

[Thirty-four years later]

More than three decades have passed since I voluntarily and forcibly joined the Volturi clan. Here, it turned out really not so bad as it seemed at first glance. Now I feel quite cozy and comfortable in Volterra.

But it wasn't that easy. In the first days of my adaptation to a new place and new realities, I was too bored to stay in my room. The spirit of the explorer has suddenly awakened in me! Therefore, without being shy of anyone, I walked around the clan and examined everything that was possible. It was really interesting.

In the first hours of my trip to the sights of the Volturi clan, Chelsea found me doing what I was doing. And with my permission, she volunteered to be my personal guide. I really didn't mind such pleasant company at all. There was such a strange feeling with her, there was something so... native about Chelsea. Well, that's apart from the fact that we're both vampires, of course.

Later I realized what was the reason for such cordiality. And the surprise was truly unpleasant. Still, I'm used to trusting people, my distrust still needs to be earned.

It all happened a couple of weeks later. Since then I had already examined everything that was possible and impossible, I became bored again. So I decided to start meditating. Neither in the past nor in this life did I do such nonsense. But in the "past" I heard a lot of mind-shocking ordinary mortal stories. So with the question "Why not?" I began to meditate diligently.

Immediately, of course, nothing happened. I have never been assiduous, so I had to sweat a lot to overcome myself. And soon I really began to benefit from it.

What I achieved through meditation was really very impressive, and for people it was simply incredible. With the help of meditations, I was able not only to fall into a state similar to sleep, I think it's called trance, but also to fully form my own memories for both lives. The most difficult thing was to come to this.

In my own subconscious or something like that, I was able to create a kind of library, it became the place where I could arrive when I meditate. And that empty space started to get on my nerves. There, in the library, fortunately and deeply unexpected was the fact that there were whole shelves and a department of books directly related to Twilight. That I don't want to brag, made me very happy.

It was there, in one of the books, that I learned about Chelsea's special talent (ability) – she could create, strengthen emotional connections and attachments, both humans and vampires. But not only that, it was in her power to break them

At the same time, my obsession seemed to have subsided. I became wary and wary of her, naturally not showing it in front of her eyes. I decided to hide the fact that I know what her ability is. Because I can't be sure what will happen if she decides to sever my connection with the Denali sisters and my mother.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that the Volturi have also repeatedly tried to get me hooked on human blood, but I remember how long ago I swore to try not to try it until the last. Therefore, for so many years I have lived in the Volturi clan, I have another gift. The gift of persuasion, and I think he pumped to the maximum, if after rebirth and getting into this world I was given a system, then I'm sure it would be called "The System of the King of the deceiver."

Literally during this period of time, I had a good opportunity to see the girls and Emma. How did such a simple thought not come to my mind, I'm generally silent, or did Chelsea's gift somehow affect me ...?

The joy of meeting with the family was beyond the limit, if they were capable of it, then the whole company would have been crying, of course, with happiness. That's kind of a plus of being a vampire, that no one will be able to see your tears, your breakdown, but don't think about it so one-sidedly. Grief happens, and with it or some misfortune, it is sometimes better to give free rein to feelings and throw out what has accumulated.

And so my life continued, I lived within the walls of the clan, but I could freely move wherever I wanted at any available moment, teleportation contributed to this, I did not experience any special difficulties with it. As soon as I focused on my girls, I found myself next to them. Magic, no other way.

In this simple way, we met with them, but I also understood that once again we should not catch Aro's eye with them together, since now I considered him a fanatic. I learned a lot about it from the internal library.

Unlike his wife. We got along well with Sulpicia. She was quite a good-natured woman who was always ready to drink human blood, but she was kind to vampires, you can't take that away, yes.

Rarely, but sometimes they would intersect with each other, most often it took place in the clan library. We even had small talk a couple of times, and our conversation with her could not but give me pleasure. But sometimes I had to think very carefully about the answers to her questions.

On one of the trips to interesting places of the Volturi clan, I happened to get acquainted with the legends. Jane and Alec. At the time of our acquaintance, I was very stunned by their appearance, because they looked like teenagers of fourteen or fifteen years old.

