Memories, of a life I haven't lived, and of a life too long for a mortal, they flood my mind as I come to the realisation that my life is now crazy. original work is not mine pic isn't mine, hope you lot enjoy this absolute master piece.......
I place my book down on my lap as I watch the excavation continue on around me.
Truly, using vampires for manual labour has got to be my brightest idea yet, if not for the forced loyalty I inject into them then I doubt any of the vampires within the Volturi would have sullied there hands with commoners work, not that a random commoner would be able to smash stone and clay from deep within the ground with little to no air flow reaching us,
It does raise an interesting point though as I watch Demetri and Corin smashing the walls side by side, it would seem that a males biological advantage of strength is irrelevant once the have transitioned to become a immortal,
Unless you are like Felix who is outpacing them both, but in his case superior strength is his power,
Raising my hand I use my telekinetic powers to remove the rubble out of the way of the 7 working vampires as they slave away to expand the Volturi catacombs,
Watching there eyes light up with reverence at my actions is always a joy, at this point there view of my is like a Christian before Christ himself.
The point of my expansion within our home is to create a lower level even deeper than the original ones, a level that will soon house all our prisoners,
It has come to my attention that I cant just keep killing everyone that does something wrong, not only does it not increase my power but its just plain laziness, I already have the respect of a ruthless ruler, now i need so show the masses my more diplomatic side,
With cells built down here being the key to that, for the more minor infractions like coven on coven brawls and such, people can enjoy a stay in the prison cells for hundreds of years at a time depending on the severity of there actions.
Watching Alec torture them from time to time is bound to be a amusing distraction for myself as well.
Interest, is the emotion that can be found on my face as I watch the experiments go on in front of me,
As I watch an old man writhing on the ground in pain while he slowly ages backwards towards his prime. I've been doing these test for a while now to see how different circumstances affect the turning process,
like for instance a sixty to seventy year old man will revert back to his mid twenty's upon turning into a vampire, but an eighty year old will simply not be able to handle the stress of turning and die.
While another affect of age is that the older you are the stronger of an imprint your memories and personality will have on your new immortal self, while the younger ones from sixteen to just before the age of thirty are more likely to forget there human lives.
I'm doing these experiments purely to sate my own curiosity but it has led to some interesting discovery's, like traces of slight loyalty held to the vampire that turned them, not much but enough to notice.
Or how long a vampire can go without blood, this one is slightly more interesting, our test subject could only go so long before going completely feral and loosing all traces of civility, and then after a few days of that unsightly behaviour he started to slow down, until he could no longer move,
His skin then went onto drying out completely to a chalky stone like material over the course of a week and his eyes forced shut, until you wouldn't have been able to tell him apart from a Greek statue other than his hair.
It seemed that this was it and that he would stay like that forever, even after a year there was no change, so the next logical step was to see if we could awaken him,
so with the ever helpful aid of human blood pressed against his lips we bore witness to him slowly waking up, it wasn't a quick transformation by any means, it took over six months by my calculations just for him to look like a regular vampire again.
The resilience of our species astounds me again and I cant help but wonder how we came to be, was it a work of magic that brought us about, or maybe we are a virus from outer space, i don't know yet but if I have my way I will eventually find out,
no matter how many poor souls I have to condemn to my research.
[sometime around the 1000 ADs]
Watching this women try to justify creating an immortal toddler to me has got to be one of the least amusing moments of my life,
obviously I remember who these women are, they are the future Denali coven, minus there former leader Sarah who is currently pleading with me to spare the child,
"Please, he's innocent, he's done nothing wro-"
I cut her off midway through her sentence with a raised hand,
"He has killed 87 humans by Demetri's count, and that's not including the ones that where so torn apart he couldn't be sure who was who" levelling a glare at the obviously brain dead women has her flinching,
"Please m'lord, our mother is just distraught, she doesn't know what she wants" I believe this is Tanya trying to plead for her coven leaders case.
"Be that as it may your so called mother has caused a crime, and while a small village disappearing isn't too hard to cover up an example has to be made. Felix, you will dispose of this immortal child while Jane and Alec lead Sarah down to the cells, she wont be leaving them for the next one thousand years." I ignore the quiet sobs of Sarah while she is dragged away as I look to the two remaining women apart of the Denali coven to see how they take the news,
On Tanya's face I can see resignation as well as acceptance, understanding that the punishment could have been a lot worse with a death sentence, while Irena looks shocked, over what I care little, not even enough to bother reading her mind,
dismissing the two women from my court causes them to scurry of to god knows where, hopefully somewhere out of trouble, if they cause something like this again the punishment will have to be a lot more severe.