
Twilight of the gods

A former human now reborn as a demon within the abyss. Will conner or !@##$$!@#$% be able to survive in a realm where godhood was anything but a dream and be a mighty demon god or a mere cannon folder for high ranking demons

Atrox_ashborn · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 1: Rebirth in the Abyss

The world faded away in a swirl of pain and despair, leaving John's consciousness adrift in an endless void. He could no longer feel the earth beneath his feet or the warmth of the sun on his skin. All that remained was a suffocating darkness that seemed to stretch into eternity.

John tried to remember how he had ended up here, in this nightmarish void. He recalled the blinding headlights of an oncoming car, the screeching of tires, and the sickening impact that had torn his life asunder. He had been just an ordinary man, leading an ordinary life, until that fateful accident had taken it all away.

But as the memories of his former life slipped away, a strange sensation washed over him. It was as if his very essence was being reshaped, molded into something new and terrifying. A sensation of power surged through him, unlike anything he had ever known.

And then, in the midst of the darkness, a voice echoed in his mind—a cold, mechanical voice that sent shivers down his spine. "Welcome, John," it intoned. "You have been chosen for a new beginning."

John tried to respond, but his voice had deserted him. He could only listen as the voice continued its eerie monologue.

"You have been reborn in the Abyss, a realm of darkness and chaos. You are no longer John; you are now a demon, a creature of the Abyss. Embrace your new identity, for it is the key to your survival and ascension."

The words sent a jolt of terror through John's newly formed being. He had become a demon, a denizen of the very darkness that had claimed him. What did this voice want from him? What purpose did he serve in this malevolent realm?

As if in answer to his unspoken questions, the voice revealed itself further. "I am your guide and companion on this treacherous journey," it said. "You may call me the System, for that is the name you held in your previous existence."

The System? It was an enigmatic name, and John could sense that there was more to this entity than met the eye. But before he could ponder further, the darkness around him began to shift and contort, and his newly formed body underwent a grotesque transformation.

His skin turned a deep shade of obsidian, etched with swirling, luminescent runes that pulsed with dark energy. His limbs elongated into clawed appendages, and his eyes, once human and innocent, now burned with an unholy fire.

"Your true name, whispered in dread by your fellow demons, is Agthirich Azathoth Vassago Amun," the System declared, each syllable dripping with malevolence.

Agthirich Azathoth Vassago Amun. It was a name that sent shivers down his spine. It was a name that heralded a new beginning, a descent into the depths of the Abyss, and a journey into the unknown.

As Agthirich stood in the inky blackness of the Abyss, his newfound demonic senses tingling with power, he couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead. What adventures and challenges awaited him in this nightmarish realm? And what was the true purpose of his rebirth in the Abyss? The answers remained shrouded in darkness, just like the world he had left behind.