
Truthful Lies (I wanted the truth but preferred the lies)

In the midst of grief and anger, 17-year-old Adria Renee Wilhelm vows to uncover the truth behind her parents' tragic death. Her quest for justice takes an unexpected turn when she meets enigmatic transfer student Alejandre Lopez, who seems to be hiding secrets of his own. With his piercing gaze and mysterious smile, Andre (as he's known) is an outsider who sparks both curiosity and suspicion. As they dig deeper, they unravel a complex web of family history and deceit that threatens to destroy everything they thought they knew. Adria's determination to expose the truth puts her in the crosshairs of powerful forces, while Andre's mission to fulfill a promise to his father leads him down a dangerous path. With their feelings for each other growing stronger, Adria and Andre must navigate treacherous loyalties, hidden agendas, and the dark truth about their families' past. They discover that their connection goes far beyond coincidence, and that their families' secrets are intertwined in ways they never imagined. Will they find a way to trust each other and confront the shadows of their history, or will the weight of their secrets tear them apart? As they delve deeper into the truth, they must confront the ultimate question: can love and loyalty overcome the darkness of their past, or will it consume them forever?.

Emmyst_01 · วัยรุ่น
22 Chs

chapter 11: He's Back

"Yes, I trust you Andre." She told him, meaning every word.


Andre nodded, a determined look on his face. "Let's go, then. We'll get Kiara and figure out what's going on."

Adria nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She was glad she wasn't alone in this anymore.

As they drove to the hospital, Adria filled Andre in on the details of Kiara's condition and the strange occurrences surrounding her coma. Andre listened intently, his eyes narrowing as he processed the information.

When they arrived at the hospital, Adria led Andre to Kiara's room, her heart racing with anticipation. She hadn't seen her sister in weeks, and she was worried about what she might find.

As they entered the room, Adria's eyes widened in shock. Kiara's bed was empty, and the machines that had been monitoring her condition were gone.

"Where's Kiara?" Adria demanded, turning to the nurse who was sitting at the desk.

The nurse looked up, a nervous expression on her face. "I'm sorry, Adria. Kiara was discharged yesterday. Nanny Esther came and took her home."

Adria's eyes narrowed. "What? That's impossible. Kiara can't even move on her own."

The nurse shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you, Adria. Nanny Esther had all the necessary paperwork and clearance. We had to let her take Kiara."

Andre's hand closed around Adria's arm, his grip tight. "We need to get out of here, now," he whispered.

Adria nodded, her mind racing. She knew something was very wrong.

As they left the hospital, Adria turned to Andre. "We need to find Kiara. And we need to find out what's going on."

Andre nodded, his eyes cold and determined. "We will. I promise you that."

And with that, they set off on a dangerous journey to uncover the truth and save Kiara from whatever forces were working against her.

As Andre drove them back to her house, he parked a bit far so he wouldn't be spotted. Adria quickly got down eager to find out answers about her sister. Before she could take a step further Andre held her hand pulling her into his embrace. He had gotten down immediately knowing how eager she was.

"Promise me you'll be safe and if anything happens call me okay?" He told her.

"I promise." She whispered into his embrace, reluctant to let go, to have to face the blunt reality waiting for her within the confines of the walls she once called home. As she pulled away, she looked into his eyes and repeated her earlier words more audibly.

"I promise, Andre." He nodded as he was satisfied with her answer, not just her words but her eyes which held promises they intended to keep.

He reluctantly let her go not without leaving a lingering kiss on her forehead. Adria walked quickly towards her house but turned back constantly and each time saw he was still there, making sure she got in safely.

As Adria entered her house, she felt a sense of unease. Something didn't feel right. She looked around, but everything seemed to be in its place. She decided to check Kiara's room, hoping to find some clues. As she entered the room, she noticed that Kiara's belongings were still there, walking towards the bed she saw a figure on it. Adria's heart raced as she looked closer and saw it was Kiara, she felt relieved at the Knowledge that her sister lay right I'm front of her.

