
Truthful Lies (I wanted the truth but preferred the lies)

In the midst of grief and anger, 17-year-old Adria Renee Wilhelm vows to uncover the truth behind her parents' tragic death. Her quest for justice takes an unexpected turn when she meets enigmatic transfer student Alejandre Lopez, who seems to be hiding secrets of his own. With his piercing gaze and mysterious smile, Andre (as he's known) is an outsider who sparks both curiosity and suspicion. As they dig deeper, they unravel a complex web of family history and deceit that threatens to destroy everything they thought they knew. Adria's determination to expose the truth puts her in the crosshairs of powerful forces, while Andre's mission to fulfill a promise to his father leads him down a dangerous path. With their feelings for each other growing stronger, Adria and Andre must navigate treacherous loyalties, hidden agendas, and the dark truth about their families' past. They discover that their connection goes far beyond coincidence, and that their families' secrets are intertwined in ways they never imagined. Will they find a way to trust each other and confront the shadows of their history, or will the weight of their secrets tear them apart? As they delve deeper into the truth, they must confront the ultimate question: can love and loyalty overcome the darkness of their past, or will it consume them forever?.

Emmyst_01 · วัยรุ่น
22 Chs

chapter 15: An alliance

The old warehouse on the outskirts of town was shrouded in darkness, the only sound the creaking of rusty hinges and the distant hum of a city coming alive. Andre, his eyes scanning the shadows, entered the dimly lit building, his hand resting on the grip of his gun. He was cautious, his senses on high alert, as he waited for Klein Kaiser to reveal himself.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness, his features illuminated by a faint ray of light. Klein Kaiser, his piercing blue eyes fixed on Andre, his chiseled face a mask of intensity.

"So, Klein Kaiser," Andre said, his voice firm, his eyes locked on the mysterious figure. "What do you want?"

Kaiser's smile was a thin, cold line. "I want to help you, Andre. Help you defeat the Shadowhand Clan and bring peace to your world."

Andre's skepticism was palpable. "Why? What's in it for you?"

Kaiser's laughter was low and menacing. "Oh, I have my reasons. Let's just say I have a vested interest in seeing the Shadowhand Clan destroyed."

Andre's eyes narrowed. "What kind of interest?"

Klein Kaiser's smile grew wider. "That's need-to-know information, Andre. And you don't need to know."

The tension between them was palpable, the air thick with unspoken threats and hidden agendas. Andre knew that Klein was a man who played his cards close to his chest, a man who revealed nothing unless it suited his purposes.

Suddenly, the silence was shattered by the sound of footsteps, the creaking of doors, and the rustling of clothes. A group of Shadowhand Clan members, led by Marco Fiore, burst into the warehouse, their guns drawn, their eyes fixed on Klein Kaiser.

"Well, well, well," Marco sneered, his eyes locked on Kaiser. "Look what we have here. The elusive Klein Kaiser, finally out of hiding."

Klein Kaiser's smile never wavered. "Marco Fiore. Always a pleasure to see you."

Andre's hand tightened on his gun, his eyes locked on Marco. "You're a long way from home, Marco. What brings you to our neck of the woods?"

Marco's laughter was cold and menacing. "We've been tracking you both for weeks now. And now that we've found you, we're not going to let you get away, well not without a warning." He said with a menacing smirk.

The air was electric with tension, the silence between them a living, breathing thing. Andre knew that this was it, this was the moment of truth. He and Kaiser against the Shadowhand Clan, with no holds barred.

Without warning, the Shadowhand Clan members charged, their guns blazing, their bullets whizzing through the air. Andre and Klein Kaiser moved in perfect sync, their bodies weaving and bobbing, their guns firing in short, sharp bursts.

The fight was intense, the sound of gunfire and screams filling the air, the smell of smoke and sweat hanging heavy over the warehouse. Andre and Klein fought side by side, their movements fluid and deadly, their eyes locked on their enemies.

Klein Kaiser was a force to be reckoned with, his skills honed to perfection, his strength and agility formidable. Andre watched in awe as Klein took down opponent after opponent, his movements swift and deadly.

As the fight raged on, Andre found himself working in perfect sync with him, their movements fluid and deadly, their eyes locked on their enemies. They were a well-oiled machine, a killing machine, and the Shadowhand Clan members were no match for them.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the fight was over, the Shadowhand Clan members lying dead or wounded on the ground. Andre and Klein Kaiser stood panting, their guns still smoking, their eyes locked on each other.

They looked around but could not see Marco fiore anywhere around. They knew this wasn't it, this was just a warning. A warning that meant Marco wouldn't care if lives were lost on his stupid obsession with power, as far as he got what he needed with no one standing in his way.

Kaiser's smile was a thin, cold line. "You see, Andre, I may not be your friend, but I am a man of my word. I will help you defeat the Shadowhand Clan, but don't think for a moment that I won't return to my own country and claim my rightful place as the strongest mafia king."

Andre nodded, understanding the terms of their agreement. He knew that Kaiser's help came with a price, but he was willing to pay it if it meant defeating the Shadowhand Clan and bringing peace to their world.

As they parted ways, Andre couldn't help but wonder what Klein Kaiser's true intentions were, what secrets he hid behind his piercing blue eyes. But one thing was certain - Klein Kaiser was a man who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, and Andre was grateful to have him on his side.

Andre walked out of the warehouse, his eyes scanning the shadows, his hand resting on the grip of his gun, ready for whatever lay ahead.

As Andre headed back to the haven, he drove around the street twice, his eyes scanning the rearview mirror, before finally pulling into the Haven's parking lot. He was cautious, his senses still on high alert after the intense fight with the Shadowhand Clan. As he stepped out of the car, his mother, Sophia, and Adria rushed to his side, their faces etched with worry.

