
TVD: Stefan's Skin (DROPPED)

Reborn as Stefan Salvatore, lucky enough to score LOHP with all the books available inside the Library. Yes MC likes men and women. Yes the author is bad at spelling. No this is not good at all for all those nitpicking TVD fans. No author has no idea what they are doing, They just love the show and tried finding fan fictions read them all couldn't find any more, took matters into their own hands.

Schooldean · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Chapter 1

I stare at the unfamiliar ceiling contemplating my life. I remember going on a mission and getting a sneak attack from my comrades, what a pathetic end to a life of a bastard like mine, its a good thing they striked first because I was going to betray them soon and fake my death.

Why should I work to the bone for the country that killed my sister and uncle to bury evidence of the leaders committing crimes against humanity?

My sister was so lively when she died it was immediately clear that there was gloom around our home. I was 12 when I realized that I am different I can appreciate people and can converse normally with others but the concept of emotions is lost on me.

However, I always felt different around my sister I remember myself smiling at times. That all changed when she was killed in a plaine crash that I later found out was shot down by the government to kill an agent who was supposed to be on board. The said agent had gone rogue and was carrying evidence that could bring the whole organization down.

The death of uncle and my little sister was something that broke my connection to what little emotions I had left and from that day on I became an empty husk of a shell that only lives for a chance to uncover the truth about the plaine crash.

Once I found out I went on to investigate the organization from inside. I joined as a recruit and quickly became a renouned killer and one of the best they had. I started by targeting their best operatives I didn't want them sent after me should I fail to wipe them out. I killed  hundreds of people from the low level to hight level straight to the man behind the order to shoot down the plaine.

All that was left was the squad I had joined as a means to infiltrate the agency. I hesitated killing them because of all the time I spent amongst them so me dying first was a good ending since they had no hand in the death of my sister.

It's okay for me to die since almost all the responsible parties had died either by my hand or by my design. I honestly had no idea of what to do afterwards so I suppose death is as good as any option. I can't help feeling like I'm forgetting something, something happened that my mind is blocking. Its alright it will all come back to me when the time is right.

I sit up and walk straight to the mirror. I stand there with my eyes locked on the face in the mirror. I recognize the expression on my face which is blank and empty without any emotion at all. The resemblance end there however as the face that's looking back at me is familiar but not mine. I had black eyes and black hair but in the mirror is that actor who played  Stefan Salvatore in the vampire diaries.

That's when it comes back to me.

I awoke and slowly and looked around me only to see nothing. Strangely enough I don't have an ounce of panic it's as if I belong here. In an empty space with nothing but my thoughts. "The dark never bothered me" I say, my voice comes out but I can't feel my body.

I just stay like that for I don't know how long so I decide to challenge myself and see if I can gain emotions again. I picture lily in my mind. Bright smile with small cherry lips a dimple on her right cheek and big bright eyes that shimmer in the light as if imbued with permanent tears. We had the same coloured eyes but I can never make mine look so innocent and bright. I try to draw her face in my mind but all I can recall are the eyes and the smile.

It's as if all I know of her are only these details. I think that I want to sleep but something has me feeling that if I fall sleep in this place I'll be gone forever. As a result I don't sleep but try and enjoy the darkness and the quiet space. I see someone or something approach from afar and it resembles a small dot that gradually gets bigger and turn into an orb of some sort.

"What is your given name?"



"You don't have any colour on your soul Liam"

"...." I keep quiet. Because what am I supposed to say to such a weird statement.

"Why don't you have any colouring on your soul Liam?"


"Soul colouring is what helps us to decide where to allocate your soul. Some have evil dominating their being which result in their souls contaminated and they are therefore allocated to a place that cleanses their souls then they will be sent to the Reincarnation cycle in accordance with the remaining colouring dominating their soul space. Soul colouring is also what separates human souls from those of androids and robots.

But your soul is empty and it says here in your file that Reincarnation is impossible before attaining colouring, which only leaves us with transmigration.

Soul colouring helps us understand what life and which universe will be suitable for you. For instance if you are full of red spots it means your life was full of regrets then we will use the colors to find out what is it you regret and send you to a place that will reduce such colouring upon your next death.

You have no colors so we are at a loss that is why you have been put here by yourself to see if you will gain colouring by reflecting on your life but it has been half a century already but there has been no results.

If you are sent back the results will most likely still be the same and you will have no emotions."

That caught my attention. "Colouring is representative for emotions?" I ask with my usual blank tone.

"Yes" its answers.

"Do you have a fantasy? Preference in anything?"

