost a year and every time she was ordered to get something she never comes back within an hour She always comes back with someone who guides her way back.

Feeling embarrassed admitting her fault Ma Ya even cowered. She has been always timid and shy wherever they talk.

So the useless-in-direction duo didn't know which part on the mansion they walk through. Sometimes they ended at the backyard, sometimes the garden pond but they can't found their way to the inner hall.

"Sister Feng…" Ma Ya hesitantly said. "I am sorry, if not for me being useless we would have been out of this place to join the group.

Feng Long Wan look at her shrinking figure then strongly tap her shoulder "no worries no worries. Its not like were going to be trap here forever. As long as we bump to someone we can go back"

She proudly look at her. She was expecting her to say 'sister you're really kind' or 'sister you are really strong' but in reality she didn't hear any words from her mouth.

Feng Long Wan decided to succumb in her faith silently. This was going to be a long and quite afternoon.


So in the end the two didn't reach the hall.

Out of hunger, Feng Long Wan decided to catch fishes on Liang Mo's pond. She catch it only with her bare hands. Who the heck cares if Liang Mo found out his fishpond was empty anyway.

Yes, she decided to mass catch the fishes. Its not that she really has a grudge against him but she really feel extreme hunger right now. No one would find out it was her. Who knows what if those bones and corpses also drools on live fish. She'll just point out to them later when she will be found out.

Poor skeletons!

Ma Ya was incharge of starting the fire.

So all in all, the two people was doing a picnic amidst the chaotic scenario. Those corpses where all slow anyway. Before it could even get near them, they will probably scamper to run.

The atmosphere was humid. Only the tree was serving them cool. The smell of roasted fish flutters in the air.

Jang Ningning and Liang Mo followed the smoke in the air and the strong smell of someone cooking.

What they saw was two people with bulging cheeks.

They were also hungry and tired. Seeing that the there was food in front of them they didn't hesitate and grab the remaining without permission from the one roasting.

It was Liang Mo who grab them and offer to Jang Ningning.

" Hey, ungrateful" Feng Long Wan ridicule his scrupulous act.

"Just shut up!" Liang Mo retorted.

"Give that back! Its not yours"

"Is your name written here? Hah?where?where?where?"

Feng Long Wan's blue vains popped up. Grabbing Liang Mo's portion and spit her salive.

Let me see if you can eat it?

Jang Ningning saw how audacious this woman has become. She even dares to defy Liang Mo? Just how far did her confidence go.

"Dear Mo, you can have mine. Don't worry it's not yet been eaten and I'm not hungry anymore."

"No you eat. You are not feeling well"

As if there was only the two of them. They even forgot that they have a servant with them.

Fu Yu couldn't make herself quite. "Feng Long Wan, how audacious you are to spit your dirty saliva on the master's food? You really are terrible. Are you even a woman.?"

"Just say one word again and I'll spit on your face!"

"…" Fu Yu tighten her mouth.

Seriously? Her threat was effective.

Feng Long wan dragged Ma Ya out of this animal group.

"where are you going?'Liang Mo

"why do you care.?"

"get back here. Its better to travel in group."

Feng long Wan stop. She remembers that she and Mu Yang cant go there because they don't know the way. Now they saw someone who is use to the house and would lead them. Wouldn't it make a good opportunity?

She look at Ma Ya. The other party has no sense to reject the offer.

She stop and seated but very far away from him.

Jang Ningning secretly gritted her teeth. She doesn't want to be in her group. For all she care, she wants her dead.

If she come, she will surely find a way to dispose this woman. At this day.

Somehow, the group ended going together. Liang Mo was leading the way. Feng Long Wan and Ma Ya was following. From time to time. Jang Ningning would play her sickly trump card. Would suddenly collapse. Cough hard or sometimes would play as if she was having a hard time breathing.

She could see that she was trying to divert Liang Mo's attention to her in this journey.

Feng Long Wan pretended that she didn't see her secret glare and smirk.

She focus her mind sensing vibrations from afar.

Pardon for lots of error. so sleepy tonight.

laidbackprincesscreators' thoughts