
Twin Demons of Tekkaden: Gundam IBO FanFic

It's a Fanfic of Gundam Ibo where Mc is the twin brother of Mikazuki Augus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check it out. I am way to lazy to write a Sypnosis.

Royan_the_Great · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
82 Chs

46:- WholeSome

In a poignant and much-needed moment of emotional release, Kudelia, Atra, and Mika find themselves coming together after a series of stressful episodes. The weight of their experiences and the burdens they carry finally take their toll, and tears begin to flow.

As Atra and Mika express their deep admiration for Kudelia, it becomes clear that Kudelia needs comfort and support more than ever. Atra, ever compassionate and caring, insists that Mika steps in to help Kudelia through this difficult moment.

Following Atra's gentle encouragement, Mika, who usually follows direct orders without question, makes his way to Kudelia. But what happens next is beyond anyone's expectations. As Kudelia's tears fall, and Atra herself begins to cry, Mika doesn't just stand there as a silent observer. Instead, he opens his arms wide and brings them both into a warm, comforting embrace.

In this heartfelt moment, amidst the tears and the shared pain, Mika becomes the pillar of support that Kudelia and Atra desperately need. His actions speak volumes about the depth of their bond and the strength of their friendship. They find solace in each other's arms, letting out their pent-up frustration and sadness, and finding comfort in the unity of their shared experiences.

Ichiro couldn't resist the opportunity to tease his friends and decided to play the role of a disapproving figure, albeit in a light-hearted way. As he entered the corridor where Kudelia, Atra, and Mika were having their emotional moment, he put on a stern expression and cleared his throat loudly to get their attention.

Ichiro: (in an exaggerated tone of authority) "What is this atrocity happening in the corridor? Emotional outbursts in public? Unacceptable, I say!"

Kudelia, Atra, and Mika turned to look at Ichiro, their eyes widening in surprise.

Kudelia: (confused) "Ichiro, what are you...?"

Atra: (giggling) "He's just being silly, Kudelia."

Ichiro continued with his act, pretending to be completely disapproving of their display of emotions.

Ichiro: "Honestly, you guys should go find a room or somewhere more private if you're going to be all emotional. Need protection? Or Need protection from the prying eyes of the world? Just ask me."

Kudelia knew what Ichiro was talking about blushed heavily.

Mika: (grinning) "Ichiro, you're ridiculous."

Atra: "But it's sweet that you care."

Despite his attempt to play the stern protector, Ichiro couldn't help but break into a mischievous smirk, revealing that he was just having some fun with his friends. Laughter filled the corridor as they shared this playful moment, and the tension from their earlier emotions melted away, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and shared humor.

Ichiro, always up for some playful banter, decided to challenge Atra's assertion about his cooking skills.

Ichiro: (grinning) "Hey, Atra, why don't you make us some food?"

Atra, in the mood to tease the teasing devil, replied with a mischievous smile, "You can only survive because I make the food here."

Ichiro, not one to back down, decided to take up the challenge and said confidently, "Well, I'll make it myself then."

Atra couldn't help but chuckle at Ichiro's determination and teased, "Boys and cooking, hahaha."

Ichiro, raising an eyebrow in mock offense, retorted, "Hey, little Atra, what do you think? I can't cook?"

Atra couldn't resist the opportunity to play along and said, "No, you can't."

Ichiro, with a playful smirk, changed his tone to a comical samurai-like seriousness, raising a finger dramatically.

Ichiro: "Now come, follow me. I will show you how divine food is made."

Mika and Kudelia, thoroughly entertained by their interaction, laughed heartily at the banter between Ichiro and Atra.

Ichiro, still grinning, extended his hand towards Atra, inviting her to join him in the kitchen.

Ichiro: "Anyway, come, Atra. Let me show you how it's done."

Atra, with a playful glint in her eyes, replied, "Let's see..."


In the kitchen, Ichiro embraced the challenge with an apron wrapped around him. His determined spirit was met with a playful comment from Mika.

Mika: "You look ridiculous. You still have time to back down from the challenge."

Ichiro, not one to give in easily, responded with a smirk, "Yeah, yeah. I know she's your girlfriend, but I'm your goddamn brother, man. At least show some support."

Kudelia couldn't help but giggle at the playful banter between the two friends.

As the cooking contest continued, both Ichiro and Atra worked diligently to recreate the same dishes that Atra usually prepared for the crew. The delicious aroma filled the kitchen, creating an atmosphere of friendly competition.

Finally, the dishes were ready, and it was time for Mika and Kudelia to judge the culinary battle. They tasted both Ichiro's and Atra's creations, carefully considering their flavors.

Mika and Kudelia exchanged glances, and their decision was unanimous. They cast their votes, and it was clear that Atra had won the cooking challenge. Ichiro was taken aback by the outcome, stunned by the defeat.

Ichiro couldn't hide his surprise and disappointment. He went down on his knees, his exaggerated reaction drawing laughter from those present.

Ichiro: "I-I lost."

Atra, grinning with pride, approached Ichiro and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Atra: "You can't beat me..."

Ichiro, with a dramatic flair, rose to his feet, a playful pout on his face as he accused his fellow contestants of injustice.

Ichiro: "You did injustice to me! My cooking was clearly better!"

Atra, still basking in her victory, couldn't help but smirk at his theatrical display.

Atra: "Now, now, Ichiro, you can't argue with the judges' decision."

Ichiro, however, was not one to back down easily. With a sly grin, he turned his attention to Mika and prodded him with a mischievous question.

