
Chapter 1

What's that?

who is there?

Dolly? Dolly? Dolly?

Annabelle called as she made her way through the passage from the kitchen, moving straight to Dolly's room and was surprised to meet Dolly at the entrance looking all messed up.

"What the ..." Annabelle exclaimed as she stood fixed to a spot , watching Dolly in her usual giggling manner

"Oh my" she eventually dropped those words out her mouth as she carried Dolly up who in turn switched her giggling into a rather louder chuckling "Naughty you" She laughed a little heartily as they both chuckled.

" Helloooo"

A baritone voice called out from outside the door

Who's there? Annabelle answered

"Me" the voice called back

Annabelle was already at the door by this time, she opened the door and standing at the door is Xavier a tall muscled man with curly hair and fine face .. "oh it's you" Annabelle said "Come in" she offered and gestured with her hand "Is Amelia in"? He asked

"No, she went to the store to get groceries she might be back any moment from now You can step in and wait for her"

" ohhh Nevermind, I will just leave tell her I came around" he said briskly and turned

Annabelle shrugged her shoulders "that was rather unusual. Dolly come here and get your self cleaned up " Few minutes later...

Amelia opens the door and found her way in

Helloooo Any one in?

Ohhh You are back answered Annabelle

Yeah ...


Thank You

Dolly is inside , and didn't you see Xavier on your way in?

Noo , rather looking surprised , I didn't he was here?

Yeah , a few minutes ago he was standing at the door asking of you how come you guys didn't meet?

Did he come with his car?

I don't think so , I asked him to wait but he declined. what ever just go in and get freshen up yourself you look all stressed up

Yeahh I do Amelia stood up tiredly and moved towards the passage muttering to herself she said as she moved briskly towards the passage muttering to herself

"Why would he leave when he could have just waited for me "

Annabelle watched her as she moved, sitting on the couch and reaching for the TV remote on the table " She really didn't care about Dolly, I wonder what all this is all about she muttered"

The next day....

Amelia in office scribbling away on a piece of paper obviously not aware of her environment, lost in thoughts apparently her pretty long face squeezed together in a displeased manner and whatever she was thinking about seemed to bother her well

"Hello ma'am"

she jerked, startled at the voice she had and looked up, only to see the clerk staring at her, apparently surprised at the position she met her boss

"Errmm ma'am, I wanted to ask if you are done with the Gibson's company files so I could take them and do the necessary on it" she asked rather too fluttering

"Oh yeah you can that's it" she said still in the way her face was

"Ok ma'am"

"And yeah, I don't want anyone seeing me till I'm ready to go home"

"Ok ma'am"

"You can attend to them if it's that necessary"

"Ok ma'am"

"Yeah , take the files, you can go now"

"Ok ma'am she said rather too briskly as she turned to walked out of the office"

Amelia sighed as she watched the clerk walk out of her office closing the door behind her. She always thought Olivia to be a observational person, though she pretends like she sometimes know nothing about what goes on

"she might even know about this" She said to her self "such pretentious person" she said to herself again, sighing with that displeased look she had on her face the other time "not her fault tho, that's who she is"

She returned back again, into the land of thoughts she was before Olivia disrupted her , now putting her head on her table, she slept off ...

Almost at the same hour in another area of the town.....

Xavier sitting on the couch with his legs on the table, obviously enjoying the movie he is watching, hands stretched on the upper side of the couch with the TV remote on his left hand


Yes, he looked up to see the maid standing in front of him

"You are not transparent, I hope you know that"

"ohh I'm sorry sir" , she moved a little bit to his side allowing space for Xavier to see the TV clearly .

Sir, one "Mr Thompson Is outside to see you"

What ! "You left him outside only to come and disturb me here"? Allow him in he exclaimed rather to low for a shout

"okay Sir" she turned to go outside

"Errmm Mary", she turned

"I'm sorry I shouted at you , but next time , Thompson Is allowed here any day anytime"

"okay sir she turned again, walking rather too timidly apparently feeling stupid of herself"

"Ohh man"

Thompson walked in as he found his way to a chair adjacent Xavier

"What's up man" , he said again sitting down

"I'm good wabout" You

"Hmmm Life has been good man , Daisy not helping" he said the last words rather awkwardly and laughed

"What was that supposed to mean"?

"ohh You mean that, never mind How's Amelia"

"Amelia is doing fine I guess "

"You guess? I don't understand"

"it's been a while I heard from her was at her place yesterday tho...was told she went out....

ohhh I see

I just feel something is not right

How do you mean?

I just feel things are not in its place, I don't know if my instincts are wrong , but I just think things are not in its place

Yeah, Even Daisy has been acting kinda funny these days ..... Do you think there is something between these three dat we don't know? he continued...

Maybe there is....but that's what I can't fathom

Anyways..We are just assuming you know , there might really be nothing... Let's leave that how's the company

ohhh the company is going fine, but nothing compared to when Emma was alive..

Ohhh, maybe that was why you felt something is not right he chuckled....your new maid too? how are you finding her?

She is a bit better, she is catching up I think, except that she left you outside to come and announce that you are outside

You guys will get along don't worry, the first one was like that too

She was quite acquainted with Emma, she only had little problems with me, and to think that she left after Emma died, it's disheartening. he said the last words rather dissatisfactory

Whatever... let's just hope for better days ahead and You getting married too

Not now please, I have a future to focus on okay?

They both laughed ....

Thompson stood up to leave, and after bidding each other good bye, Xavier returned to brooding he feels something is just not right, not the company issues that Thompson mentioned, or the maid that left but something his mind is telling him is not in place, he feels something is not meant to be where it is, like a part of him is missing, like he is incomplete, like he needed to fix something what he needed to do he don't know, what needed to be fixed is not cleared to him "I can't continue like this", he muttered.

Life has not been the same since Emma died, he never saw it coming, he could have refused the one year abroad course She took with her friends Daisy and Amelia Emma has been the best to him supportive and caring, he would have argued if he was told that they might not last together, but death was the