"I like the idea of magic...I guess and immortal cultivation and magical space  and beast companions." I reply

"....I see. I'll go consult with the higher ups see what to do with you."

Then it disappeared like it was never there.

"Emotions huh" I say to myself and continue to try and dig deep.

After I don't know how  long the thing came back.

"Well I have been given this wheel of worlds based on the books, comics and TV shows you know. And a wheel of powers also based on things you know so don't worry about getting something you don't know"

I see two wheels in front of me and both are what it explained I see.

"The cycle? I watched that like 12 years ago and its was less pleasant than the rest. It also only had like one season."

"You are aware of it therefore its included" it says with finality.

"What's the point of this?"

"To send to to the chosen world with the power you will select so that you can perhaps be someone else's problem since we don't know what to do with you."

"I see. Let's start then"

I look at the wold's wheel and there's so many cultivation novels. Its spins and after a while it stops at TVD I try to remember what was that world about and remember vampire running rampant witches playing judgement and werewolves going feral. I approve.

I turn to the other wheel and its spins and stops at LOHP.

"Where will I get the books?" I ask

"It will come with the books about cultivation, magic, spells for cultivators, Smithing, talisman, arrays, special constitutions and basically all the knowledge from the world of LOHP and the other cultivation worlds such as inscription and alchemy from TGD. I can't name it all for you you have all the time in the world to explore the library that is as big as worlds. Good luck and by the gods lest not meet again."

My vision turns back to darkness and I woke up in this room. Another thing i take note of is the old sty of clothes which includes a suspender. The hair cut makes me look like a creep though. I would imagine Jack the ripper to have this sort of hairstyle. I walk out of my room only to bump into a woman whom I recognize as the woman who abandoned her marriage and children to become a mother to a group of vampires and witches who would late be known as heretics.

I must have been looking for too long because she looks flustered. I suppose its because of the lack of emotions in my eyes or do they look cold but she almost look guilty. I should school my face to that of Stefan if I don't want to be suspicious.

"Stefan how are you my son" she walk towards me trying to embrace me but I move away from her she stands there with look of betrayal.

"Who are you?" I ask her but she doesn't say anything and just stands there so I side step her and move away.

After walking outside the servants or slaves as Giuseppe refers to them greet me but I ignore them and move to check what I want to check.

I find out that its 1859 the war has just begun and we are supporting slavery it's also 5 years before the bitch Katherine Pierce shows up so I better get strong.

"Master Stefan the lord has sent for you. He asks that you join him in his study." A servant calls for me and I nod before going towards his study.

I knock on the door and hear a "come in" from the other side of the door I push the door open and enter to find my mother and father seated on the side chairs looking at me.

I stand there looking at the man who will be my father from now on and the woman whom he abuses, only Damon is missing here.

"Do you know your mistake?" He asks me and I look at him. He is taken aback by something in my eyes. Perhaps it's the blank look or the emptiness in my eyes that I see him shiver and lean back on his chair subconsciously.

"My apologies I seem to have forgotten everything and my head hurt if I try to think about it. Please enlighten me on what is it that I have done" I say without missing a bit.

He seems shocked. Is it that I'm not scared by him or that I don't recognize him? It's true though, I don't remember him or her.

"You really don't remember anything?"  He asks suspiciously.

"I don't" I say with certainty.

"I will help you remember then, I was about to punish your brother for stealing my money when you got between us trying to save him and knocked your head on the edge of the table and fell down bleeding from your head." He says with his anger returning.

"I see" I say with a bland tone.

"Now do you know what you did wrong?" He asks me with agression.

I look him in the eyes for a full minute deciding if I should tell him to go to hell or just proceed to kill him right now. But one word from him and his servants will storm in here and subdue me in seconds because I'm weak right now.

"I shouldn't have interfered. However may I ask a question?" He looks at me and nods.

"Did you investigate the real perpetrator? The one truly responsible or you went ahead and proceeded with allocating punishment without proof?"

He seems taken aback by my question and then rage takes him over and he stands up rushing to me. I stand unmoved and my eyes turn cold. He falters for a second but he looks over me I am 13 years old but I have a way with my eyes. They are unfeeling which makes me look particularly vicious.

"This is my house you will not forget yourself." I look at him.

"So you did not investigate?" He raises his hand to hit me I just look at him, something must have stopped him because he lowers his hand.

"You will stay in your room and reflect on your behavior until I'm satisfied" I nod open the door and got out.

I haven't had parents for over two decades so to suddenly have a parent is for lack of a better word, overwhelming.