With her twin brother, I quite easily managed to find a common language and make friends. But Jane, it was hard with her, how hard it was to get her to greet me when we met... she just grunted and snuffled at our conversations with Alec when they took place. One thing was clear – the girl's character was heavy. Very heavy.

Many events have taken place over the past years. I got along well with Sulpicia, now we met in the library almost all the time when we were free and drank blood while talking. I am an animal, and she is human, respectively. This is the coziness and comfort that I was talking about.

The library of the Volturi clan was just bulky and ancient, some of the books here were a couple of hundred years old, or even more, they just smelled of history.

Sulpice turned out to be an ordinary woman who, like any other, needed attention, but as I found out, her husband had not paid attention to her for a long time. And all this everyday routine seriousness, as the wife of the clan leader, irritated her.

The woman just wanted to relax and relax, which I helped her with. There was no intimacy between us, but I confess honestly that sometimes I stared at her. But as they say, what God does not sin.

I also became interested in art, in particular music. There were often times when during meditation I just listened to music in memories from the past world.

That's why I decided to learn it, but later it dawned on me that not all music from the 21st century has the right tools and techniques for good song performance. So I was content with little, sometimes hanging out in the library of memories.

That's why it's only in my plans for the future.

It's worth mentioning how I participated in a couple of missions to destroy vampires who violated the main rules. All vampires.

I participated in the so-called raids, only as a transport, that is, a carrier. Since meditation has helped me not only with memory, but in my ability to teleport. It has intensified and moved to a new level.

What should I say about the so-called clans that were guilty. There was no way to call them clans. The name is too loud. The "clan" was more like some kind of interest group.

And in these "circles" there were vampires, small crowds of vampires that seemed to have gone crazy and were obsessed with human blood so much that they began to kill people in small towns without any future problems and threats. At the same time, without really doing their disguise, thereby letting the world reveal themselves. And we couldn't let that happen.

That's why I didn't mind getting rid of such carrion, in the sense of individuals. Then exactly what happened, everything was destroyed. Without remainder.

This, by the way, made it clear to me that the Volturi do not seem as bad as they seem at first glance, and at the second, too…

But one day everything changed, I got tired of sitting here. I got bored with such a life and decided to leave the clan, which I informed Volturi about. Which was a big mistake on my part. After all, it almost turned into a tragedy for me.


- I want to tell you that I'm leaving the Volturi clan and going on a well-deserved vacation, here. – I decided, without any concealment or second bottom, to say, in plain text, that I was leaving.

- OK. Well, it's nice to hear that you decided to tell us this directly, and not just run away. Since it could cause a few small problems. Aro smiled charmingly, in a joyful tone.

- Hee-hee, what a pity that my beloved interlocutor decided to leave our walls ... . Sulpicia smiled cheerfully, trying to make a joke, but deep in her eyes it was clear that she was hiding her sadness behind all this. Which, by the way, was not hidden from my sharp eyes.

- Do not doubt, Mrs. Volturi, I will visit you, not strangers to each other after all... reasonable. – I hesitated a little at the end, always forgetting that everyone around me is a vampire. I was saying everything from a pure, not beating heart for a long time.

- It's a pity, but since you decided so, then let it be so, we will always be glad to see you, Alex. – Marcus smiled at me cordially and even in a fatherly way.

Caius just chuckled, what a silent man he was after all. I, in turn, was going to pack my belongings, although not that I have a lot of them, but I still have to say goodbye to Jane and Alec. Alec and I became real friends. And Jane, she still has the same zundery character, but I think we still got along.

- Then I'm going to pack my things. – I made something like a half bow and went to say goodbye to the guys and acquaintances.


- Alec! Jane! I exclaimed joyfully, but louder, as soon as I noticed those in my surroundings. They stopped in the corridor at my shout and turned in my direction.

- Oh, hello Alex! Alec exclaimed in the same tone as me and smiled good–naturedly.

- Hmpf! - And that's how Jane responded to me. Oh, what a girl...

Starting tomorrow, it will be two chapters a day until the supply runs out...

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