
A Soul In Longing

I looked at him and he looked at me as we were standing on the same mountain we always do within my dreams;looking down at our little neighborhood. But even though we were together in my dream, inside I still felt a longing for him I couldn't explain. And I felt him feeling it too.

I thought the more I could understand our connection,the less the longing I have for him would be, but the longing stayed. Even though I know within that what we are really longing for is the part of each of us that we carry inside each other, but none of this knowing made the longing any less. And I wondered what would make the longing go away... It was as if since the day I first saw him, my soul became uneasy and unable to go to rest for there was something that had to be done, but what was it?

I felt like he wishes to become awakened by me, but who am I to awaken him, is that not something that has to happen for him when the time for it to happen has come for him? I asked him once if he sees himself in me too,

the way I see myself in him and my heart was a little bit shattered when he replied no. He said that he knew somewhere deep within that I am his key as he is mine,but he did not recognize me the way I did him, neither of us understood this.What was I to do? The unease I felt within myself was so bad that I couldn't take it anymore, I had to find the answer. And I knew the answer was somewhere inside that ancient library, but I couldn't enter it without Timothy.