"Andre, are you okay?" Sophia asked, her voice trembling.

"I'm fine, Mother," Andre replied, reassuring her with a gentle smile. "Just a little shaken up."

Adria's eyes narrowed. "What happened? You were supposed to meet with Klein Kaiser, not get into a firefight."

Andre sighed, knowing he had to brief them on the encounter. "Let's go inside, and I'll fill you in."

As they entered the Haven, Andre called a meeting with the core members, including Jade, who arrived late, apologizing for being preoccupied with the task he had assigned her.

"Sorry I'm late, guys," Jade said, taking a seat. "What did I miss?"

Adria had shocked etched on her face seeing jade here, she looked at everyone one else but it seemed like this was a normal for them. That jade being here was normal. She felt betrayed but waited till after the briefing to confront her.

Andre began to brief them on his meeting with Klein Kaiser. "He's agreed to help us take down the Shadowhand Clan, but he made it clear it's not out of the goodness of his heart. He has his own reasons for wanting them destroyed."

Peter frowned. "What kind of reasons?"

Andre shrugged. "He didn't specify, but I got the feeling it's personal."

Marco spoke up. "We can't trust him, Andre. He's a wild card."

Jade spoke up. "We know, but we need all the help we can get right now. And Klein Kaiser is a force to be reckoned with."

Adria's eyes widened in surprise. "Jade, you knew about this? You knew Andre was meeting with Klein Kaiser? You knew about the mafia? About everything?"

Jade nodded. "Yeah, Andre assigned me to keep an eye on the Shadowhand Clan's movements. I've been tracking them for weeks now."

Adria's face fell, her eyes flashing with anger. "Why didn't you tell me, Jade? Why did you keep it from me?"

Jade looked taken aback. "Adria, I...I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted to protect you."

Adria stood up, her chair scraping against the floor. "Protect me? By lying to me? By keeping secrets from me?" She exclaimed, feeling a rush of different emotions, hurt, anger. But the most prominent was feeling betrayed.

Jade followed her outside, concern etched on her face. "Adria, wait! Please listen to me."

Adria turned, her eyes flashing with anger. "What's going on, Jade? Why did you keep this from me?"

Jade took a deep breath. "Andre is my cousin, Adria. My father is his mother's stepbrother. I'm not a full member of the mafia, but when I learned about the Omertà Alliance and the Shadowhand Clan, I wanted to help protect you."

Adria's eyes widened. "Protect me? Why?"

Jade's eyes filled with tears. "Because you once helped me, Adria. You might not remember, but when I was little and was being bullied, you called your mom, and she scolded the bullies. And when I got lost from my dad, your mom helped me find him. I wanted to repay that kindness, protect you from the shadows."

Adria's anger dissipated, replaced by understanding. "Oh, Jade... you could have told me."

Jade smiled, relief washing over her face. "Our friendship is real, Adria. Everything I told you about myself and my parents' arguments is true. I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark. But I couldn't exactly walk up to you and tell you everything, omertà-code of silence, remember? I knew you would eventually get to know everything and I'm happy it's sooner because I couldn't bear being with you and trying to avoid those topics because I knew I might spill the truth and then Andre would...."

Adria embraced Jade, forgiving her. "You are rambling again. Let's just move forward, okay?"

As they hugged, Jade's face lit up with a mischievous grin. "Hey, speaking of moving forward, don't forget our school gala is coming up! We need to shop for dresses tomorrow after school."

Adria laughed, rolling her eyes. "Only you, Jade, would remind me of a school gala in the middle of all this chaos."

Jade shrugged. "Hey, we can't let the Shadowhand Clan ruin our last school year, can we?"

The two friends shared a smile, ready to face whatever lay ahead, together.


In a dark room, you could see the wisp of smoke rising up and disappearing into thin hair from the cigarette resting between the middle and index finger of the man sitting on the chair as he drew in another smoke and released it.

His face was obscured due to the absence of light but you could tell that he wasn't someone to be messed with because of the deadly aura he was emitting.

A knock sounded on the wooden door as the man muttered a cold 'come in'.

The figure on the other side felt chills run down his spine as he heard the voice.

He quietly opened the door, wishing he could be anywhere but here but he knew he had to give his report. He stepped through the doorway and walked towards the desk where the man was sitting, his chair facing the window as he continued smoking.

He swiveled his chair slowly as he locked eyes with the figure, sending dread down to his very being.

He uttered a one word command that almost had the guy peeing his pant.


"Umm.....boss, w...we...lost him." He said stuttering through his sentence.

"Elaborate." The man commanded.

"We.....ha...had him un...der our ra...dar, but.. but we lost.... connection. It..... seemed like he... knew...our plans." The guy stammered due to fear, fear of the man sitting in front of him.

The man only chuckled darkly, crushing his cigarette on the ashtray present on the table. He opened his drawer and picked up his customized gun with the initials R.K.

Cocking the gun and pointing it at the guy, he said.

"I hate incompetent fools."

And with that he released the trigger, the bullet hitting it's target directly on his head. With a thud the body dropped dead.

Picking up the phone, he dialed a number and the receiver picked immediately, knowing the consequences if he failed to pick on the first ring.

"Get a maid here to clean up the mess in my office. And get someone more competent on this mission. FIND ME KLEIN KAISER OR YOU ARE ALL DEAD. And believe I won't make death easy." He ordered, without waiting for a response from the other end, he cut the call.

Picking up a new cigarette, he lit it up and turned his chair back to his former position, facing the window.

As he took a drag, he chuckled darkly in the night, uttering words that held many promises and threats.

"I will find you, Klein kaiser. And when I do, I would make you beg for death."