
Unexpected Event

After hearing that she isn't her mom biological daughter Ashley went outside to get some fresh air

When she reached a park in the middle of the night, she broke down and started crying, everything was happening so fast she didn't know what to do, she had less than two week to leave the house, she just found out her parents are not her biological parents and her mom is dying, and her dad is nowhere to be found, she knew she had only one person to talk to

" Hello" the person on the other line said

" Carey can we talk" Ashley said trying to hold back the tears in her eyes

" Ashley what wrong, why are you crying " Carey said

" Carey can we just talk? please"

" Sorry Ashley, I'm busy tonight, maybe tomorrow" Carey said

"Okay tomorrow then" and she hung up the phone

Sitting on a bench Ashley received al phone call

" Miss Ashley, you have to come to the hospital immediately " the person on the other line said

At the hospital Ashley walked in seeing them carrying her mother's body out of the ward, she met the doctor and asked

" Doctor what's going on?"

" Miss Ashley I'm so sorry but your mother is dead" after hearing those words Ashley felt lightheaded and fainted