She sat down next to Kiara as she gently ran her hand through her hair. Adria didn't know it but tears of relief were rolling down her face at the fact that her sister was safe, but for how long.

The door opened and nanny Esther walked in. Adria immediately had her guard up as she saw her. She didn't want to believe that the woman who had been taking care of her since she was a child had a hand in her sister's condition.

Nanny Esther had a knowing look on her face as she stood close to the door.

"I don't know what you are thinking of me right now, but I would like for you to give me a chance to explain. I assure you, everything I did was with your best interest at heart."

Adria didn't know what to think, so she decided to listen to her explanation.

"I would listen but not here, we should go to my father's study." She said as she stood up and walked past her and out the door into the study room.

Esther was right behind her and closed the door after she got in. Adria was alarmed as she noticed her actions.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just don't want anyone listening in." She said in explanation.

Adria didn't quite understand but let it go.

"You said you had an explanation."

Nanny Esther took a deep breath before continuing. "You see, Adria, your family has been part of the Omertà Alliance for generations. They were one of the founding families, and your father was a high-ranking member. But there were those who opposed your family's influence and power. The Shadowhand Clan was one of them. They've been trying to take down your family for years, and they had finally succeeded in killing your parents."

Adria's eyes widened in shock. She had always known that her family was important, but she had no idea they were part of something so dangerous. She felt a surge of anger and fear, but she tried to stay calm and listen to Nanny Esther's explanation.

Nanny Esther continued. "Kiara saw me pointing a gun at the intruder that day because I was trying to protect her. I had sworn an oath of silence, but I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. I've been trying to keep you both safe ever since. I've been working with a few trusted allies to keep the Shadowhand Clan at bay, but it's getting harder. They're getting bolder, and I fear they'll stop at nothing to eliminate your family once and for all."

Adria's mind was racing. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had so many questions, but she didn't know where to start. She remembered Kiara, who was still unconscious, and knew she had to do whatever it took to keep her sister safe.

"But why did you take Kiara out of the hospital?" she asked, her voice shaking with anger and fear.

Nanny Esther's expression turned grave. "Because I received information that the Shadowhand Clan was back, and this time they had an army with them. I had to get Kiara to safety before they could get to her. And now, Adria, you're in danger too. We need to get you both out of here, tonight. We need to go to a safe house, where we can regroup and figure out our next move."

Adria nodded, her heart racing with fear. She knew she had to trust Nanny Esther, no matter how hard it was. She thought of Kiara, and knew she had to do whatever it took to keep her sister safe.

"Okay," she said, her voice firm. "Let's do it. Let's get Kiara and get out of here. But I have one more question? Did she fall of the stairs or was she pushed and who has been giving me induced amnesia drugs?."

"I know you don't exactly trust me right now but I want you to know that I would never do anything to hurt you or Kiara, you are both like daughters to me. I didn't push her if that's what you are thinking and I know nothing about the drugs you are talking about." Nanny Esther said, her look pleading for Adria to believe her.

"But you've been in charge of my food for years, how do you not know that someone's been drugging me not to remember all this while?" Adria questioned still skeptical about trusting her fully.

"You are right, I've been in charge of your food for years and I would know if they had been induced with drugs, but I know that they haven't. If someone's been drugging you, it isn't through food. As much as I would love to find out who it is we need to leave now." She said with a note of urgency in her voice.

"You are right, that isn't the top of our priority right now. Protecting my sister is." Adria agreed with her.

Nanny Esther nodded, a look of determination on her face. "Let's go. We need to move quickly, before the Shadowhand Clan catches up with us."

Adria stood up, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she was in danger, but she was ready to face whatever came her way. She was determined to keep Kiara safe, and to uncover the truth about her family's past.

As they left the study room, Adria couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. She knew she was walking into a dangerous world, but she was ready to face it head-on. She was ready to fight for her family, and for the truth.


