
  - The Missing Of Jane , Natasha , Abigail , Elizabeth and Janet -

New town, new me those where the words running in Emily's head, after moving from Elmo to Willerview town. Emily , and her parents are eagerly waiting to arrive. After a long drive they were half way arriving in Willerview. A quiet , lovely place to live.

-'So how's the town?' said Emily's dad. 'Are you satisfied?' 'Well darling it's pretty decent and quiet , I love it what about you Emily?' said Emily's Mom.

' It's pretty nice and cozy, it's just that I'll miss my friends back in Elmo 'Emily replied. ' I'm pretty sure you'll make new friends Emily, new town new friends ' said Emily's Mom with a smile. ' That will take like months ' said Emily.

-Alright we've reached the check point, make you sure you have your seatbelts on ' said Emily's Dad. ' Hi welcome to Willerview let me guess you're new here' said the Police Officer with a smile. ' Thank you Officer, of course we are new , oh I'm Ben Wilson and this my wife Jennifer Wilson and my daughter Emily Wilson ' said Emily's Dad. ' Oh what a nice family you've got, please drive safe and have a great day... And don't forget to lock your doors ' said the Police Officer with a laugh.


I thought the town was safe enough to leave your doors open ' said Emily.

' Come on hunny, you know there is no town in this world which is safe to leave your house doors open , maybe the Mayor's house perhaps ' said Emily's Dad.

' Yeah why would you leave your doors open ' said Emily's Mom with a soft laugh. ' What ever *sigh* ' said Emily.

After driving through the checkpoint they drove through the woods leading them to Willerview, and they wasn't any car that was present only there's and the camp trailer hooked to their van.

After a short while the van tire busted in the middle of the road , lucky the car was moving at a slow speed. Emily's dad quickly packed the car halfway on the road with hazards on , and got off the car to check how bad the tire was.

' I think we stepped on a nail, thank God we have a spare tire ' said Emily's Dad with a smile on his face. ' I can't believe it , there is no car passing , do people even travel here ' Emily's Mom wondered.

As Emily wondered around not very far from the van she noticed someone  watching her through the forest but couldn't tell if there's a person or not.

As she walked closer and closer , she head a tree branch cracking like someone stepped on it , then she paused for second to see if something will move. ' Emily , Emily! we are good to go , the spare tire is perfect ' said Emily's Dad.

She looked clearly and thought maybe it's a squirrel or a some random forest animals but there was nothing. She then ignored and turned around and got into the van.

Finally they arrived and the town has a population of 10,000 residents most of the people living their where born their.

The people kept staring at them as they drove slowly through the small town heading to the residential houses.

' Okay .. this is our new house, a three bedroom house with a large living room.. how is it.? ' said Emily's Dad. ' it's.. it's fabulous ' said Emily's Mom with proud face. ' it's huge, I love it ' said Emily.

They offloaded there belongings and took them into their new home, after decorating than the door bell rang (ding,dong). ' whoo that could be our new neighbors ' said Emily's Mom excitedly.

' Heyy Emily, I have got you something ' said Emily's Dad. ' Really? , what is it.? '

' Umm Guess ' said Emily's Dad with a laugh. 'Cmon Dad you know I'm not good at guessing ' said Emily.

' I bought you a new phone.. I know your only 14 and yeah you have to have one.. so here you go ' said Emily's Dad. ' Aww thanks dad , I love it ' said Emily with a happy face. ' Your welcome hunny ' said Emily's Dad.

'Oh and this is my husband Mr Ben and my daughter Emily, meet our new neighbor Mr Frank and Mrs Susan' said Emily's Mom with a welcome gesture. 'oh hi how are you ' said Emily's Dad. 'am alright thank you , welcome to Willerview ' said Mr Frank.

'Once again thank you, we would definitely love to know more about the place, oh let's have a cold beer , shall we?' said Emily's Dad. ' oh yeah so lovely ' Mr Frank replied.

'Oh hi Emily, you look pretty ' said Mrs Susan. 'thanks Mrs Susan it's nice to meet you' Emily replied with a smile. ' I have a daughter Christina she's pretty just like you , she's outside in the car , she's having a rough time. Go and say hi ' said Mrs Susan. ' sure ' Emily replied.

As she went outside, she saw a car packed near there gate. As she got close she noticed a girl inside the car and Emily knew that it was Mrs Susan's daughter.

Emily went to the car window and knocked two times and waved at her then she slides the car window and then opened the door.

' Hi I'm Emily Wilson you should be Christina ' said Emily in a nice tune.

' yep , nice to meet you Emily ' Christina replied in a frustrating tone.

' it's um a nice , quiet town isn't it.? ' said Emily. 'to you .. yep' Christina replied. 'well how is it?' said Emily in a questionable tone. 'crime and staff usually happen here' Christina replied.

'what kind of crime, I thought the town hasn't recorded any crimes. Emily replied. 'Have you ever seen a town with no crimes in it.?..nope but this one keeps on going and going' Christina replied. 'So they're petty crimes I guess , stealing cars , breaking in homes and staff .. right?.' Emily replied.

' Nope that's a waste of time for the kidnapper, the kidnapper maybe a she or a he. Kidnapping a person is more valuable than breaking in homes stealing TV's and staff.' Christina replied. 'A kidnapper?.. their is a kidnapper in Willerview and no one not even the police knows who it might be.? Emily replied in a surprising tone.

