

Twelve commoners who are living a boring, sad, sick lives are invited to a secret meeting in a grand hotel. The meeting was hosted by a secret society and they are forced to partcicipate in a contest where all the 12 should hunt each other in the open world and the last one standing wins and recieves a huge cash prize. As the game starts each of them finds out that the others aren't commeners..... just like them....

RonSam · แอคชั่น
10 Chs


The Madras Jail had the most violent and crazy criminals of Tamilnadu. Murderers, serial killers, drug lords, rapists and crimes that can only be imagined. The criminals followed a heirarchy system among them. The guy with the sickest crime was considered to be at the top and the power got distributed according to it. If a guy wishes to increase his power level, he must fight in a 1v1 against the guy above him and take over his position.

The one at the top position now is Gajanand, a brown skinned fat guy, who weighs around 150 kilograms. His head was bald and round and had a freaky stare. He looked like Shaquille O'Neal of Tamilnadu. Started as a goon, he almost managed to take complete control over the entire drug mafia of Tamilnadu, but the police managed to capture him before that disaster. Anyone who challenges him, he just crushes them with his brute force.

One could think of the bottom most criminal in the ranking. Could be a pickpocket or an auto thief or a random coward who was framed for a crime, he did not do. But the one at the last was even worse, even the coward would disgust him. It was Sarath Babu, the 34 year old petty criminal. He was an average guy, he wasn't too strong, but he wasn't too weak either and he wasn't afraid of anyone in the jail. It was his crime that brought him the shame. According to the rumors that spread in the jail, he was a pimp, for his own sister. They say that, once he and his friend were too drunk and they both tried to sleep with his sister. They brutally raped her and they both had sex too. All the inhabitants of jail treated him as a low life for raping his own sister and for being a gay. Gajanand treated him like a slave. They abused him with words, but Sarath never reacted, he always had a blank face and did as they said.

Any criminal who is put in the jail has to take part in the ranking system. They must fight everyone in the ranking starting from the bottom, that is Sarath Babu, and they climb up the rank one by one until they lose. Technically, Sarath has to fight every fresher that comes in, but he has never won a single guy, indeed, he never fights back. All he does is take beatings, no matter how strong or weak the enemy is. The inmates bet on Sarath, for how long he withstands the fight. And this Sunday, was one such. A new inmate has joined the prisoners, a gym guy with some well built muscles. People who bet that Sarath would lose within half an hour has already lost the bet. "How is he surviving this long?", asked a prisoner. "It is not him, it is Gajanand, he has bet on 1 hour and has ordered Sarath to be there till then", said the the other. "No way, he survives an hour, he would definitely lose". "He knows he would lose, but he also knows that the punishment from Gajanand would be worse than surviving for an hour".

The fresher was bashing the life out of Sarath. "He may be a fresh to the jail but he has a lot of experience in street brawls.... He would definitely reach a higher rank", Sarath told himself. His face was oozing with blood and he could not stand straight because of the blows to his chest area. Sarath looked at the timer and realized that he should keep standing for 23 more minutes. Sarath tried dodging the attacks but the fresher was quick and accurate. As Sarath was about to give up, a prisoner came in running and shouted "The jailer is coming stop the fight". The fight stopped and everybody acted casual. Sarath was taken to do first aid. Gajanand as well as the fresher were furious that they couldn't finish the fight. The jailer entered the area and went straight to Gajanand. "Where is Sarath, send him". "Why do u need him?". "We got orders, to release him". Gajanand was shocked. "No court, no judgment, how can u release him?", he asked. "Looks like someone at high authority, I don't have much idea about it". Gajanand nodded and sent a guy to bring Sarath. "You guys been fighting again?", asked the jailer, looking at Sarath. "He fell in the bathroom", Gajanand answered authoritatively. The warden and stared at him. "Sarath, you are being released, take your things and come to the exit gate". Sarath was surprised, "How am I being released?". "I have no idea, your friends are waiting outside, get your things and move now.

"You go ahead, I'll be there in 15 minutes", replied Sarath.

As the jailer left, Sarath looked at Gajanand and said he wants to continue the fight. "Look at your condition, I know I've been cruel to you but at least now, I want to give u a happy farewell. Just pack your bags and leave", said Gajanand. "This fight will be my farewell", Sarath said in a serious tone. Gajanand has never seen him like that. He arranged the fight.

The fresher was raged and he wanted to finish Sarath in one blow. The arena was set and both fighters were ready. As the fight started, the fresher came rushing with his right arm raised, to land a straight blow to Sarath's face. As he came closer and stretched his arm to land the punch, his arms started to become slower in mid air. Everyone were confused on what was going on. The punch landed on the face, but its pace was one tenth of what it should have actually been, but it was enough to make Sarath's nose bleed. Both fighters stood still, staring at each other. Gajanand noticed something weird, for the first time in the fight, the fresher was not standing in his fighting stance. "I give up", said Sarath. He took his bag which he has already packed, and left the place. Everyone were standing still, as if he cast a freeze spell upon them while leaving. The only one who was moving was the fresh guy, who was breathing heavily.

Sarath's friends, Majnu and Gopal were waiting outside the jail in their car. Sarath, coming out of the jail, went straight to the car and sat inside. Though these three were close friends and were meeting after a long time, their faces and were serious, as if they all lost their smile. "How did you get me released?", asked Sarath. "Not us, it is Zambrox", said Majnu. "Stop joking around bro, I'm not in the mood for a joke", said Sarath. "Neither are we", said Majnu, "Gopal, show him the letter". Gopal took out a letter from the car's glow box. The rich looking red envelop caught his eye. "To.....Sarath....From.....Zambrox", Sarath read. "I thought Zambrox was a myth!", he exclaimed. "Me too, but that could possibly be the truth, both of us don't have money to get you out and no one in their senses would release you for their use", said Majnu. "You won't believe it, we received the letter yesterday and today, you are released", said Gopal. "Did you read it?", asked Sarath. "It is just an invitation, but you read it yourself", said Gopal.

"Why would Zambrox need me?"

Inside the jail. Gajanand went to the fresh guy's cell. "As Sarath gave up the fight, you win and move to next rank, your fight will be tomorrow, be ready". "I can't fight....". "Why?!". The fresh guy turned to show his right side to Gajanand, which freaked him out. His right arm was hanging like a cloth in a hanger. His bones and joints were broken. "What happened to your arm?!!". "I fell in the bathroom...", said the fresh guy. Gajanand stared at him.

The fresh guy was the only one who knew what had happened. In the fight, when his arm was in mid air to land the punch, Sarath punched the arm so fast, that no one was even able to see that he punched. It was as fast as a whip and it was the reason his arm slowed down mid air. They say fear is congestive and the fear within him, spread throughout during the fight, freezing everyone.

Publishing after a long time.... feels good.

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