What happens when a modern day dude is dropped into the TVD Universe? Will he become a Vampire? Or is he a Werewolf? Or maybe he is a Witch? Read this fanfic to find out more. Male OC X Rebekah Mikaelson Forgive me if the characters are out of character. The story starts from 999 A.D. !!! Caution: I know some people are dissatisfied with the front portion of this fanfic, but please be patient. I assure you it will be worth it. At least read until chapter 20 before deciding to drop this fanfic. !!! (I don't own anything except my MC, and I am new to this so if there's any grammar, spelling or constructive criticism you want to let me know, feel free to leave a comment.)
[Timeskip: 14 years later, 13th Century, 1253]
3rd Person POV
In the middle of the forest, a man who seemed to be in his early twenties can be seen dragging a tied-up male who is in his late twenties. But don't let his appearance fool you, because he is over a hundred years old, thanks to one of the many perks of being a vampire.
"I will kill you! When I am free, I will hunt you down! I will let you watch as I kill your family members one by one!" The vampire glared fiercely at me, eyes glistening with resentment and rage. He was struggling to break free from the magic-bound rope he was tied to.
"Whatever, pal." I dismissed his outbursts like a regular thing I heard everyday.
While I chuckled inwardly at the vampire's cries for freedom, I couldn't help but think about how time had changed me. In the past, I would never dream of killing, torturing, or kidnapping someone unless I was in danger or if my loved ones were in danger. I can still remember the first time I killed someone. I puked my guts out. Literally. And I smelled like vomit for the entire week after that day. However, now I kill, torture and kidnap just about anyone if they don't give me what I want.
Sighing inward I thought,
Those were simpler times.
Finally reaching our destination, I broke out of my thoughts and dragged the still struggling vampire into one of the three holes I dug out in the clearing.
(A/N: The Magic Circle Of The Ritual)
Across the clearing was a big magic circle. This magic circle was not your typical magic circle. This magic circle was specifically created to create Horcruxes. Yes you got that right. Hell yeah, I am going to use the forbidden magic my future self warned me not to use. After all, desperate times call for desperate needs. Within the magic circle, a triangle was drawn within the circle with three deep holes dug at each tip of the triangle. Each hole is occupied by people. Many people. One for the vampires, one for the werewolves and the last for the witches.
Eyes glistening with excitement, I muttered,
"Finally, the ritual can begin."
Taking a ring out of my pocket, I stripped off my clothes and carefully walked into the middle of the magic circle. Closing my eyes, I sat down, crossed my legs and began to chant.
"Effusio Vitae. Effusio Vitae. Effusio Vitae."
Immediately as the words left my mouth, the magic circle lit up in blue flames. Screams of despair from those who were in the three holes rang out through the whole forest. Slowly, their screams faded away as three shining blobs of light emerged from the three holes.
"Now for the hard part." Wiping the sweat that had accumulated from the first part of the ritual, I gritted my teeth and continued with the ritual.
Hands coated in green, I reached into my chest to pull out my soul. Finally touching my soul within a few minutes of feeling for it. Without hesitation, I grabbed onto a piece of my soul and started tugging at it. As I pulled it out of my chest, excruciating pain that rivaled the pain I felt when I died engulfed my entire being.
Soon my body began to shake and sweat dripped down his face all the way to the ground.
Gah...i...it hurts. Pain clouds my mind as I start doubting myself.
Was this the right thing to do? Was it really worth it? What is the point of this? Maybe I should just give u– Before those thoughts could cloud my judgement any further, I snapped out of those thoughts and muttered to myself,
"I have to do it. For Rebekah. Sacrifices must be made."
Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to continue pulling my soul fragment out.
For what felt like ages, a bright cyan patch of blob was ripped off my soul.
As the pain slowly subsided, I huffed and panted heavily on the ground, gulping for air. It was only after five minutes that I finally managed to get up to finish the ritual.
"Merge et fiet unum. Merge et fiet unum. Merge et fiet unum. Merge et fiet unum. " I continued to chant as the three blobs of life force collected from the vampires, werewolves and witches flew towards the small patch of soul I ripped out. Upon contact with one another, tendrils from my small patch of cyan soul emerged from it and started devouring the life force of the three supernaturals.
Eventually, the split soul and life force merge into one blob with shades of cyan and white. After condensing, the blob of cyan and white shot towards the ring I placed in front of me before the ritual. Light engulfed the ring as a soul fragment was being implanted in it ensuring my immortality. A few moments later, the light dimmed indicating the completion of the ritual.
"Ha...I did it." Those were my last words as my vision began to warp and the world around me began to turn dark.
I don't know how much time has passed since I passed out, but that didn't really matter at the moment. My body ached all over making it challenging for me to stand. Collecting myself, I looked around for my newly made Horcrux, only to find it where I left it.
Exhaling a sigh of relief that it wasn't taken while I was passed out, I quickly wore my clothes and got ready to leave before any witches found me.
From all over my body, my Mana moved to my wand, ready to be released as I raised my wand towards the clearing and the forest.
Inhaling deeply, I concentrate all my remaining Mana on a spell.
I shouted, "Fiendfrye!"
Instantaneously, the temperature in the entire area rose as a burst of bright amber flames shot forward from the tip of my wand. The flames grew unnaturally fast, and eventually, the flames turned into a flaming wolf and started engulfing everything in its path. Within a matter of seconds, the forest and any signs of a body were all reduced to ashes.
Satisfied that no one would be able to trace me to the scene of the crime, I let my mana wrap around my body and triggered the apparition spell.
I vanished from the scene with a crackling sound similar to lightning.
A/N: To explain how my version of the Horcrux works, the sacrificed souls of the Witches, Werewolves and Vampires are used to anchor Cash's soul fragment onto the ring. This is so that it could be turned into a Horcrux. (Btw the ritual consists of 100 Witches, 100 Werewolves and 100 Vampires)
So the reason why he is still in his early twenties is because Wizards aged like 5x slower than humans.