
Twilight of the gods

A former human now reborn as a demon within the abyss. Will conner or !@##$$!@#$% be able to survive in a realm where godhood was anything but a dream and be a mighty demon god or a mere cannon folder for high ranking demons

Atrox_ashborn · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 2: Survival in the Abyss

Agthirich Azathoth Vassago Amun, the newly reborn demon, stood in the heart of the Abyss. The dark energies of this malevolent realm swirled around him, a constant reminder of his new existence. The System, his enigmatic companion, echoed in his mind.

"Survival in the Abyss will be your first trial, Agthirich," the System intoned. "The denizens here are ruthless, and power is the only currency that matters."

Agthirich's obsidian skin seemed to absorb the shadows, and he could feel the latent energy coursing through his veins. He flexed his clawed hands, testing the newfound strength that the Abyss had granted him. The other demons who lurked nearby eyed him with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

As he navigated the chaotic landscape of the Abyss, Agthirich encountered demons of various shapes and sizes. Some resembled grotesque monstrosities, while others bore more humanoid features twisted by corruption. It was a society where might made right, and the weak were quickly consumed by the strong.

Agthirich learned to tread carefully, forming alliances with demons who offered protection and guidance. The System provided him with insights into his demonic abilities—how to manipulate the very shadows that shrouded the Abyss, how to drain the life force of lesser demons with a touch, and how to call upon the chaotic energies of the realm itself.

In the merciless battles that raged within the Abyss, Agthirich honed his skills and discovered the extent of his newfound powers. His mere presence struck terror into the hearts of lesser demons, and he quickly earned a reputation as a formidable adversary.

But power came with a price. The System introduced him to a series of quests and challenges, each with its own set of rewards and risks. Some quests tested his combat prowess, while others demanded cunning and resourcefulness. With each completed quest, Agthirich's demonic abilities grew, and his connection to the Abyss deepened.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Agthirich became more entrenched in the ways of the Abyss. He had formed alliances with other demons, some of whom were equally as enigmatic as he was. Together, they ventured deeper into the Abyss, facing formidable adversaries and delving into the secrets of this nightmarish realm.

But as Agthirich grew in power and influence, he couldn't help but wonder about his past life as John. What had led him to this fate, and what did the System truly want from him? The answers remained elusive, hidden in the shadows of his fragmented memories.

The System, always watching and guiding, held the key to unlocking those memories. It promised Agthirich that as he continued to grow in strength and embrace his true demonic nature, the mysteries of his past would slowly be unveiled. Until then, he would thrive in the Abyss, rising through its dark ranks and carving a path to his own destiny.