Andre had finally driven off when he saw her enter safely. He had respected her decision not to follow her but that didn't mean he didn't take any action. He had increased the number of guards surrounding the house and instructed them to let him know if anything seemed out of the ordinary.

Right now he was headed to his mafia headquarters. Getting there he was greeted by his loyal associates. He came here because he had some issues to address. He went to his office on his top floor and asked someone to send peter to his office. As he sat down at his desk, his mother Sophia walked in unexpectedly.

Seeing her he had a look of surprise on his face before it turned expressionless.

"What are you doing here, mother?" He asked in a cold voice.

"You do not use that tone on me young man. Now ask me nicely and I would answer. I do remember teaching you manners, I wonder what happened to them." She told him in a reprimanding voice.

Andre sighed exasperatedly,

"Mother I don't have time for this."

"Well you'd better make time because I'm not leaving here without some answers. And you know me Alejandre, I will get my answers." She said using his full name and Andre knew she means business.

"Why are you doing this Andre? You promised me you would let it go. I don't want to lose you too, you are all that I have going." She said sounding like she was about to cry. Andre could sense the vulnerability in her voice and he felt guilty knowing he was the cause.

He stood up and went around the table as he stood in front of his mother. She immediately pulled him into a hug as it had been a long time she had seen her only son.

Andre pulled away from the hug and explained,

"I know mum and that's exactly why I'm doing this. It isn't just to avenge their death but to prevent more deaths if they succeed. I won't let that happen because I can't Bear to see those that I care about fall his victims. I don't want to lose anyone anymore." He said.

At that moment his phone rang, seeing the id his eyes lit up and his mother didn't fail to notice it.

He excused himself and went into his adjourned room in the office. Picking the call, he felt happy hearing her voice, knowing that she was safe.

"Andre I found her, she's okay. But I also found other things that I can't say over the phone." She told him.

"I'll come pick you up by 7. Is that okay?" He asked.

"Yeah it is." She replied. Adria had a lot of things to say to him, like how much she missed him even if it's not up to 2 hours they've been apart. Like how much her heart was beating right now just hearing his voice, but she settled for;

"I miss you."

"Well of course, who wouldn't miss me." He said teasing her a bit, trying to take her mind of things even for a little while. "I miss you too." He said to her.

Adria didn't want to but she had to end the call, they still had to figure out a plan.

Andre got back to his office and discovered that his mother was still there. She had settled her self on the couch at one end of the office, close to a mini library.

"So when am I going to meet her?" His mother asked, smiling as her eyes crinkled a bit.

Andre was taken aback by his mother's question. He hadn't expected her to pick up on his conversation with Adria so quickly. "Mother, I don't know what you're talking about," he said, trying to play it cool.

Sophia raised an eyebrow. "Don't lie to me, Andre. I saw the way you lit up when you saw her name on your phone. Who is she?"

Andre sighed, knowing he couldn't avoid the question. "Her name is Adria. She's...complicated. And right now, she's in danger. That's why I need to focus on helping her, not on introducing her to you."

Sophia's expression turned serious. "I understand. But promise me one thing, Andre. If she's important to you, don't let her get hurt. You've already lost too much in your life. I don't want to see you lose anyone else."

Andre nodded, feeling a pang of guilt. He knew his mother was right. He couldn't afford to lose anyone else, especially not Adria. "I promise, mother. I'll do everything in my power to keep her safe."

Just then, Peter walked into the office, looking nervous. "Andre, we have a problem. There's been a sighting of Shadowhand Clan members in the city. It seems like he's back and this time, I don't think he would leave easily."

Andre's expression turned cold. "Assemble the team. We need to create a game plan. But first, find out why he came back." He instructed.

"Yes boss." He replied as he left to do what he was instructed.

"Mom, it seems you and Adria are going to meet sooner than expected. I'm bringing her here so she can be safe." He informed.

"Finally, I can't wait to meet my future daughter-in-law." She said happily as Andre stared at his mother in shock.