Ichiro: "I know, Mika. Why didn't you vote for your brother?"

Mika, raising an eyebrow in curiosity, asked, "Why?"

Ichiro, drawing out the moment with suspense, finally revealed his theory.

Ichiro: "Because she is your future wife! How could I forget that? And Kudelia, you voted for her because she's your sister-wife! Hahaha, I've cracked the code!"

Both Kudelia and Atra blushed deeply, their faces revealing their affection for Mika. Like lovesick maidens, they couldn't bring themselves to confess their feelings, fearing rejection.

In unison, they exclaimed in embarrassment and frustration, "Ichiro!".


Ichiro, with a newfound seriousness, gathered the group and led them to his room. As they entered, he motioned for Mika to come closer.

Ichiro: "Mika, I bought some suits for you when I was on Dort 3. I know you don't like to wear fancy clothes, but keep them for a special occasion."

Mika, typically reserved in matters of fashion, simply nodded in agreement. He trusted Ichiro's judgment and knew that his brother had his best interests at heart.

Atra, always playful and quick to respond, made a fish face at Ichiro's playful gesture and asked, "Where is ours?"

Ichiro, still maintaining the fish face, chuckled, "Where is mine?"

The innocent banter between them lightened the mood in the room, but it also made Atra and Kudelia feel a pang of guilt. They hadn't bought anything for Ichiro.

Ichiro, sensing their discomfort, quickly waved it off. "Anyway, I didn't have the time to shop for you guys. I only visited a men's fashion shop owned by my friend."

Relieved that Ichiro didn't seem offended, Atra and Kudelia nodded eagerly. Atra, ever enthusiastic, responded, "Yes!"

Kudelia, her cheeks still a shade of pink from earlier, sheepishly scratched her face and said, "Yeah."

Kudelia and Atra took a seat on Ichiro's bed while Mika headed for the changing room. Ichiro followed him, knowing that his brother might need some assistance with wearing the suit perfectly.

Mikazuki emerged from the changing room clad in the all-black suit Ichiro had picked out for him. The suit was a sleek and modern design, tailored to perfection. The fabric was high-quality, with a slight sheen that added to its elegance. It hugged Mika's frame just right, accentuating his lean and athletic physique.

The gold buttons and collar accessories provided a striking contrast against the black fabric, giving the suit a touch of sophistication. The buttons gleamed as they caught the light, and the collar accessories added a subtle, yet eye-catching detail to the ensemble.

Mika's light shade of brown skin complemented the suit wonderfully, making him look both powerful and refined. His jet-black hair, which Ichiro had carefully styled, added to his overall charisma. The hair was neatly combed and slightly tousled, giving him a rugged yet stylish appearance.

As Mika stood there, his presence exuded confidence and allure. Kudelia and Atra couldn't help but blush as they looked at him. They were struck by how incredibly handsome he looked, a sight that left them momentarily speechless. The suit had transformed Mika, making him look not just like a warrior, but a sophisticated and charismatic gentleman.

Kudelia found herself struggling to find the right words, while Atra's heart fluttered with affection. They exchanged glances, both of them sharing their admiration for the man they loved. In that moment, Mikazuki truly looked fantastic, and it was clear that the suit had elevated his already magnetic aura.

He also had a black wristwatch with gold needles on his wrist.  Curious about the watch, Mika turned to Ichiro and asked, "What's this thing for?"

Kudelia continued explaining the intricacies of the analog wristwatch, but Mika struggled to grasp the concept. He had grown up in a world where digital clocks were the norm, and analog ones seemed foreign to him.

Ichiro, frustrated by Mika's lack of understanding, couldn't help but slap him lightly on the head and scold, "You know, I practically screamed like a madman trying to get you to study, but you didn't want to. Now look, you can't even understand the basic concepts of an analog clock."

Mika rubbed his head where Ichiro had lightly smacked him, a hint of annoyance in his eyes. However, he didn't argue or protest. He simply nodded, accepting that he had a lot to learn about things beyond combat and survival.

"How does it look?" asked Ichiro looking at Atra and Kudelia.

Ichiro chuckled as he saw Kudelia and Atra nodding eagerly like children. He had a few more suits that he had bought for Mika, each with its unique style and color. He knew Mika wasn't a fan of dressing up, but he wanted to give him options.

"Well, it looks like you two approve," Ichiro said with a grin. "But I've got a few more surprises for Mika. Let me show you the other suits."

Ichiro went to his closet and pulled out three more suits, each hanging neatly on a hanger. He presented them one by one to Kudelia and Atra, explaining the details of each suit.

"The first one is a deep navy suit," Ichiro said, holding it up. "It's a classic color that can be dressed up or down. Perfect for various occasions."

Kudelia and Atra examined the navy suit, appreciating the richness of the color and the quality of the fabric.

Next, Ichiro revealed a charcoal gray suit. "This one is a bit more formal, great for events where you want to make a strong impression. The gray is versatile and can be paired with different shirts and ties."

Kudelia and Atra admired the sophistication of the gray suit, imagining how stunning Mika would look in it.

Finally, Ichiro unveiled a deep burgundy suit. "And last but not least, we have this bold burgundy suit. It's a statement piece, perfect for special occasions where you want to stand out. it also match's a little bit with the one. I have for Orga"

Kudelia and Atra were fascinated by the unique color of the burgundy suit, recognizing its potential to make Mika the center of attention.

With four fantastic suits to choose from, Kudelia and Atra were thrilled to help Mika decide which one to wear for the upcoming occasion.







(A:N : Here's your BIG Wholesome Chapter. )