'Yep , the kidnapper wears a black mask sometimes white, and doesn't make any sound or talk.' Christina replied. 'How did you know all this , where you a victim.?' Emily replied.

'You see that house over their?.. it's Mike's house he was kidnaped two months ago.' Christina replied.

'Did he say anything about the kidnapper?.' Emily replied.

'He said the kidnapper doesn't talk nor laugh or joke, he always carries a knife.  He chooses whom to kill or kidnap' Christina replied. 'Well how did he escape.?' Emily asked curiously.

'Nobody knows unless if you try asking him , tomorrow after school I will escort you to his house...good.?' said Christina. 'Yeah thanks , let me go and have dinner, see you.' said Emily.

At the dinning table Emily kept on thinking and wondering about what her friend just said concerning about the kidnapper. Her father noticed her playing with her food.

'What's wrong hunny, is everything alright.?' Emily's Dad asked.'Yeah it's nothing , don't worry am okay' Emily replied. 'your food is getting cold' said Emily's Mom with a worried face. 'Dad , Mom am okay , it's personal ' Emily replied in a high tone.

Meanwhile outside a mysterious person stalking Emily through the window, busy studying her from a distance without Emily's knowledge.

'Okay , okay it's fine. Look Emily if you have issues be open tell us if it's private then try talking to your mother' said Emily's Dad. 'your father is right is right , so if you feel like talking or sharing something with me , I'm here' said Emily's Mom. 'alright Mom, but just so you know everything is okay.. I need to go to bed tomorrow it's my first day at school, goodnight' said Emily.

Immediately Emily left the dinning room , the mysterious man left.

The next morning Emily dressed up ready for school.

'Okay I'm done , shall we?..' said Emily's Dad. 'Sure .... Um can we pass by Mr and Mrs Susan's house and pick Christina.?' said Emily.'Sure why not' said Emily's Dad.

Meanwhile at school Emily was introduced to the principal, Mr White a very hardworking principal who is keen to do whatever is right to the school. ' Oh hi good morning,you must be Emily , My name is Mr White your school principal '.  ' Oh hi nice to meet you too ' said Emily. ' let me show you your class, follow me. Oh and one thing Emily please once the school bell rings go home straight before it gets dark '. Said Mr White. ' Oh why so?'. Said Emily with confused face. ' You see Willerview has recorded a lot of kidnapping especially young girls like you. The police still hasn't found any clue , five girls from this school are still missing..Jane , Natasha , Abigail , Elizabeth and Janet. But Mike managed to escape and he hasn't said anything about the kidnapper. ' But ... does he pledge for money ?'. Asked Emily. ' No he doesn't, well this is your class Emily have a nice day '. Said Mr White.

After School Emily and Christina , quickly went to Mike's house to ask him more about the so called kidnapper who is a most wanted criminal in Willerview.

Ding-dong , Emily and Christina patiently waiting for someone to open the door. ' It looks like nobody's home ' said Emily. ' Let's wait for a minute someone will open up ' said Christina.

After a few minutes footsteps were head coming towards the door. ' Oh hey um my name is Emily and this is my friend Christina , we are your new neighbors.. We are here to see Mike if his around?. 'oh how are you it's nice to meet you I'm Mike's grandma, and of course his home .. come on in'.

Emily and Christina went into the house, it was comfy and well decorated. 'Mike we have some visitors, .. am sorry he doesn't talk too much'. 'Coming' said Mike coming down the stairs. 'Meet your new neighbors, Emily and Christina'. 'Ok Hi' said Mike in a discomfort tone'. 'Hey Mike I'm Emily, sorry ma'am can you excuse us a bit'. 'Oh sure sweetheart'.

Mike wasn't comfortable with Emily and Christina's visit , he only wanted to be alone that way he felt safe. 'What do you want' said Mike. ' We ain't here to trouble you Mike but we are here to get some answers'. Said Emily ' What answers?..all I know is no one cares about me , what makes you think I have answers for your unknown questions?.' said Mike. ' Look mike we know you escaped from the kidnapper,.we just want to know if you did recognize him or her.' said Christina. 'I never saw his face , he had a mask and his voice was deep. No one can recognize him'. Said Mike. 'But what about the five girls, are they safe?. Asked Emily. '

"He plays a game , if you follow the rules he won't kill you that's how it goes". Said Mike. 'but how did you escape Mike?.' 'I followed one rule of the game which is called... follow the rules.' said Mike. ' The game...does it have a name?. Asked Christina. ' TRY NOT TO SCREAM..that's the name of the game, you see he will toucher you until you faint sometimes he will leave you to die. If you want to survive follow the rules". said Mike.

"It doesn't make any sense, how come you followed the rules and the other girls didn't?" Said Emily.

"Well obviously they are dump, look if your thinking I'm the suspect your wasting your time" Mike said at the same time in a hash tone.

"Why would we even think about that, we are only gathering info." Said Emily.

"You are not directives, you know what am done for today bye" Said Mike.

After getting some information from Mike who acted weird after firing some questions, Emily got suspicious with Mike's behavior.

"You know Mike acted strange back there, I think his hiding something" said Emily

"I don't know,I think he is traumatized with what he witnessed when he was kidnapped" Said Christina

"We shall find out soon, it's late I need to go see ya tomorrow at school" Said Emily.

"Sure.. Bye" Christina replied.